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Created April 3, 2010 15:33
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The issues I had with directions for passenger and RVM on ubuntu server 9.04 from this page:
1) The first issue I have is that it wasn't clear that I had to have a LoadModule after running passenger-install-apache2module. It says in the instructions to ignore what passengers says about passenger_ruby, so I just ignored everything. With that being true, PassengerRuby as a config item was an error, therefore I had to do LoadModule per the instructions from passenger-install-apache2-module.
2) Ditto for the PassengerRoot configuration. I didn't have it originally and I ended up needing to put in there what passenger-install-apache2-module told me to put in there.
3) The code snippet for setting GEM_HOME:
ENV["GEM_HOME"]=%x{"source ~/.bash_profile ; rvm ree%pancake ; rvm gemdir"}.strip
did not work. I got an error that 'source' was not found for the shell 'sh'. I tried the command without the source part, but `rvm gemdir` didn't give the correct gemset directory. So I ended up just getting the gemset's path manually and hardcoding it.
4) GEM_HOME is said to be configured at the top of, but my Rails application didn't have that file. I ended up putting the setting at the top of config/ .
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