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Last active October 17, 2017 21:50
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UMBC CMSC 104 - Fall 2017 - Class 1 - 9/5/2017

Join Slack

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Introduce yourself

Introduce yourself by sending me a direct message in Slack. Tell me the name you prefer to be called and what you're majoring in. I would also like to know what prior experience you have with programming, if any. Please also tell me if you have any concerns about the class (scheduling conflicts, access to a computer, etc).

Create your own Scratch Program

editor link

Begin with the program we created together and change it in some way or start over if you want. Remember you can have multiple spites, each with its own program. Also feel free to explore features that we didn't cover as a group. Be creative. When you're done click the save button, which should result in downloading a file. Send this file to me in Slack via direct message (you should be able to just drag and drop the file).

Computer program

A collection of instructions that performs a specific task when executed by a computer.

Programming Language

A formal language that specifies a set of instructions that can be used to produce various kinds of output.

Program Syntax

The set of rules that defines the combinations of symbols that are considered to be a correctly structured program.

Program Semantics

The meaning of a program - i.e the programmer's intent.

At the end of today's class you will be able to:


  • computer program
  • programming language
  • program syntax
  • program semantics
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