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Created August 12, 2021 22:46
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kube-state-metrics changes since 1.7.2
v2.1.1 / 2021-07-28
[CHANGE] go.mod: Update and minimize dependencies #1529
[CHANGE] Use BuilderInterface instead of internal/store.Builder in metricshandler #1537
[CHANGE] Add WithAllowLabels to public BuilderInterface #1514
[BUGFIX] Fixes a bug where KSM did not export any metrics when it had no permissions for resources in at least one namespace #1499
v2.1.0 / 2021-06-04
[CHANGE] Update go version and dependencies #1493
[FEATURE] Add support for native TLS #1354
[FEATURE] Add wildcard option to metric-labels-allowlist #1403
[FEATURE] Add build info metric #1332
[CHANGE] Add "uid" label to every pod metric #1304
[CHANGE] Add resourceVersion to CronJob metrics #1447
[CHANGE] Update go version and dependencies #1474
[CHANGE] Bump client-go and friends to v0.21 (Kubernetes v1.21) #1463
[CHANGE] Replace deprecated use of ioutil #1458
[BUGFIX] Fix builder.Builder WithMetrics signature #1455
[BUGFIX] Fix pod-metric missing reasons #1287
[BUGFIX] Fix multiListWatch resourceVersion mismatch if watch reconnected #1377
v2.1.0-rc.0 / 2021-05-20
[FEATURE] Add support for native TLS #1354
[FEATURE] Add wildcard option to metric-labels-allowlist #1403
[FEATURE] Add build info metric #1332
[CHANGE] Add "uid" label to every pod metric #1304
[CHANGE] Add resourceVersion to CronJob metrics #1447
[CHANGE] Update go version and dependencies #1474
[CHANGE] Bump client-go and friends to v0.21 (Kubernetes v1.21) #1463
[CHANGE] Replace deprecated use of ioutil #1458
[BUGFIX] Fix builder.Builder WithMetrics signature #1455
[BUGFIX] Fix pod-metric missing reasons #1287
[BUGFIX] Fix multiListWatch resourceVersion mismatch if watch reconnected #1377
v2.0.0 / 2021-04-13
[CHANGE] Update go version and dependencies #1440
v2.0.0-rc.1 / 2021-03-26
[CHANGE] Rename --labels-metric-allow-list to --metric-labels-allowlist #1424
[CHANGE] Remove deprecated Kubernetes APIs #1423
[CHANGE] go.mod: Update Dependencies #1419
[CHANGE] Remove vendor folder #1419
[CHANGE] becomes the authoritative registry
v2.0.0-rc.0 / 2021-03-04
[CHANGE] internal/store/pod.go: Only create waiting_reason series if pods are in waiting state #1378
[CHANGE] internal/store/pod.go: Only create terminated_reason series if pods are in terminated state #1381
[CHANGE] internal/store/pod.go: Only create last_terminated containers series if containers are terminated state #1397
[FEATURE] Bump client-go and friends to v0.20 (kubernetes v1.20) #1328
[FEATURE] Bump go version to 1.16+ #1399
[BUGFIX] Fix gzip writer #1372
[BUGFIX] fix labels-metric-allow-list documentation #1404
[BUGFIX] Propagate resource version when sharded #1402
v1.9.8 / 2021-02-19
[BUGFIX] Metric encoding is broken when using --enable-gzip-encoding flag #1372
[CHANGE] Update to golang-1.15 #1261
[ENHANCEMENT] Makefile: Set tag via cloudbuild #1264
[CHANGE] Migrate to Github Actions from TravisCI for CI checks #1199
[FEATURE] Support for multi-arch docker images of kube-state-metrics #1197
v2.0.0-beta / 2020-12-04
Promotion to beta release after a period of no bugs.
