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Created October 23, 2014 21:43
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Doing statistical error propagation with Python
import uncertainties as unc
import uncertainties.unumpy as unumpy
import numpy
import nemmen
# Defines x and y
# Defines the error arrays, values follow a normal distribution
# (method random_normal defined in
errx=nemmen.random_normal(0.1,0.2,50); errx=numpy.abs(errx)
erry=nemmen.random_normal(0.3,0.2,50); erry=numpy.abs(erry)
# Defines special arrays holding the values *and* errors
x=unumpy.uarray(( x, errx ))
y=unumpy.uarray(( y, erry ))
Now any operation that you carry on xerr and yerr will
automatically propagate the associated errors, as long
as you use the methods provided with uncertainties.unumpy
instead of using the numpy methods.
Let's for instance define z as
z = log10(x+y**2)
and estimate errz.
# Print the propagated error errz
print errz
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