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# <modulepath>/aix_reload/examples/test.pp
user { 'newuser007':
ensure => present,
provider => aix_reload,
before => Notify['foo'],
notify { 'foo': }
# <modulepath>/aix_reload/lib/puppet/provider/user/aix_reload.rb
Puppet::Type.type(:user).provide(:aix_reload, :parent => :aix, :source => :aix) do
# To fully duplicate and encompass the behavior of the parent provider, we need to manually
# ingest a bit of it.
[:@checks, :@commands, :@confine_collection, :@declared_features, :@options].each do |var|
instance_variable_set(var, Puppet::Type::User.provider(:aix).instance_variable_get(var))
def create
pid =
at_exit { system '/opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent -t </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &' if == pid }
# site.pp
case $facts['os']['name']
# I don't know if the capitalization here is right; I don't have an AIX box handy
# to test
'aix': {
# By putting this in site.pp, any user resource that doesn't specify a provider
# will use the one specified here by default.
User {
provider => aix_reload,
default: {
# intentionally left empty
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