v2.0.0-alpha.3 / 2020-11-19
[BUGFIX] Fix container resource limits metrics, which got dropped #1293
[BUGFIX] Adjust and refactor allowing labels to work for Kubernetes labels metrics #1301
v2.0.0-alpha.2 / 2020-10-27
[CHANGE] Migrate ingress and certificates to new stable APIs #1260
[CHANGE] Revert "Rework resource metrics" #1278 To better align with future Kubernetes resource metrics, the changes to resource metrics were reverted, new metrics are: kube_pod_container_resource_requests and kube_pod_container_resource_limits
[FEATURE] Added the job failure reason in kube_job_status_failed metric #1214
[FEATURE] feat(persistentvolume): claimRef info to labels (kube_persistentvolume_claim_ref) #1244
[FEATURE] pod: add gauge for runtimeclass handler (kube_pod_runtimeclass_name_info) #1276
v2.0.0-alpha.1 / 2020-10-06
[CHANGE] Update go module path to #1238
[CHANGE] Bump klog to v2 and client-go to 1.19 #1250
[FEATURE] Add iscsi initiator name to persistentvolume_info #1235
[BUGFIX] Added Namespace to Rolebinding Jsonnet #1233
[BUGFIX] Reference closure scoped family generator #1240
v2.0.0-alpha / 2020-09-16
[CHANGE] Apply boundaries to metrics and allow via flag (--labels-allow-list) what labels to include #1125
[CHANGE] Update DaemonSet updated_number_scheduled metric name to be consistent #1181
Metric was changed from kube_daemonset_updated_number_scheduled to kube_daemonset_status_updated_number_scheduled
[CHANGE] Rework resource metrics #1168
Metrics kube_pod_container_resource_requests, kube_pod_container_resource_limits, kube_pod_overhead, kube_pod_init_container_resource_limits, kube_pod_init_container_resource_requests changed
[CHANGE] Convert k8s labels to snake case #1165
[CHANGE] Mutatingwebhookconfiguration.go: Switch to v1 #1144
[CHANGE] v2: Rename storage class labels reclaimPolicy to reclaim_policy and volumeBindingMode to volume_binding_mode #1107
[CHANGE] v2: Renamed --namespace flag to --namespaces #1098
[CHANGE] Rename kube_pod_deleted to kube_pod_deletion_timestamp #1079
[CHANGE] v2: Rename collector flag to resource flag #1006
--resources is the new flag
[CHANGE] Remove non-identifying labels from pod metrics #1009
[CHANGE] v2: Remove deprecated stable metrics #1004
Note that some of these were replaced with EXPERIMENTAL resource metrics. See #1168 for more details.
kube_pod_container_resource_requests and kube_pod_container_resource_limits are the replacements with resource labels
representing the resource name and unit labels representing the resource unit.
kube_node_status_capacity and kube_node_status_allocatable are the replacements with resource labels
representing the resource name and unit labels representing the resource unit.
[CHANGE] Rename black-/whitelist to allow/deny-list #1045
New flags are --metric-allowlist and --metric-denylist
[CHANGE] Update telemetry port to 8081 #1049
[CHANGE] v2: Rename hpa metrics to use full horizontalpodautoscaler #1003
All metrics with prefix of kube_hpa_ were renamed to kube_horizontalpodautoscaler_
[CHANGE] v2: change metrics port to 8080, telemetry port to 8081 #1005
[FEATURE] Add http request metric for kube-state-metrics main /metrics #1218
[FEATURE] Add fc/iscsi/nfs identifier tags to persistentvolume_info metric #1208
[FEATURE] Adds new pod metric kube_pod_container_state_started #1183
[FEATURE] Add observedGeneration metric (kube_daemonset_status_observed_generation) for DaemonSets #1178
[FEATURE] Add internal_ip to node_info #1172
[FEATURE] Avoid conflicts when mapping Kubernetes labels to Prometheus labels #1156
[FEATURE] Add aws/gce volume id to kube_persistentvolume_info #1146
[FEATURE] Add UnexpectedAdmissionError to kube_pod_status_reason metric #1145
[FEATURE] Add init container requests (kube_pod_init_container_resource_requests) #1123
[FEATURE] Add host_network to kube_pod_info #1100
[FEATURE] Add kube_replicationcontroller_owner #1058
[FEATURE] Pod: add gauges for pod overhead (kube_pod_overhead) #1053
[FEATURE] Add "Terminating" status in kube_pod_status_phase metrics #1013
[FEATURE] Add lease collector metrics #1038
[ENHANCEMENT] Add DeprecatedVersion to struct FamilyGenerator and func NewFamilyGenerator #1160
[ENHANCEMENT] Add security context to deployment and statefulset #1034
[BUGFIX] Fix VolumeAttachment API version mismatch: expected v1 but watching v1beta1 #1136
[BUGFIX] Fix various CI issues (kube_volumeattachment_info nodeName -> node label rename) #1117
[BUGFIX] Fix maxUnavailable to round down instead up #1076
v1.9.7 / 2020-05-24
