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Last active November 12, 2020 16:49
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  • Save rstecca/c3da09e6996a2894fdfca6689bcab21e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rstecca/c3da09e6996a2894fdfca6689bcab21e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
macOS .zshrc boilerplate (essential with current git branch)
export EDITOR="nvim"
export VISUAL="nvim"
export HISTFILE="$ZDOTDIR/.zhistory" # History filepath
export HISTSIZE=10000 # Maximum events for internal history
export SAVEHIST=10000
autoload -U promptinit
# prompt bart # red yellow magenta
autoload -Uz compinit; compinit
# - # - # - # - # - # - # - # - # - # - # - # - #
autoload -Uz vcs_info
precmd_vcs_info() { vcs_info }
precmd_functions+=( precmd_vcs_info )
setopt prompt_subst
# PROMPT=\$vcs_info_msg_0_'%# '
zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' formats '%b'
# - # - # - # - # - # - # - # - # - # - # - # - #
autoload -U colors && colors1 ## load colors definitions
## how this prompt was built (mini tutorial)
## PROMPT="[%n] " ## show username
## PROMPT="[%n]%~ " ## add the path relative to ~
## PROMPT="[%n]%~ %% " ## add '%'
## PROMPT="[%n]%~ %B%%%b " ## add bold to '%'
PROMPT="%{%F{cyan}%}[%n]%~%{%f%} %B%%%b " ## add colors (reset with %{%f%})
PROMPT="%{%F{cyan}%}%n]%~%{%f%} %B%%%b " ## got rid of a '[' because.
export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"
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rstecca commented Nov 12, 2020

Tested in macOS Catalina

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