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Last active September 4, 2022 12:54
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Converts XML to JSON in Godot
extends Node
class_name XML2JSON
# Author: @ev1lbl0w (
# Converts an XML file into a JSON/Dictionary:
# var dict = XML2JSON.parse("example.xml") # "example.xml" in JSON/Dictionary format
# The following example:
# """
# <root>
# <!-- This is a comment -->
# <emptyNode1 />
# <emptyNode2></emptyNode2>
# <nodeWithSingleChild>child</nodeWithSingleChild>
# <repeatedNode>1</repeatedNode>
# <repeatedNode>3</repeatedNode>
# <nodeWithMultipleChild>
# <childOne>1</childOne>
# <childTwo>"2"</childTwo>
# </nodeWithMultipleChild>
# <nodeWithData foo="bar" />
# <complexNode data_str="my_data" data_int="3">
# <childNode>Hello!</childNode>
# </complexNode>
# </root>
# """
# is converted into JSON like this:
# """
# {
# "root": {
# "#comment": " This is a comment ",
# "emptyNode1": {
# },
# "nodeWithSingleChild": "child",
# "repeatedNode": [
# "1",
# "3"
# ],
# "nodeWithMultipleChild": {
# "childOne": "1",
# "childTwo": "\"2\""
# },
# "nodeWithData": {
# "#attributes": {
# "foo": "bar"
# }
# },
# "complexNode": {
# "childNode": "Hello!",
# "#attributes": {
# "data_str": "my_data",
# "data_int": "3"
# }
# }
# }
# }
# """
# This process is not perfect due to the way how XML is structured. One major drawback is that
# the XML node's order is lost when translated to JSON, which may be important in some
# scenarios:
# """
# <root>
# <a>1</a>
# <b>2</b>
# <a>3</a>
# </root>
# """
# and
# """
# <root>
# <a>1</a>
# <a>3</a>
# <b>2</b>
# </root>
# """
# will produce the same JSON:
# """
# {
# "root": {
# "a": [
# "1",
# "3"
# ],
# "b": "2"
# }
# }
# """
# Also be aware that XMLParser might be unexposed to GDScript in 4.0 (,
# and that there are security risks associated with it (
# Parse an XML file
static func parse(xml_file: String) -> Dictionary:
var xml_raw :=
print("Error at opening file ", xml_file)
return {}
var dict = _parse_xml(xml_raw)
return dict
# Internal, don't use
static func _parse_xml(xml_raw: XMLParser, skip: bool = false) -> Dictionary:
var ret = {}
var element_begin := false
var element_name := ""
var element_attr = {}
while skip or == OK:
skip = false
match xml_raw.get_node_type():
if element_begin:
element_begin = false
_add_child_to_dict(ret, element_name, _parse_xml(xml_raw, true))
if not element_attr.empty():
_get_child_from_dict(ret, element_name)["#attributes"] = element_attr
element_begin = true
element_name = xml_raw.get_node_name()
var attr_count = xml_raw.get_attribute_count()
if attr_count > 0:
#print("\tElement \"%s\" with %s attributes" % [element_name, attr_count])
element_attr = {}
for i in range(attr_count):
var attr_name = xml_raw.get_attribute_name(i)
var attr_val = xml_raw.get_attribute_value(i)
#print("\t\t%s=%s" % [attr_name, attr_val])
element_attr[attr_name] = attr_val
if xml_raw.is_empty():
element_begin = false
_add_child_to_dict(ret, element_name, {})
if attr_count > 0:
_get_child_from_dict(ret, element_name)["#attributes"] = element_attr
#print("\tElement end of \"%s\"" % xml_raw.get_node_name())
if element_begin:
element_begin = false
return ret
if _is_text_empty(xml_raw.get_node_data()):
#print("\tText: " + xml_raw.get_node_data())
_add_child_to_dict(ret, element_name, xml_raw.get_node_data())
if element_begin:
element_begin = false
_add_child_to_dict(ret, element_name, _parse_xml(xml_raw, true))
if not element_attr.empty():
_get_child_from_dict(ret, element_name)["#attributes"] = element_attr
_add_child_to_dict(ret, "#comment", xml_raw.get_node_name())
#print("\tComment: " + xml_raw.get_node_name())
return ret
# Internal, don't use
static func _add_child_to_dict(dict: Dictionary, key: String, child):
if dict.has(key):
if dict[key] is Array:
dict[key] = [dict[key], child]
dict[key] = child
# Internal, don't use
static func _get_child_from_dict(dict: Dictionary, key: String):
if dict[key] is Array:
return dict[key][dict[key].size()-1]
return dict[key]
# Internal, don't use
static func _is_text_empty(s: String):
return s.strip_edges().strip_escapes().empty()
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