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Created July 3, 2015 14:37
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custom register-sub
(if-not goog.DEBUG
(def register-sub rf/register-sub)
(defonce subcounts (atom {}))
(aset js/document "subcounts" #(.table js/console (clj->js
(for [[k vs]
(reverse (sort-by :total-time @subcounts))]
(assoc vs :subscription (str k))))))
(aset js/document "subcountsclear" #(reset! subcounts {}))
(aset js/document "subcounttotal" #(pr (apply + 0 (map :total-time (vals @subcounts)))))
(defn update-sub-count
[subcount duration]
(let [call-count (inc (:call-count subcount 0))
total-time (+ duration (:total-time subcount 0))
average-time (/ total-time call-count)
min-time (min (:min-time subcount js/Infinity) duration)
max-time (max (:max-time subcount 0) duration)
first-time (:first-time subcount duration)
last-time duration]
{:call-count call-count
:total-time total-time
:average-time average-time
:first-time first-time
:last-time last-time
:min-time min-time
:max-time max-time}))
(defn register-sub
([k _ f] (register-sub k f))
([k f] (rf/register-sub
(fn [db v] (let [child (f db v)]
(let [before (.getTime (js/Date.))
child @child
after (.getTime (js/Date.))]
(swap! subcounts update k update-sub-count (- after before))
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