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Created February 15, 2011 20:21
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Simplified isapi_wsgi
from os import path
from pprint import PrettyPrinter
import sys
from traceback import format_exc
class ErrorApp(object):
""" this will be used if an exception is caused by the iwhelper import """
def __init__(self, trace, debug_info):
self.debug_info = debug_info
self.trace = trace
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
if self.debug_info:
envstr = PrettyPrinter().pformat(environ)
syspath = PrettyPrinter().pformat(sys.path)
output = '<pre>== TRACE ==\n\n%s\n\n== ENVIRON ==\n\n%s\n\n== SYS.PATH ==\n\n%s</pre>' % (self.trace, envstr, syspath)
output = """
<h1>OOPS...ISAPIWSGIHelper caught an exception</h1>
<p>But I can't show you details just yet. Find the
file for this website and look for the line:</p>
<pre style="font-face: mono">
except Exception, e:
wsgiapp = ErrorApp(format_exc(), debug_info=False)
<li>set "debug_info=<strong>True</strong>"</li>
<li>restart the app pool</li>
<li>refresh the page</li>
<li>When you have fixed the exception, change "debug_info=<strong>False</strong>". Not doing
so leaves open the posibility of a malicious user getting information about your system.</li>
# leave as 200 OK otherwise IIS shows the default 500 page, not our
start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'text/html')])
return [output]
from isapi import threaded_extension
# The ISAPI extension - handles all requests in the site.
class Extension(threaded_extension.ThreadPoolExtension):
"Python sample Extension"
def Dispatch(self, ecb):
headers = """Content-Type: text/html\n\n"""
ecb.SendResponseHeaders("200 OK", headers, False)
return isapicon.HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS
from random import random
import time
def wsgiapp(environ, start_response):
'''Simple app as per PEP 333'''
status = '200 OK'
start_response(status, [('Content-type', 'text/plain')])
return ['Hello world from isapi! %s' % random() ]
from iwhelper.utils import ExceptionCatcher
wsgiapp = ExceptionCatcher(path.dirname(__file__), wsgiapp)
except Exception, e:
wsgiapp = ErrorApp(format_exc(), debug_info=True)
# The entry points for the ISAPI extension.
def __ExtensionFactory__():
import isapi_wsgi
return isapi_wsgi.ISAPISimpleHandler(wsgiapp)
#return isapi_wsgi.ISAPIThreadPoolHandler(wsgiapp)
Extension.msg = '<pre>%s</pre>' % format_exc()
return Extension()
if __name__ == '__main__':
if all troubleshooting fails, install werkzeug and run
with python from a cmd prompt:
> python
then browser to http://localhost:8080/ and look for exceptions
on stderr.
from werkzeug.serving import run_simple
run_simple('localhost', 8080, wsgiapp, use_reloader=True)
This is a ISAPI extension for a wsgi with 2 handlers classes.
- ISAPISimpleHandler which creates a new IsapiWsgiHandler object for
each request.
- ISAPIThreadPoolHandler where the wsgi requests are run on worker threads
from the thread pool.
- python 2.2+
- win32 extensions
- wsgiref library from
Based on isapi/test/, PEP 333 etc
__author__ = "Mark Rees <>"
__release__ = "0.4"
__version__ = "$Rev$ $LastChangedDate$"
__url__ = ""
__description__ = "ISAPI WSGI Handler"
__license__ = "MIT"
#this is first so that we can see import errors
import sys
if hasattr(sys, "isapidllhandle"):
import win32traceutil
import isapi
except ImportError:
raise ImportError("Could not find module isapi. isapi_wsgi requires pywin32")
from isapi import isapicon, ExtensionError
from isapi.simple import SimpleExtension
from isapi.threaded_extension import ThreadPoolExtension
from wsgiref.handlers import BaseHandler
from wsgiref.util import shift_path_info
import sys
import os
import stat
import string
import re
try: from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO
traceon = 0
def trace(*msgs):
"""Write trace message(s) so win32traceutil can display them"""
if not traceon: return
for msg in msgs:
class FoldedCaseString(str):
From jaraco.util.string.FoldedCase:
A case insensitive string class; behaves just like str
except compares equal when the only variation is case.
