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Last active March 1, 2024 08:00
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  • Save rsimon/eac82d0ab15ab3e6c635183c923b67cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Sample code for AnnotoriousOSD that automates polygon selection by tracing contours in the selected image section.
import OpenSeadragon from 'openseadragon';
import * as Annotorious from '@recogito/annotorious-openseadragon';
import '@recogito/annotorious-openseadragon/dist/annotorious.min.css';
* Basic concept for this is from the official OpenCV docs:
// Helper: chunks an array (i.e array to array of arrays)
const chunk = (array, size) => {
const chunked_arr = [];
let index = 0;
while (index < array.length) {
chunked_arr.push(array.slice(index, size + index));
index += size;
return chunked_arr;
// Helper: creates a dummy polygon annotation from the given coords
const toAnnotation = coords => ({
"@context": "",
"id": "#a88b22d0-6106-4872-9435-c78b5e89fede",
"type": "Annotation",
"body": [],
"target": {
"selector": [{
"type": "SvgSelector",
"value": `<svg><polygon points='${ => xy.join(',')).join(' ')}'></polygon></svg>`
* Cuts the selected image snippet from the OpenSeadragon CANVAS element.
const getSnippet = (viewer, annotation) => {
// Scale factor for OSD canvas element (physical vs. logical resolution)
const { canvas } = viewer.drawer;
const canvasBounds = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const kx = canvas.width / canvasBounds.width;
const ky = canvas.height / canvasBounds.height;
// Parse fragment selector (image coordinates)
// WARNING: a hack that STRICTLY assumes a box selection
// from Annotorious (will break for polygon selections)
const [ xi, yi, wi, hi ] =
.map(str => parseFloat(str));
// Convert image coordinates (=annotation) to viewport coordinates (=OpenSeadragon canvas)
const topLeft = viewer.viewport.imageToViewerElementCoordinates(new OpenSeadragon.Point(xi, yi));
const bottomRight = viewer.viewport.imageToViewerElementCoordinates(new OpenSeadragon.Point(xi + wi, yi + hi));
const { x, y } = topLeft;
const w = bottomRight.x - x;
const h = bottomRight.y - y;
// Cut out the image snippet as in-memory canvas element
const snippet = document.createElement('CANVAS');
const ctx = snippet.getContext('2d');
snippet.width = w;
snippet.height = h;
ctx.drawImage(canvas, x * kx, y * ky, w * kx, h * ky, 0, 0, w * kx, h * ky);
// Return snippet canvas + basic properties useful for downstream coord translation
return { snippet, kx, ky, x: xi, y: yi };
* Computer vision magic happens here
const findContourPolygon = canvasInput => {
const src = cv.imread(canvasInput);
const dst = cv.Mat.zeros(src.rows, src.cols, cv.CV_8UC3);
// Convert to grayscale & threshold
cv.cvtColor(src, src, cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY, 0);
cv.threshold(src, src, 0, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY + cv.THRESH_OTSU);
// Find contours
const contours = new cv.MatVector();
const hierarchy = new cv.Mat();
cv.findContours(src, contours, hierarchy, cv.RETR_CCOMP, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); // CV_RETR_EXTERNAL
// Approximate closed polygons, keep only the largest
let largestAreaPolygon = { area: 0 };
for (let i = 0; i < contours.size(); ++i) {
const polygon = new cv.Mat();
const contour = contours.get(i);
cv.approxPolyDP(contour, polygon, 3, true);
// Compute contour areas
const area = cv.contourArea(polygon);
if (area > largestAreaPolygon.area)
largestAreaPolygon = { area, polygon };
// TODO potential memory leak - we should also delete the other polygons,
// but hey, it's a quick hack
const polygons = new cv.MatVector();
// Uncomment if you want to render the intermediate results to the screen
let color = new cv.Scalar(
Math.round(Math.random() * 255),
Math.round(Math.random() * 255),
Math.round(Math.random() * 255));
cv.drawContours(dst, polygons, -1, color, 1, 8, hierarchy, 0);
const mask = document.createElement('CANVAS');
mask.width = canvasInput.width;
mask.height = canvasInput.height;
cv.imshow(mask, src);
const output = document.createElement('CANVAS');
output.width = canvasInput.width;
output.height = canvasInput.height;
cv.imshow(output, dst);
return chunk(largestAreaPolygon.polygon.data32S, 2);
(function() {
// Init OpenSeadragon
const viewer = OpenSeadragon({
id: "openseadragon",
prefixUrl: "/images/",
tileSources: {
type: "image",
// Attribution: Grundriss der Kaiserl. Königl. Haupt und Residenzstadt Wien, Max von Grimm
url: "/ac04382777_grimm_wien_1806.jpg"
// Init Annotorious
const anno = Annotorious(viewer, { widgets: [ 'TAG' ] });
// On selection: cut snippet, find contours, update the annotation
anno.on('createSelection', async function(selection) {
// Extract the image snippet, recording
// - image snippet (as canvas element)
// - x/y coordinate of the snippet top-left (image coordinate space)
// - kx/ky scale factors between canvas element physical and logical dimensions
const { snippet, x, y, kx, ky } = getSnippet(viewer, selection);
// Current image zoom from OSD
const imageZoom = viewer.viewport.viewportToImageZoom(viewer.viewport.getZoom());
// Polygon coordinates, in the snippet element's logical coordinate space
const localCoords = findContourPolygon(snippet);
// Translate to image coordinate space
const coords = => {
const px = x + (xy[0] / kx) / imageZoom;
const py = y + (xy[1] / ky) / imageZoom;
return [ px, py ];
// Turn coords to W3C WebAnnotation
const annotation = toAnnotation(coords);
// Add the new annotation in Annotorious and select
// it (replacing the current user selection)
setTimeout(function() {
anno.setAnnotations([ annotation ]);
}, 10);
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@rsimon. Great. We have a few live instances already running it and the workflow is making people quite happy. We keep annotations in local cache until people are ready to commit them into the actual digital Object metadata and then those can be used in IIIF manifests too. Happy to share our use case of your work with the world. Feel free to link/share in anyway (its 100% open source) or shoot me an email and I can add more details at Will make sure to add it to our release notes, documentation and in code too and of course link back. Thanks a lot. I feel I will have fun adapting the code on our side too. Cheers

