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  • Save rsvp/8089760 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rsvp/8089760 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. :: directory tree -- display tree size structure of directory hierarchy.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# bash 4.2.24(1) Linux Ubuntu 12.04 Date : 2013-12-23
# _______________| dirt : display tree size structure of directory hierarchy.
# Usage: dirt [directory=.] [indent_character=" "]
# Dependencies: None
# [ Note: full-featured "tree" is an available Ubuntu package:
# "dirt" does not depend on a graphical hack like "tree"
# instead provides an easily modifiable outline view. ]
# Example: $ dirt /tmp
# /tmp :848K
# hsperfdata_root :32K
# .ICE-unix :0
# .org.chromium.Chromium.YSC7c2 :272K
# plugtmp :0
# pulse-XE2kzDXxubH6 :4.0K
# sni-qt_vlc_18126-2DtYmT :4.0K
# icons :4.0K
# hicolor :4.0K
# 128x128 :4.0K
# apps :16K
# ssh-RDwdlTlB1686 :0
# .X11-unix :0
# CHANGE LOG LATEST version available:
# 2013-12-23 Add highlight to indentation area. Colorize size info.
# 2013-12-22 Use ; in 2nd sed phrase to avoid escaping /.
# Add individual directory sizes. Add pager for output.
# Improve error handling using $errf file.
# 2013-12-21 Refine the code. Use spaces for default identation.
# Show dot directories.
# 2013-12-20 First version based on one-liner script v2.3 by Dem Pilafian in
# _____ PREAMBLE_v2: settings, variables, and error handling.
# locale means "ASCII, US English, no special rules,
# output per ISO and RFC standards."
# Esp. use ASCII encoding for glob and sorting characters.
shopt -s extglob
# ^set extended glob for pattern matching.
shopt -s failglob
# ^failed pattern matching signals error.
set -e
# ^errors checked: immediate exit if a command has non-zero status.
set -u
# ^unassigned variables shall be errors.
# Example of default VARIABLE ASSIGNMENT: arg1=${1:-'foo'}
# ^= current directory as default
idchar=${2:-' '}
# ^character used for identation.
pager=${PAGER:='less --LONG-PROMPT -i -J -W -c -h1 -y1 -~'}
# ^favorite way for long outputs (plus search within).
# Additional options added in DISPLAY section.
program=${0##*/} # similar to using basename
memf=$( mktemp /dev/shm/88_${program}_tmp.XXXXXXXXXX )
errf=$( mktemp /dev/shm/88_${program}_tmp.XXXXXXXXXX )
cleanup () {
# Delete temporary files, then optionally exit given status.
local status=${1:-'0'}
rm -f $memf $errf
[ $status = '-1' ] || exit $status # thus -1 prevents exit.
} #--------------------------------------------------------------------
warn () {
# Message with basename to stderr. Usage: warn "message"
echo -e "\n !! ${program}: $1 " >&2
} #--------------------------------------------------------------------
die () {
# Exit with status of most recent command or custom status, after
# cleanup and warn. Usage: command || die "message" [status]
local status=${2:-"$?"}
cleanup -1 && warn "$1" && exit $status
} #--------------------------------------------------------------------
trap "die 'SIG disruption, but cleanup finished.' 114" 1 2 3 15
# _______________ :: BEGIN Script ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
# Establish the working directory:
cd "$arg1" 2> /dev/null || die "Invalid directory argument: $arg1" 113
# Then check if there is at least one level of sub-directories:
[ $( ls -F -1 | grep '/' | wc -l ) -eq 0 ] \
&& die "NO sub-directories under $(pwd)" 115
# MAIN: parse the necessary info into a file.
# Identify directories which will have colon at the end of the line;
# dot directories are included using ls -A,
# also parse -lh for total human sizes.
ls -AlhR 2> $errf | egrep ':$|^total ' \
| sed -e '/^\./N;s/\n//' \
-e 's;[^/]*/;*****;g' \
-e "s/\*/$idchar/g" \
-e 's/:total / :/' \
-e "s;^\. ;$(pwd) ;" > $memf
# 1st sed: joins the directory line with total size line.
# 2nd sed: replace any lower level dir names with five stars.
# This is where IDENTATION gets introduced.
# Hopefully no directories are named using "*" :-)
# 3rd sed: replace those stars with specified identation character.
# 4th sed: beautify line from first sed to indicate size by : marker.
# 5th sed: replace . with explicit present working directory.
# Note: some sed commands use ; instead of usual / as delimiter
# to avoid the pain of escaping forward slashes.
# Last sed is impossible without this trick.
# Properly output that main file.
# [ -t <fd> ] checks if the descriptor <fd> is a terminal or not:
if [ -t 1 ] ; then
grep --color=always ' :.*$' $memf | $pager -p "^$idchar*" -R
# retains colorization for size info^
# Output gets piped to pager for a nice DISPLAY.
# TIP: use /M$|G$ within pager to search for large files.
cat $memf
# On redirection or piping, we DO NOT want
# ANSI escape codes (for colors) embedded in text output.
# ERROR FILE from ls concludes output:
sed -e "s/^ls/ !! $program/" $errf >&2
# Any errors are shown at this stage since pager might have obscured them.
# They will usually be Permission Denied types.
# _______________ EOS :: END of Script ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
# ANSI escape codes for color can be removed by escoff:
# sed -e 's/\x1B\[[0-9;]*[JKmsu]//g'
# # _______________ 2013-12-21 Sat 19:54
# ls -AR | grep ":$" \
# | sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's;[^/]*/;*****;g' \
# -e "s/\*/$idchar/g" -e '/^\.$/d'
# # 1st sed: remove colon identifers.
# # 2nd sed: replace any lower level dir names with five stars.
# # This is where identation gets introduced.
# # Hopefully no directories are named using "*" :-)
# # 3rd sed: replace those stars with specified identation character.
# # 4th sed: delete that unnecessary line with single dot.
# 2013-12-20 Retrieved one-liner script v2.3 by Dem Pilafian in
# Quick, what does the following Unix/Linux command do?
# ls -R | grep ":$" | sed -e 's/:$//' -e 's/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g' -e 's/^/ /' -e 's/-/|/'
# If you said, "Well, that's obvious; it shows a graphical representation of the
# current sub-directories," you'd be correct.
# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 ff=unix tw=78 ai syn=sh :
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