>>> s = FoldedCaseString('hello world')
>>> s == 'Hello World'
>>> 'Hello World' == s
>>> s.index('O')
>>> s.split('O')
['hell', ' w', 'rld']
>>> sorted(map(FoldedCaseString, ['GAMMA', 'alpha', 'Beta']))
['alpha', 'Beta', 'GAMMA']
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.lower() < other.lower()
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.lower() > other.lower()
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.lower() == other.lower()
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.lower())
# cache lower since it's likely to be called frequently.
def lower(self):
self._lower = super(FoldedCaseString, self).lower()
self.lower = lambda: self._lower
return self._lower
def index(self, sub):
return self.lower().index(sub.lower())
def split(self, splitter=' ', maxsplit=0):
pattern = re.compile(re.escape(splitter), re.I)
return pattern.split(self, maxsplit)
class ECBDictAdapter(object):
Adapt ECB to a read-only dictionary interface
>>> from fakeecb import FakeECB
>>> ecb = FakeECB()
>>> ecb_dict = ECBDictAdapter(ecb)
>>> ecb_dict['SCRIPT_NAME']
>>> ecb_dict['PATH_INFO']
def __init__(self, ecb):
self.ecb = ecb
if sys.version_info > (3,0):
if ecb.Version >= 0x00060000:
# we can handle UNICODE_* variables.
self._get_variable = self._get_variable_py3k
self._get_variable = self._get_variable_py3k_iis5
self._get_variable = self._get_variable_py2k
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._get_variable(key)
except ExtensionError:
raise KeyError, key
# a few helpers specific to the IIS and python version.
def _get_variable(self, key):
raise RuntimeError("not reached: replaced at runtime in the ctor")
def _get_variable_py3k_iis5(self, key):
# IIS5 doesn't support UNICODE_* variable names...
return self.ecb.GetServerVariable(key).decode('latin-1')
def _get_variable_py3k(self, key):
# IIS6 and later on py3k - ask IIS for the unicode version.
return self.ecb.GetServerVariable('UNICODE_' + key)
def _get_variable_py2k(self, key):
# py2k - just use normal string objects.
return self.ecb.GetServerVariable(key)
def path_references_application(path, apps):
Return true if the first element in the path matches any string
in the apps list.
>>> path_references_application('/foo/bar', ['foo','baz'])
# assume separator is /
nodes = filter(None, path.split('/'))
return nodes and nodes[0] in apps
def interpretPathInfo(ecb_server_vars, app_names=[]):
Based on the a dictionary of ECB server variables and list of valid
subapplication names, determine the correct PATH_INFO, SCRIPT_NAME,
By valid, I mean SCRIPT_NAME + PATH_INFO is always the request path and
SCRIPT_NAME is the path to the WSGi application and PATH_INFO is the path
that the WSGI application expects to handle.
In IIS, the path to the extension sometimes varies from the script name,
particularly when the script map extenison is not '*'. IIS_EXTENSION_PATH
is set to the path that leads to the extension.
Return these values as a dict.
For the following doctests, I use a convention:
vappname : the IIS application
appname : the wsgi application (may be )
subappX : a wsgi sub application (must always follow appname)
proc : a method within the WSGI app (something that should appear in PATH_INFO)
First some common examples
Following is an example case where the extension is installed at the root
of the site, the requested
URL is /proc
>>> ecb_vars = dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/proc', PATH_INFO='/proc', APPL_MD_PATH='/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT')
>>> interpretPathInfo(ecb_vars) == dict(SCRIPT_NAME='', PATH_INFO='/proc', IIS_EXTENSION_PATH='')
An example where the extension is installed to a virtual directory below
the root.
URL is /vappname/proc
>>> ecb_vars = dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/vappname/proc', PATH_INFO='/vappname/proc', APPL_MD_PATH='/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/vappname')
>>> interpretPathInfo(ecb_vars) == dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/vappname', PATH_INFO='/proc', IIS_EXTENSION_PATH='/vappname')
An example where the extension is installed to a virtual directory below
the root, and some subapps are present
>>> subapps = ('subapp1', 'subapp2')
URL is /vappname/proc
>>> ecb_vars = dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/vappname/proc', PATH_INFO='/vappname/proc', APPL_MD_PATH='/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/vappname')
>>> interpretPathInfo(ecb_vars, subapps) == dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/vappname', PATH_INFO='/proc', IIS_EXTENSION_PATH='/vappname')
URL is /vappname/subapp1/proc
>>> ecb_vars = dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/vappname/subapp1/proc', PATH_INFO='/vappname/subapp1/proc', APPL_MD_PATH='/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/vappname')
>>> interpretPathInfo(ecb_vars, subapps) == dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/vappname/subapp1', PATH_INFO='/proc', IIS_EXTENSION_PATH='/vappname', WSGI_SUBAPP='subapp1')
Now some less common scenarios
An example where the extension is installed only to the .wsgi extension to
a virtual directory below the root.
