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Last active May 8, 2024 12:48
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  • Save rsp/8e565895df24c46ee80cfaac68d05e64 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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How to create a Pull Request on GitHub

How to create a Pull Request on GitHub

1. Fork the repository:

Fork the repo

2. Select user or organization to fork as:

(if you belong to one or more organizations with appropriate permissions)

Select user

3. Clone your fork locally:

a. Using GitHub Desktop:

(see GitHub Desktop website)

Open in GitHub Desktop

b. Using the command line:

Copy the repo URL:

Copy the repo URL

Clone it with the git command:

git clone

4. Create a new branch:

Enter the directory:

cd warsawjs-workshop-22-unit-converter

Create and checkout a new branch for a new feature:

git checkout -b feature/your-new-feature

or for a bug fix:

git checkout -b fix/some-bug

(Those branch names like feature/your-new-feature or fix/some-bug are just conventions but technically you can call them however you want.)

5. Make your changes:

Now edit some files.

(You can make the changes before you create a new branch.)

6. Add your new changes:

Add the changed files with the git command:

git add frontend/index.html

7. Create a commit:

Commit the added files to your branch:

git commit -m 'Your commit description'

8. Push changes to your fork:

Push the new commits on your branch to your fork:

git push origin feature/your-new-feature

9. Enter pull requests:

Now go to your fork on GitHub or to the original repo Pull Requests:

Pull requests

10. New pull request:

Create a new pull request:

New pull request

You will go a "Comparing changes" page.

11. Comparing changes:

Comparing changes

A - this should be the original repo

In this example: rsp/warsawjs-workshop-22-unit-converter

B - this should be the main branch of the original repo

In this example: "master". Usually called: "master" or "develop".

C - this should be your fork

In this example: YOUR_USERNAME/warsawjs-workshop-22-unit-converter

D - this is your branch with the changes

In this example: feature/your-new-feature

12. Create pull request:

Create pull request

Click "Create pull request", add a title, description and you're done!



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