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Last active November 29, 2015 20:57
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Energy Consumption Overview, Appropriated from Bostock
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<h1>Energy Consumption Overview: Estimates by Energy Source, 2013</h1>
<p>Stacked bar graph <a href="">shamelessly copied</a> from Mike Bostock. I didn't even use the stacked layout! (I need to learn some Javascript or refresh my Python skills first.) Energy consumption <a href="">data</a> from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.<p>
<p>I was <em>intending</em> to show the breakdown of goal scoring for each of the 30 NHL teams during the 2014-15 season, but could not figure out how to properly format the unequal number of players who scored goals for each team.</p>
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State Coal Natural Gas Petroleum Nuclear Electric Power Renewable Energy
AL 565.1 628.5 508.0 426.5 317.7
AK 14.8 333.0 240.7 0.0 20.4
AZ 454.9 340.6 493.8 328.4 122.9
AR 327.1 288.2 317.8 124.8 121.8
CA 38.2 2483.5 3246.6 187.2 872.6
CO 363.5 481.9 459.2 0.0 123.1
CT 7.7 240.1 307.4 178.5 40.9
DE 18.3 100.7 95.2 0.0 7.5
DC 0.0 33.8 14.8 0.0 1.2
FL 505.2 1245.2 1527.3 277.2 315.5
GA 426.2 634.8 880.0 343.8 270.4
HI 15.3 0.2 233.0 0.0 28.6
ID 8.0 107.1 158.7 0.0 139.6
IL 1026.9 1063.7 1195.0 1014.9 234.6
IN 1198.6 680.3 759.1 0.0 150.0
IA 402.4 306.5 414.2 55.6 384.7
KS 326.8 289.0 405.8 74.9 131.9
KY 914.8 236.0 570.8 0.0 89.5
LA 228.1 1500.5 1695.3 177.2 138.4
ME 1.7 65.9 182.7 0.0 161.4
MD 183.2 209.3 463.8 149.0 78.0
MA 42.2 454.5 547.7 45.3 81.0
MI 658.2 832.1 823.4 302.2 195.5
MN 267.7 478.8 583.4 111.9 233.7
MS 97.8 428.4 420.5 113.5 70.2
MO 806.5 281.5 610.7 87.4 94.5
MT 166.1 82.3 169.0 0.0 117.7
NE 293.0 179.6 233.4 71.7 136.3
NV 64.8 282.3 219.7 0.0 75.6
NH 16.8 55.6 141.2 114.2 58.0
NJ 25.9 713.1 968.9 348.8 89.0
NM 256.4 253.0 250.2 0.0 45.3
NY 68.7 1321.6 1235.9 467.7 410.2
NC 493.8 445.0 789.3 420.5 220.3
ND 393.2 83.8 217.8 0.0 97.4
OH 1104.5 946.0 1126.0 168.5 148.0
OK 335.9 683.1 520.5 0.0 170.0
OR 38.9 244.3 329.6 0.0 464.5
PA 1126.1 1146.6 1168.0 822.5 216.6
RI 0.0 88.6 77.8 0.0 5.7
SC 257.3 236.9 482.6 566.9 144.8
SD 34.2 84.5 113.6 0.0 127.7
TN 399.8 286.1 661.8 297.7 218.3
TX 1597.4 4137.4 6163.9 400.4 552.2
UT 355.2 258.9 282.5 0.0 24.7
VT 0.0 9.7 75.2 50.6 36.1
VA 290.5 433.5 784.4 306.4 146.9
WA 75.0 328.0 713.2 88.4 933.1
WV 771.2 151.3 184.8 0.0 60.0
WI 454.6 450.2 504.9 122.0 169.0
WY 520.7 156.2 159.1 0.0 54.5
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