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Last active December 17, 2015 03:28
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Gist describing tmp dir woes
(defplan my-plan
res (tmp-dir)
item (exec-script (res))
(actions/with-action-values [item]
(println "DATA = " (:out item))
;; gives me the error
{:phase-errors true, :phase :testing, :results
({:errors ({:error {:server "", :type :pallet-script-excution-error,
:message " Error executing script", :exit 126, :out "palletswrYD: line 3: /tmp: Is a directory\n"},
:script "#!/usr/bin/envbash\n # ruby_test.clj:50\n${TMPDIR-/tmp}\nexit $?", :flag-values {}, :flags #{},
:out "palletswrYD: line 3: /tmp: Is a directory\n", :exit 126}),
:target {:group-name :g01, :image {:image-id "ubuntu-12.04"}, :count 1,
:node-filter #<api_impl$node_has_group_name_QMARK_$has_group_name_QMARK___11588 pallet.core.api_impl$node_has_group_name_QMARK_$has_group_name_QMARK___11588@76f3daa5>, :phases {:testing #<ruby_test$fn__23514 pallet.crate.ruby_test$fn__23514@60adc921>,
:restart #<nginx$nginx$fn__14317 pallet.crate.nginx$nginx$fn__14317@316fc71d>, :stop #<nginx$nginx$fn__14290 pallet.crate.nginx$nginx$fn__14290@21795a46>, :run #<nginx$nginx$fn__14263 pallet.crate.nginx$nginx$fn__14263@2615bad5>, :configure #<nginx$nginx$fn__14236 pallet.crate.nginx$nginx$fn__14236@5c9d097b>, :settings #<nginx$nginx$fn__14182 pallet.crate.nginx$nginx$fn__14182@49d999bd>, :install #< clojure.lang.AFunction$1@6cfc6d2b>, :bootstrap #<ruby_test$fn__23438 pallet.crate.ruby_test$fn__23438@4aa67956>}, :group-names #{:g01}, :node g01-0 g01 public:}, :target-type nil, :plan-state {:node-values {nv23734 {:error {:server "", :type :pallet-script-excution-error, :message " Error executing script", :exit 126, :out "palletswrYD: line 3: /tmp: Is a directory\n"}, :script "#!/usr/bin/envbash\n # ruby_test.clj:50\n${TMPDIR-/tmp}\nexit $?", :flag-values {}, :flags #{}, :out "palletswrYD: line 3: /tmp: Is a directory\n", :exit 126}}, :host {"28a028f7-01f6-46d4-a3a5-ca4c30d9fed4" {:nginx {nil {:nginx-pid-dir "/var/run", :group "www-data", :nginx-mime-conf "crate/nginx/mime.types", :nginx-binary "/usr/local/sbin/nginx", :nginx-install-dir "/opt/nginx", :sites [{:action :enable, :name "", :upstreams [], :servers [{:listen "80", :locations [{:path "/", :index ["index.html" "index.htm"]}], :access-log ["/var/log/nginx/access.log"], :server-name "localhost"}]}], :nginx-conf-dir "/etc/nginx", :nginx-passenger-conf "crate/nginx/passenger.conf", :install-strategy :packages, :version "1.2.6", :packages ["nginx"], :nginx-default-conf {:gzip_proxied "any", :server_names_hash_bucket_size 64, :worker_connections 2048, :worker_processes "total", :tcp_nopush "off", :keepalive_timeout 65, :gzip_http_version "1.0", :gzip "on", :gzip_comp_level "2", :gzip_types ["text/plain" "text/css" "application/x-javascript" "text/xml" "application/xml" "application/xml+rss" "text/javascript"], :client_max_body_size "10M", :keepalive "on", :sendfile "on", :tcp_nodelay "off"}, :nginx-log-dir "/var/log/nginx", :modules [:http_ssl_module], :user "www-data", :nginx-conf "crate/nginx/nginx.conf", :dist-url "", :nginx-init-script "crate/nginx/nginx"}}}}}, :result ({:error {:server "", :type :pallet-script-excution-error, :message " Error executing script", :exit 126, :out "palletswrYD: line 3: /tmp: Is a directory\n"}, :script "#!/usr/bin/envbash\n # ruby_test.clj:50\n${TMPDIR-/tmp}\nexit $?", :flag-values {}, :flags #{}, :out "palletswrYD: line 3: /tmp: Is a directory\n", :exit 126} nil nil nil), :phase :testing})}
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