URL is /vappname/any.wsgi/proc
>>> ecb_vars = dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/vappname/any.wsgi', PATH_INFO='/vappname/any.wsgi/proc', APPL_MD_PATH='/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/vappname')
>>> interpretPathInfo(ecb_vars) == dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/vappname/any.wsgi', PATH_INFO='/proc', IIS_EXTENSION_PATH='/vappname')
An example where the extension is installed only to the .wsgi extension at
the root.
URL is /any_path/any.wsgi/proc
>>> ecb_vars = dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/any_path/any.wsgi', PATH_INFO='/any_path/any.wsgi/proc', APPL_MD_PATH='/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT')
>>> interpretPathInfo(ecb_vars) == dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/any_path/any.wsgi', PATH_INFO='/proc', IIS_EXTENSION_PATH='')
How about an extension installed at the root to the .wsgi extension with
URL is /any_path/any.wsgi/subapp1/proc/foo
>>> ecb_vars = dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/any_path/any.wsgi', PATH_INFO='/any_path/any.wsgi/subapp1/proc/foo', APPL_MD_PATH='/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT')
>>> interpretPathInfo(ecb_vars, subapps) == dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/any_path/any.wsgi/subapp1', PATH_INFO='/proc/foo', IIS_EXTENSION_PATH='', WSGI_SUBAPP='subapp1')
How about an extension installed at the root to the .wsgi extension with
subapps... this time default to the root app.
URL is /any_path/any.wsgi/proc/foo
>>> ecb_vars = dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/any_path/any.wsgi', PATH_INFO='/any_path/any.wsgi/proc/foo', APPL_MD_PATH='/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT')
>>> interpretPathInfo(ecb_vars, subapps) == dict(SCRIPT_NAME='/any_path/any.wsgi', PATH_INFO='/proc/foo', IIS_EXTENSION_PATH='')
PATH_INFO = ecb_server_vars['PATH_INFO']
SCRIPT_NAME = ecb_server_vars['SCRIPT_NAME']
IIS_EXTENSION_PATH = getISAPIExtensionPath(ecb_server_vars)
# since they're the same, we're in a * mapped extension; use
# the application path
# remove the script name from the path info
result = dict(
# finally, adjust the result if the path info begins with a subapp
if path_references_application(PATH_INFO, app_names):
result.update(WSGI_SUBAPP = shift_path_info(result))
return result
def getISAPIExtensionPath(ecb_server_vars):
"""Returns the path to our extension DLL.
This will be blank ('') if installed at the root, or something like
'/foo' or '/bar/foo' if 'foo' is the name of the virtual directory
where this extension is installed.
>>> getISAPIExtensionPath(dict(APPL_MD_PATH='/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/test'))
>>> getISAPIExtensionPath(dict(APPL_MD_PATH='/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT'))
This test exercises the less common mixed-case metadata path
>>> getISAPIExtensionPath(dict(APPL_MD_PATH='/LM/W3SVC/1/Root'))
