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Created October 9, 2010 09:43
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# Makes Sinatra support multiple view paths.
# Usage:
# class Main < Sinatra::Base
# register Sinatra::MultiView
# get '/' do
# locals = { :name => }
# # Instead of `haml 'home', {}, locals`
# show 'home', {}, locals
# end
# # Optional: look in many paths
# set :view_paths, [ './views/', './theme/views/' ]
# # Optional: restrict searching to these formats
# set :view_formats, [ :erb, :haml ]
# # Optional: Default options for anything using show()
# set :view_options, { :layout => true }
# end
module Sinatra::MultiView
def self.registered(app)
unless app.respond_to?(:view_formats)
app.set :view_formats, [ :erb, :haml, :erubis, :builder, :liquid, :mustache ]
app.helpers Helpers
module Helpers
# Works like haml() (or any other template helper), except:
# - Tries many engines
# - Tries many view paths, as set in your app's :view_paths
# - Tries many templates, if you pass it an array
# - Layouts don't have to use the same engine as the view
# - In addition to `settings.haml`, it also checks settings.view_options
# - Can't pass data onto it (doesn't make sense!), the `template` parameter
# is always assumed to be a template name
# Examples:
# show 'default', {}, :item => @item
# show ['page/default', 'default']
# show 'default', { :layout => 'layout' }, { :item => @item }
# show 'css/chrome', { :view_formats => [ :sass, :less ], :layout => false }
def show(templates, options={}, locals={}, &block)
# Merge app-level options.
options = settings.view_options.merge(options) if settings.respond_to?(:view_options)
# Find the template file (try many paths and formats)
template, format = find_template(templates, options[:view_formats])
return nil if template.nil?
# Save for later
layout = options.delete :layout
ret = render(format, template, options, locals)
# The default Sinatra layouting assumes that the layout will be the
# same format as the actual page. Let's fix it so that the layout
# can be anything else.
if layout
layout, layout_format = find_template(layout)
return ret if layout.nil?
return render(layout_format, layout) { ret }
# Finds a template file.
# Returns: a tuple of the template filename and the format.
def find_template(templates, formats=nil)
paths = settings.view_paths if settings.respond_to?(:view_paths)
paths ||= settings.views || './views'
templates = [templates].flatten
formats ||= settings.view_formats
templates.each do |template|
paths.each do |path|
formats.each do |format|
tpl = template_for(template, format, path) or next
return [tpl, format]
nil #Fail
# Returns the file contents of a given template path and format.
# Example:
# template_for('app/views/layout', 'haml')
def template_for(template, format, path)
fname = File.join(path.to_s, "#{template}.#{format}")
return nil unless File.exists?(fname) { |f| }
def partial(templates, locals={})
show(templates, {:layout => false}, locals)
def css(fname)
options = { :layout => false, :view_formats => [ :less, :sass, :scss ] }
show "css/#{fname}", options
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