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Last active October 10, 2023 13:20
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Trivial script to explore only using built-in Python 3 modules to establish a connection to a host that issues certs signed by a CA that isn't well known...
# Trivial script to explore only using built-in Python 3 modules to establish a connection to
# a host that issues certs signed by a CA that isn't well known...
# It does require that the root cert is available, so primarily an enterprise that has an
# internal or private CA and signs server certs with that...
import urllib.request
import ssl
import socket
# Google kindly provide a handy site for such testing
hostname = ""
port = 443
method = "GET"
data = None
##headers = {"Content-Type": "text/html; charset=UTF-8"}
cert_on_filesystem = False
# Using the untrusted-root test host, grab the cert using openssl and then simply copy it in
# or use your favourite utility to make the string from the openssl output. to get the cert, use:
# openssl s_client -showcerts -servername -connect
# and obviously make sure you take the correct cert in the chain, in this case the CN to use was
# CN=BadSSL Untrusted Root Certificate Authority
# also note that this cert may change (although it is valid until 2036), so check in case of errors
"bOEpCtOsatA3JmeVbaWal8O/5ZO5GAn9dFVsGn0CXAHR6eUKYDAFJLa/3AhjBvWa" \
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ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT)
ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
if cert_on_filesystem:
ca_stats = ssl_context.cert_store_stats()
if 'x509_ca' in ca_stats:
print("{} CA entr{} in use".format(ca_stats['x509_ca'], 'y' if ca_stats['x509_ca'] == 1 else 'ies'))
except Exception as ssl_error:
import sys
with socket.create_connection((hostname, port)) as sock:
with ssl_context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=hostname) as secure_socket:
print("Secure connection to {} using {}".format(secure_socket.server_hostname, secure_socket.version()))
peer_cert = secure_socket.getpeercert()
# not pretty, but i'm on a train, it's late and i can't be arsed putting much effort in - knock yourself out though...
common_name = "***UNKNOWN***"
for x in peer_cert['subject']:
if x[0][0] == "commonName":
common_name = x[0][1]
issuer = "***UNKNOWN***"
for x in peer_cert['issuer']:
if x[0][0] == "commonName":
issuer = x[0][1]
not_before = "***UNKNOWN***"
if 'notBefore' in peer_cert:
not_before = peer_cert['notBefore']
not_after = "***UNKNOWN***"
if 'notAfter' in peer_cert:
not_after = peer_cert['notAfter']
print("Their certificate was issued to \"{}\", is valid from {} till {} and was signed by \"{}\"".format(common_name, not_before, not_after, issuer))
except ssl.SSLCertVerificationError as cert_error:
print("Got a cert error: {}".format(cert_error.verify_message))
except Exception as ssl_error:
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