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Last active April 18, 2018 13:08
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  • Save rsutphin/9010923 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rsutphin/9010923 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A capistrano 3 task to tag the repo after every deploy
# Requires Capistrano 3.2 or later
namespace :deploy do
after :finishing, :tag_and_push_tag do
on roles(:app) do
within release_path do
set(:current_revision, capture(:cat, 'REVISION'))
# release path may be resolved already or not
resolved_release_path = capture(:pwd, "-P")
set(:release_name, resolved_release_path.split('/').last)
run_locally do
user = capture(:git, "config --get")
email = capture(:git, "config --get")
tag_msg = "Deployed by #{user} <#{email}> to #{fetch :stage} as #{fetch :release_name}"
tag_name = "#{fetch :stage }-#{fetch :release_name}"
execute :git, %(tag #{tag_name} #{fetch :current_revision} -m "#{tag_msg}")
execute :git, "push --tags origin"
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webhat commented Mar 25, 2014

👍 Thanks for this!

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Update: As of capistrano 3.2, the git:write_revision task is not necessary — cap now does this itself.

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glaszig commented Jan 13, 2015

you should add .strip to user and email. else the tag's message might look a little weird (for me at least, git version 1.9.3 (Apple Git-50)).

Deployed by Jon Doe
> to production as 20150113204036

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