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Last active July 15, 2024 07:31
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P values for sklearn logistic regression
from sklearn import linear_model
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stat
class LogisticReg:
Wrapper Class for Logistic Regression which has the usual sklearn instance
in an attribute self.model, and pvalues, z scores and estimated
errors for each coefficient in
as well as the negative hessian of the log Likelihood (Fisher information)
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):#,**kwargs):
self.model = linear_model.LogisticRegression(*args,**kwargs)#,**args)
def fit(self,X,y):,y)
#### Get p-values for the fitted model ####
denom = (2.0*(1.0+np.cosh(self.model.decision_function(X))))
denom = np.tile(denom,(X.shape[1],1)).T
F_ij =,X) ## Fisher Information Matrix
Cramer_Rao = np.linalg.inv(F_ij) ## Inverse Information Matrix
sigma_estimates = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(Cramer_Rao))
z_scores = self.model.coef_[0]/sigma_estimates # z-score for eaach model coefficient
p_values = [stat.norm.sf(abs(x))*2 for x in z_scores] ### two tailed test for p-values
self.z_scores = z_scores
self.p_values = p_values
self.sigma_estimates = sigma_estimates
self.F_ij = F_ij
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dini437 commented Jul 12, 2020

Hi @rspeare , I tried the following code as per your guidance.

F_ij = / denom).T,X) + np.eye(F_ij.shape[0])*eps ## Fisher Information Matrix

but now I am having unbound local error: local variable 'F_ij' referenced before assignment.
Can you please help me on this. Thanks

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I edited code a bit so it now can work with multinomial logistic regression. The extended class should calculate statistics for each pair of classes of the dependent variable.
I also added a function to output the results of calculation properly.

class MNLogisticReg(linear_model.LogisticRegression):
    def __init__(self, *args,**kwargs):#,**kwargs):
        self.model = linear_model.LogisticRegression(*args,**kwargs)#,**args)
        if 'fit_intercept' in kwargs.keys():           
            self._fit_intercept = kwargs['fit_intercept']

    def fit(self,X,y):,y)
        #### Get p-values for the fitted model ####
        denom = (2.0*(1.0+np.cosh(self.model.decision_function(X))))
        p_values = []
        z_scores = []
        self.columns = list(X.columns)

        if self._fit_intercept:
            X = np.hstack([np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)), X])
        for i in range(denom.shape[1]):
            d = denom[:,i]        
            if self._fit_intercept:
                self.coef = np.column_stack((self.model.intercept_, self.model.coef_))
                self.coef = self.model.coef_
            d = np.tile(d,(X.shape[1],1)).T
            F_ij =,X) ## Fisher Information Matrix
            Cramer_Rao = np.linalg.inv(F_ij) ## Inverse Information Matrix  
            sigma_estimates = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(Cramer_Rao))
            z_score = (self.coef[i]/sigma_estimates) # z-score for each model coefficient
            p_vals = [stat.norm.sf(abs(i))*2 for i in z_score] ### two tailed test for p-values
        self.z_scores = np.array(z_scores)
        self.p_values = np.array(p_values)
        self.sigma_estimates = sigma_estimates
        self.F_ij = F_ij

    # A function to create an output in form of pandas dataframe, with regressors and intercept in
    # rows and coefficients in columns. Coefficients, p-values and z-scores are calculated for each
    # pair of classes in the dependent variable
    def printstats(self):      
        data = None
        for i in range(self.coef.shape[0]):
            if data is None:
                data = np.vstack(( self.coef[i,:], self.p_values[i,:], self.z_scores[i,:])).T
                d0 = np.vstack(( self.coef[i,:], self.p_values[i,:], self.z_scores[i,:])).T
                data = np.hstack((data,d0))
        # data is reshaped in the correct order
        regr = []
        for item in list(itertools.combinations(list(dep_acute.unique()), 2)):
            regr.append('{} vs {}'.format(item[0], item[1]))
        functions = ['coef', 'P-value', 'Z-score']
        column_names = [([i] + [j]) for i in regr for j in functions] 
        index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(column_names)
        predictors = self.columns
        if self._fit_intercept:
            ind = ['intercept'] + predictors
            ind = predictors
        self.stats = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = index, index = ind)
        return self.stats

Here's an example of output:

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@biohouston Thanks a whole lot this was super helpful. Also I think this is calling a special implementation of multinomial? I did linear_model.LogisticRegression(multi_class='multinomial', max_iter=500, solver='lbfgs') and only got n series of coefs/p-values (n = groups of y classes) but your awesome code seems to generate C(n, 2) series? :)

I edited code a bit so it now can work with multinomial logistic regression. The extended class should calculate statistics for each pair of classes of the dependent variable.
I also added a function to output the results of calculation properly.

class MNLogisticReg(linear_model.LogisticRegression):
    def __init__(self, *args,**kwargs):#,**kwargs):
        self.model = linear_model.LogisticRegression(*args,**kwargs)#,**args)
        if 'fit_intercept' in kwargs.keys():           
            self._fit_intercept = kwargs['fit_intercept']

    def fit(self,X,y):,y)
        #### Get p-values for the fitted model ####
        denom = (2.0*(1.0+np.cosh(self.model.decision_function(X))))
        p_values = []
        z_scores = []
        self.columns = list(X.columns)

        if self._fit_intercept:
            X = np.hstack([np.ones((X.shape[0], 1)), X])
        for i in range(denom.shape[1]):
            d = denom[:,i]        
            if self._fit_intercept:
                self.coef = np.column_stack((self.model.intercept_, self.model.coef_))
                self.coef = self.model.coef_
            d = np.tile(d,(X.shape[1],1)).T
            F_ij =,X) ## Fisher Information Matrix
            Cramer_Rao = np.linalg.inv(F_ij) ## Inverse Information Matrix  
            sigma_estimates = np.sqrt(np.diagonal(Cramer_Rao))
            z_score = (self.coef[i]/sigma_estimates) # z-score for each model coefficient
            p_vals = [stat.norm.sf(abs(i))*2 for i in z_score] ### two tailed test for p-values
        self.z_scores = np.array(z_scores)
        self.p_values = np.array(p_values)
        self.sigma_estimates = sigma_estimates
        self.F_ij = F_ij

    # A function to create an output in form of pandas dataframe, with regressors and intercept in
    # rows and coefficients in columns. Coefficients, p-values and z-scores are calculated for each
    # pair of classes in the dependent variable
    def printstats(self):      
        data = None
        for i in range(self.coef.shape[0]):
            if data is None:
                data = np.vstack(( self.coef[i,:], self.p_values[i,:], self.z_scores[i,:])).T
                d0 = np.vstack(( self.coef[i,:], self.p_values[i,:], self.z_scores[i,:])).T
                data = np.hstack((data,d0))
        # data is reshaped in the correct order
        regr = []
        for item in list(itertools.combinations(list(dep_acute.unique()), 2)):
            regr.append('{} vs {}'.format(item[0], item[1]))
        functions = ['coef', 'P-value', 'Z-score']
        column_names = [([i] + [j]) for i in regr for j in functions] 
        index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(column_names)
        predictors = self.columns
        if self._fit_intercept:
            ind = ['intercept'] + predictors
            ind = predictors
        self.stats = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = index, index = ind)
        return self.stats

Here's an example of output:

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Hi @biohousten , your code was very helpful, but I am getting an error claiming 'dep_acute' is not defined, can you help me understand where this variable comes from? Cheers

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It boggles my mind that it is so freaking complicated to get a p-value in sklearn. My God, what is the freaking point of doing logistic regression if you can't assess whether your p-values are significant or not? Why is this not a basic function argument?

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