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Last active March 16, 2023 05:18
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Vim visual cheatsheet
Insert mode

             insert  [i] ┄┄┐ ┌── [a]  append
    (left of cursor)       ┆ ┆        (right of cursor)
                    Hello e│v│eryone. ┆
                           └─┘        └┄┄┄ [A]  append
                                                (end of line)
   insert above  [O] ┄┄┄┼┄┄                  │
                        │  Here is text▓     │
   insert below  [o] ┄┄┄┼┄┄                  │
                        [esc]  exit insert mode

Navigating lines
     ^                        [^] start of text
   0 ┆                   $    [0] start of line, [$] end of line
  │  This i┃s a nice line. │
     b        w ww ┆          [b]ack word, next [w]ord
              ┆    ┆     
              e    ee         [e]nd of next word

Compared to other editors:

  Vim  Windows     MacOS
  0    home        cmd-left
  $    end         cmd-right
  b    ctrl-left   opt-left
  w    ctrl-right  opt-right

Navigating pages
  start [gg] │ ━━━━━━━━   │   [ctrl-u]  page up
 of doc      │ ━━━━━━     │   [ctrl-b]  page back (half a page)
             │ ━━━━━━┃    │
             │ ━━━━       │   [ctrl-f]  page forward (half a page)
    end [G]  │ ━━━━━━━    │   [ctrl-d]  page down 
 of doc      └────────────┘
Compared to other editors:

  Vim     Windows     MacOS
  gg      ctrl-home   home (fn-left)
  g       ctrl-end    end (fn-right)
  ctrl-u  pgup        pgup (fn-up)
  ctrl-d  pgdn        pgdn (fn-down)

Visual mode

   ┌┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄  [v] select inline ("visual mode")
  ┌───────┳━┓                     move the cursor to select more text
  │Hello t┃h┃ere, world!      [V] select block ("visual block mode")
            └┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄  [y] copy
                              [d] delete/cut
                              [c] change (delete then insert)

                              [p] paste text

Compared to other editors:

  Vim       Windows
  v→→(esc)  shift→→(release)
  d         ctrl-x
  y         ctrl-c
  p         ctrl-v


   [u] Undo    [ctrl-r] redo


  [/] find (regexp)
  [23G] go to line 23 (or :23<enter>)

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