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Created April 23, 2019 05:23
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rsimha@rsimha-macbookpro2 (2019-04-22-ClosureNailgun):~/src/amphtml$ gulp dist --noextensions
[01:22:27] Using gulpfile ~/src/amphtml/gulpfile.js
[01:22:27] Starting 'update-packages'...
[01:22:29] Installed lint rules from build-system/eslint-rules
[01:22:29] All packages in node_modules are up to date.
[01:22:29] Patched node_modules/web-animations-js/web-animations.install.js
[01:22:29] Patched node_modules/document-register-element/build/document-register-element.patched.js
[01:22:29] Enabled ES6 transforms for runtime dependency @ampproject/animations
[01:22:29] Enabled ES6 transforms for runtime dependency @ampproject/worker-dom
[01:22:29] Enabled ES6 transforms for runtime dependency document-register-element
[01:22:29] Enabled ES6 transforms for runtime dependency dompurify
[01:22:29] Enabled ES6 transforms for runtime dependency moment
[01:22:29] Enabled ES6 transforms for runtime dependency preact
[01:22:29] Enabled ES6 transforms for runtime dependency preact-compat
[01:22:29] Enabled ES6 transforms for runtime dependency promise-pjs
[01:22:29] Enabled ES6 transforms for runtime dependency react-dates
[01:22:29] Enabled ES6 transforms for runtime dependency set-dom
[01:22:29] Enabled ES6 transforms for runtime dependency web-activities
[01:22:29] Enabled ES6 transforms for runtime dependency web-animations-js
[01:22:29] Finished 'update-packages' after 2.31 s
[01:22:29] Starting 'dist'...
[01:22:29] Running dist. Press Ctrl + C to cancel...
[01:22:29] Not building any AMP extensions.
[01:22:29] ⤷ Use --noextensions to skip building extensions.
[01:22:29] ⤷ Use --extensions=amp-foo,amp-bar to choose which extensions to build.
[01:22:29] ⤷ Use --extensions=minimal_set to build just the extensions needed to load article.amp.html.
[01:22:29] ⤷ Use --extensions_from=examples/foo.amp.html to build extensions from example docs.
[01:22:30] Recompiled CSS in amp.css (1.153 s)
[01:22:30] Recompiled CSS in video-autoplay.css (060 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-access/0.1 (940 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-access-scroll/0.1 (936 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-ad/0.1 (935 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-apester-media/0.1 (933 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-autocomplete/0.1 (930 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-delight-player/0.1 (927 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-byside-content/0.1 (926 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-consent/0.1 (919 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-fit-text/0.1 (917 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-form/0.1 (916 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-fx-flying-carpet/0.1 (915 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-gwd-animation/0.1 (913 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-image-lightbox/0.1 (912 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-instagram/0.1 (908 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-live-list/0.1 (901 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-mathml/0.1 (900 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-next-page/0.1 (899 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-script/0.1 (889 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-sidebar/0.1 (888 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-story-auto-ads/0.1 (845 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-selector/0.1 (844 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-web-push/0.1 (843 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-image-viewer/0.1 (840 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-recaptcha-input/0.1 (836 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-twitter/0.1 (834 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-user-notification/0.1 (833 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-viz-vega/0.1 (832 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-access-laterpay/0.1 (942 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-access-laterpay/0.2 (941 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-playbuzz/0.1 (899 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-app-banner/0.1 (947 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-carousel/0.1 (939 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-image-slider/0.1 (926 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-lightbox/0.1 (922 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-list/0.1 (918 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-pinterest/0.1 (912 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-sticky-ad/1.0 (900 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-pan-zoom/0.1 (851 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-video-docking/0.1 (846 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-subscriptions/0.1 (854 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-lightbox-gallery/0.1 (922 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-base-carousel/0.1 (981 ms)
[01:22:31] Recompiled CSS in amp-social-share/0.1 (971 ms)
[01:22:32] Recompiled CSS in amp-date-picker/0.1 (1.129 s)
[01:22:32] Recompiled CSS in amp-subscriptions-google/0.1 (1.215 s)
[01:22:32] Recompiled CSS in amp-story/0.1 (1.832 s)
[01:22:32] Recompiled CSS in amp-story/1.0 (1.951 s)
[01:22:32] Starting nailgun-server.jar on port 2113
[01:22:34] Processed 3p/frame.max.html (692 ms)
[01:22:34] Processed 3p/nameframe.max.html (719 ms)
[01:22:34] Processed 3p/recaptcha.max.html (717 ms)
[01:22:34] Copied build/css/*.css to dist/*.css (974 ms)
[01:22:45] Minified iframe-transport-client-v0.js (11.841 s)
[01:22:45] Minified ampcontext-v0.js (11.956 s)
[01:22:46] Minified recaptcha.js (12.582 s)
[01:22:47] Minified f.js (13.958 s)
[01:22:53] Minified video-iframe-integration-v0.js (19.383 s)
[01:22:58] Minified amp4ads-host-v0.js (24.304 s)
[01:23:01] Minified shadow-v0.js (27.270 s)
[01:23:01] Minified v0.js (27.288 s)
[01:23:02] Minified amp4ads-v0.js (28.833 s)
[01:23:07] Minified alp.js (33.259 s)
[01:23:07] Minified examiner.js (33.607 s)
[01:23:08] Minified ww.js (34.559 s)
[01:23:08] Minified experiments.js (34.201 s)
[01:23:12] Minified amp-web-push-helper-frame.js (37.581 s)
[01:23:12] Minified amp-web-push-permission-dialog.js (37.589 s)
[01:23:13] Minified amp-login-done-0.1.js → amp-login-done-latest.js (38.600 s)
[01:23:13] Stopping nailgun-server.jar on port 2113
[01:23:13] Finished 'dist' after 44 s
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