[BUGFIX] internal/store/mutatingwebhookconfiguration.go: Switch to v1 #1144
v1.9.6 / 2020-05-06
[BUGFIX] Fix VolumeAttachment API version mismatch: expected v1 but watching v1beta1 (#1136)
v1.9.5 / 2020-02-20
[BUGFIX] Switch to using only v1 client of validatingwebhookconfiguration #1052
v1.9.4 / 2020-02-03
[BUGFIX] Fix VolumeAttachment api version to be used (was v1beta1, should have been v1). #1043
[BUGFIX] Fix MutatingWebhookConfiguration api version to be used (was v1beta1, should have been v1). #1043
[BUGFIX] Fix ValidatingWebhookConfiguration api version to be used (was v1beta1, should have been v1). #1043
[BUGFIX] Use the correct expectedType for NetworkPolicy reflector. #1042
v1.9.3 / 2020-01-22
[CHANGE] Remove experimental hpa metrics kube_hpa_status_current_metrics_average_utilization and kube_hpa_status_current_metrics_average_value #1030
v1.9.2 / 2020-01-13
[BUGFIX] Fix segfault with External metrics #1023
v1.9.1 / 2020-01-10
[BUGFIX] Fix segfault in hpa metrics #1019
[BUGFIX] Fix nil panics when parsing hpa memory current metrics #1014
v1.9.0 / 2019-12-20
[BUGFIX] Move resource version from metric label to metric number value #997
[CHANGE] Add tools as go modules #927
[FEATURE] Add kube_hpa_spec_target_metric metric. #966
[FEATURE] Add hpa stats for current utilization and average value. #961
[FEATURE] Add kube_namespace_status_condition metric. #949
[FEATURE] Add kube_persistentvolumeclaim_status_condition and kube_persistentvolumeclaim_status_phase metrics #952
[FEATURE] Add kube_networkpolicy_* metrics #893
[FEATURE] Add kube_volumeattachment_* metrics #946
[FEATURE] add kube_mutatingwebhookconfiguration_, kube_validatingwebhookconfiguration_ metrics #914
[ENHANCEMENT] Add pod_cidr label to the kube_node_info metric. #963
[ENHANCEMENT] Generate all manifests from jsonnet #908
[ENHANCEMENT] Add kube-state-metrics alerting rules. #962
[ENHANCEMENT] Add "Evicted" to the set of container terminated reasons. #968
[BUGFIX] Add check for ReclaimPolicy, VolumeBindingMode storageclass metrics. #929
[BUGFIX] Use single MultiListerWatcher for single store to fix missing metrics when watching multiple namespaces. #969
[BUGFIX] Fix nil panics parsing HPA CPU current metrics. #993
[BUGFIX] Move resource version from metric label to metric number value #997
v1.9.0-rc.0 / 2019-12-04
[CHANGE] Add tools as go modules #927
[FEATURE] Add kube_hpa_spec_target_metric metric. #966
[FEATURE] Add hpa stats for current utilization and average value. #961
[FEATURE] Add kube_namespace_status_condition metric. #949
[FEATURE] Add kube_persistentvolumeclaim_status_condition and kube_persistentvolumeclaim_status_phase metrics #952
[FEATURE] Add kube_networkpolicy_* metrics #893
[FEATURE] Add kube_volumeattachment_* metrics #946
[FEATURE] add kube_mutatingwebhookconfiguration_*, kube_validatingwebhookconfiguration_* metrics #914
[ENHANCEMENT] Add pod_cidr label to the kube_node_info metric. #963
[ENHANCEMENT] Generate all manifests from jsonnet #908
[ENHANCEMENT] Add kube-state-metrics alerting rules. #962
[ENHANCEMENT] Add "Evicted" to the set of container terminated reasons. #968
[BUGFIX] Add check for ReclaimPolicy, VolumeBindingMode storageclass metrics. #929
[BUGFIX] Use single MultiListerWatcher for single store to fix missing metrics when watching multiple namespaces. #969
[BUGFIX] Fix nil panics parsing HPA CPU current metrics. #993
v1.8.0 / 2019-10-01
[CHANGE] Pin go version to go mod artifact file #882
[BUGFIX] Correct mapping of hpa condition status labels #890
[FEATURE] Introduce sharding (and experimental auto-sharding) #613
[FEATURE] Add kube_pod_status_unschedulable metric #835
[CHANGE] Makefile: Remove tmpdir after container build #867
[ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics about kube-state-metric's interaction with the Kubernetes API. #866
[FEATURE] Add kube_node_role metric #877
[ENHANCEMENT] Add support for Darwin OS in e2e test #879
v1.8.0-rc.1 / 2019-09-24
[CHANGE] Pin go version to go mod artifact file #882
[BUGFIX] Correct mapping of hpa condition status labels #890
v1.8.0-rc.0 / 2019-09-10
[FEATURE] Introduce sharding (and experimental auto-sharding) #613
[FEATURE] Add kube_pod_status_unschedulable metric #835
[CHANGE] Makefile: Remove tmpdir after container build #867
[ENHANCEMENT] Add metrics about kube-state-metric's interaction with the Kubernetes API. #866
[FEATURE] Add kube_node_role metric #877
[ENHANCEMENT] Add support for Darwin OS in e2e test #879
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