# Only way I see how to do this is to fetch the location of our ISAPI
# extension in the metabase then assume that '/ROOT/' is the root!
# It will be something like MD='/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/test'
appl_md_path = ecb_server_vars["APPL_MD_PATH"]
appl_md_path = FoldedCaseString(appl_md_path)
site, pos = appl_md_path.split("/ROOT", 1)
return pos
class ISAPIInputWrapper:
# Based on ModPythonInputWrapper in
def __init__(self, ecb):
self._in = StringIO()
self._ecb = ecb
if self._ecb.AvailableBytes > 0:
data = self._ecb.AvailableData
# Check if more data from client than what is in ecb.AvailableData
excess = self._ecb.TotalBytes - self._ecb.AvailableBytes
if excess > 0:
extra = self._ecb.ReadClient(excess)
data = data + extra
# rewind to start
def next(self):
def read(self, size=-1):
def readline(self, size=-1):
return self._in.readline(size)
def readlines(self, hint=-1):
return self._in.readlines()
def reset(self):
def seek(self, *args, **kwargs):*args, **kwargs)
def tell(self):
return self._in.tell()
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._in.readlines())
class ISAPIOutputWrapper:
def __init__(self, ecb):
self.ecb = ecb
def write(self, msg):
def flush(self):
class ISAPIErrorWrapper:
def write(self, msg):
def flush(self):
class IsapiWsgiHandler(BaseHandler):
def __init__(self, ecb, path_info):
self.ecb = ecb
self.path_info = path_info
self.stdin = ISAPIInputWrapper(self.ecb)
self.stdout = ISAPIOutputWrapper(self.ecb)
self.stderr = sys.stderr #this will go to the win32traceutil
self.headers = None
self.headers_sent = False
self.wsgi_multithread = False
self.wsgi_multiprocess = False
self.base_env = []
def send_preamble(self):
"""Since ISAPI sends preamble itself, do nothing"""
def send_headers(self):
"""Transmit headers to the client, via self._write()"""
trace("send_headers", str(self.headers))
self.headers_sent = True
if not self.origin_server or self.client_is_modern():
self.ecb.SendResponseHeaders(self.status, str(self.headers), False)
def log_exception(self, exc_info):
raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
def _write(self, data):
trace("_write", data)
def _flush(self):
def get_stdin(self):
return self.stdin
def get_stderr(self):
return self.stderr
def add_cgi_vars(self):
# get standard windows os environment
environ = dict(os.environ.items())
ecb_dict = {
def _run_app(rootapp, apps, ecb):
# we have to pass path_info because otherwise the handler can't determine
# what the correct path is (because it doesn't know whether it's a
# subapp or not)
handler = IsapiWsgiHandler(ecb, '')
# The ISAPI extension - handles requests in our virtual dir, and sends the
# response to the client.
class ISAPISimpleHandler(SimpleExtension):
'''Python Simple WSGI ISAPI Extension'''
def __init__(self, rootapp=None, **apps):
self.rootapp = rootapp
self.apps = apps
def HttpExtensionProc(self, ecb):
trace("Enter HttpExtensionProc")
_run_app(self.rootapp, self.apps, ecb)
trace("Exit HttpExtensionProc")
return isapicon.HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS
def TerminateExtension(self, status):
class ISAPIThreadPoolHandler(ThreadPoolExtension):
'''Python Thread Pool WSGI ISAPI Extension'''
def __init__(self, rootapp=None, **apps):
self.rootapp = rootapp
self.apps = apps
def Dispatch(self, ecb):
trace("Enter Dispatch")
_run_app(self.rootapp, self.apps, ecb)
trace("Exit Dispatch")
def isapi_error(environ, start_response):
'''Send a nice error page to the client'''
status = '404 OK'
start_response(status, [('Content-type', 'text/plain')])
return ['Page not found']
def test(environ, start_response):
'''Simple app as per PEP 333'''
status = '200 OK'
start_response(status, [('Content-type', 'text/plain')])
return ['Hello world from isapi!']
# The entry points for the ISAPI extension.
def __ExtensionFactory__():
return ISAPISimpleHandler(test)
# Our special command line customization.
# Pre-install hook for our virtual directory.
def PreInstallDirectory(params, options):
# If the user used our special '--description' option,
# then we override our default.
if options.description:
params.Description = options.description
# Post install hook for our entire script
def PostInstall(params, options):
print "Extension installed"
# Handler for our custom 'status' argument.
def status_handler(options, log, arg):
"Query the status of something"
print "Everything seems to be fine!"
custom_arg_handlers = {"status": status_handler}
if __name__=='__main__':
# If run from the command-line, install ourselves.
from isapi.install import *
params = ISAPIParameters(PostInstall = PostInstall)
# Setup the virtual directories - this is a list of directories our
# extension uses - in this case only 1.
# Each extension has a "script map" - this is the mapping of ISAPI
# extensions.
sm = [
ScriptMapParams(Extension="*", Flags=0)
vd = VirtualDirParameters(Name="isapi-wsgi-test",
Description = "ISAPI-WSGI Test",
ScriptMaps = sm,
ScriptMapUpdate = "replace",
# specify the pre-install hook.
PreInstall = PreInstallDirectory
params.VirtualDirs = [vd]
# Setup our custom option parser.
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser('') # black usage, so isapi sets it.
parser.add_option("", "--description",
help="custom description to use for the virtual directory")
HandleCommandLine(params, opt_parser=parser,
custom_arg_handlers = custom_arg_handlers)
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