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rsimon commented Dec 10, 2020

Cool, thanks. Would it be ok to list this under "Who's Using Annotorious" as Archipelago open source digital collections software, by the Metropolitan New York Library Council? Given that Archipelago doesn't have a logo itself, is use of the 'Metro' logo (from acceptable?

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Of course, thanks @rsimon. Yeah we do more code than logos lately. If you could use Archipelago open Source Digital Object Repository Software that would be even better, but both work and we really appreciate it. Will share with you our documentation language soon and we will also make a google group post soon about this integration (already 2-3 months old) If its easier you can fetch the logo from here
And our entry point repo (link if you want, not mandatory) is

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rsimon commented Dec 10, 2020

Wonderful, thanks. I'll do exactly as you suggest. Will ping back when I added this to the Readme.

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rsimon commented Dec 11, 2020

Hi @DiegoPino, I added the reference to the Annotorious OpenSeadragon Readme.

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Hi @rsimon, is the annotation coordinates relative to the aspect ratio of image on the viewer or it is relative to the viewport's aspect ratio?

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rsimon commented Apr 19, 2023

Hi @SreelakshmiNM, annotation coordinates are pixel coordinates in the original resolution of the base image.

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SreelakshmiNM commented Apr 19, 2023

@rsimon is there any proof ?

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rsimon commented Apr 19, 2023

Ha ha :-) Well how about just trying out and see for yourself? ;-) The code above is just a proof of concept though. No guarantees this code will work with the latest version.

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@rsimon how to zoom the annotation ,
Zoom so that the long side of the annotation is half the width or height of the image.

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rsimon commented Apr 21, 2023

Not sure if this is what you mean. But if you wnat to zoom the viewport to show a specific annotation, with an optional padding around it:

There's a not-yet-documented feature. You can call the method with anno.fitBounds(annotation, { padding: 40 }) and that would keep a 40px padding around the annotation when zooming.

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@rsimon how did you download opencv in react application?

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