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Last active February 23, 2024 16:54
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Sample Python script to loop through all the database objects and generate the DDL to replicate an environment prior to account replication being made available.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Get all the database objects and permissions.
# Can be used after running to create the required roles
# 2018-10-23 jfrink added ddl for roles, modified connection parameters
# 2019-01-15 jfrink added Roles and permissions report by object.
# 2019-03-07 jfrink added extract script to create a dump of all the tables to a stage
# and also the corresponding script to load all the data.
# Converted show tables over to using information schema for cases greater then 10k rows.
# Converted show views over to using information schema for cases greater then 10k rows.
# Added Pipes to the output
# Added change to output if sqlfile is provided.
# 2019-03-11 jfrink Fixed grants of objects privs, and create schema having use schema before create.
# 2019-03-12 jfrink Added support for specifying the schema
# 2019-03-27 jfrink Added support for Procedures, this may change with snowflake information schema changes.
# 2019-04-10 jfrink Fixed sorting issue with 1-Database, 10-Pipes. used 01, 02, ..,10 to resolve.
# 2019-07-22 jfrink Added STREAMS, fixed PIPE to use get_ddl function now that it supports it.
# 2019-07-22 jfrink Added export Role Hierarchy to JSON.
# 2019-08-15 jfrink Fixed UDF's to leverage the new calling method.
# 2019-08-20 jfrink Added output files in CSV for roles
# 2019-08-21 jfrink Added support to set the role for executing the script, instead of the default role for the user.
# 2019-09-04 jfrink Removed the output of the extract and load ddl if sqlfile is not passed in as an argument.
# 2020-04-09 jfrink Adjusted the filename for export/load to address same table name in multiple schemas. --Added fully qualified DB.SCHEMA.objectname
# Changed the extract of DDL to have views at the end of the list to accomidate views that span databases.
# 2020-04-10 jfrink Added a parameter switch to ignore grants to shares for objects if this option is specified.
# 2020-06-04 jfrink Fixed bug on get_grants_to_role to include account level parameters and warehouse parameters.
# 2020-06-04 jfrink Added support to create role definitions if the roles only option is used with sqlfile parameter.
# 2020-07-09 rtempleton Added support for warehouse definitions
# Version 1.1.9
# -> ./ demoxx load_wh peter -db SALES -r -c -u -sqlfile sales_db.sql
# usage: ./ [-h] [-execrole ROLE] [-db DATABASE] [-schema SCHEMA] [-sqlfile SQLFILE]
# [-r] [-ro] [-u] [-ignoreshare] [-c] [-v] [-m MFA]
# Required parameters: account warehouse user
# NOTE: This script is for educational purposes only.
# It is not meant to be run on production systems without
# modification and testing.
# Snowflake Inc. assumes no responsibility for use of
# this script.
#import sys
#import os, glob, errno
import getpass
import argparse
import snowflake.connector
import re
#import json
# Verbose processing
def show_verbose(verbose, text_to_print):
if verbose:
# run_sql to pass result set back
def run_sql(conn, sql, fetchall):
cur = conn.cursor()
if fetchall:
res = cur.fetchall()
res = cur.fetchone()
except snowflake.connector.errors.ProgrammingError as e:
print("Statement error: {0}".format(e.msg))
res = ('Statement error: ' + str(e.msg),)
print("Unexpected error: {0}".format(e.msg))
return res
def get_grants_on_object(conn, object_type, object_name, verbose, objf, ignoreshare):
grant_list = []
if object_type == 'DATABASE':
sql = 'show grants on DATABASE ' + object_name
elif object_type == 'SCHEMA':
sql = 'show grants on SCHEMA ' + object_name
elif object_type == 'STAGE':
sql = 'show grants on STAGE ' + object_name
elif object_type == 'SEQUENCE':
sql = 'show grants on SEQUENCE ' + object_name
elif object_type == 'FILE_FORMAT':
sql = 'show grants on FILE FORMAT ' + object_name
elif object_type == 'TABLE':
sql = 'show grants on TABLE ' + object_name
elif object_type == 'VIEW':
sql = 'show grants on VIEW ' + object_name
elif object_type == 'FUNCTION':
sql = 'show grants on FUNCTION ' + object_name
elif object_type == 'PROCEDURE':
sql = 'show grants on PROCEDURE ' + object_name
elif object_type == 'PIPE':
sql = 'show grants on PIPE ' + object_name
elif object_type == 'STREAM':
sql = 'show grants on STREAM ' + object_name
elif object_type == 'WAREHOUSE':
sql = 'show grants on WAREHOUSE ' + object_name
return grant_list # Not an option for getting GRANTS return back the empty list
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
grants = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for grant in grants:
priv = grant[1]
granted_on = grant[2]
name = grant[3]
granted_to = grant[4]
grantee_name = grant[5]
if granted_to == 'SHARE' and ignoreshare:
if priv == 'OWNERSHIP':
# Output to the grants on object file
printer(grantee_name + '|' + granted_to + '|' + priv + '|' + granted_on + '|' + name, objf)
# grant_stmt = 'grant ' + priv + ' on ' + object_name + ' to ' + granted_to + ' ' + grantee_name +';'
grant_stmt = 'grant ' + priv + ' on ' + granted_on + ' ' + name + ' to ' + granted_to + ' ' + grantee_name + ';'
# Output to the grants on object file
printer(grantee_name + '|' + granted_to + '|' + priv + '|' + granted_on + '|' + name, objf)
if grant_stmt not in grant_list:
return grant_list
def get_database_list(conn, dbname, verbose, objf, ignoreshare):
database_objects = {}
print('--Step 1. Getting Database List')
if dbname:
sql = "show databases like '{0}'".format(dbname)
sql = 'show databases'
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
databases = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for database in databases:
db_info = {}
role_obj = {}
name = database[1]
created_on = database[0]
origin = database[4]
role_owner = database[5]
comment = database[6]
retention = database[7]
# Resolve the issue with shares into the account
# If the data is shared, then the origin field is populated
if origin != '':
grants_list = get_grants_on_object(conn, 'DATABASE', name, verbose, objf, ignoreshare)
ddl = 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ' + name + " COMMENT = '" + comment + "';"
info = {'NAME': name, 'CREATED': created_on, 'ORIGIN': origin, 'OWNER': role_owner, 'COMMENT': comment,
'RETENTION': retention, 'DDL': ddl, 'SCHEMA': '', 'GRANTS': grants_list}
db_info['01-DATABASE'] = info
# list of hashes for DB info under role_obj
if role_owner in role_obj:
role_obj[role_owner] = []
database_objects[name] = role_obj
return database_objects
def get_database_schemas(conn, database_objects, verbose, just_schema, objf, ignoreshare):
print('--Step 2. Getting Schema List')
# Loop through all the databases, or a single database and populate the schema.
for db in database_objects.keys():
if just_schema:
sql = "show schemas like '" + just_schema + "' in database " + db
sql = 'show schemas in database ' + db
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
schemas = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for schema in schemas:
db_info = {}
role_obj = {}
created_on = schema[0]
name = schema[1]
role_owner = schema[5]
comment = schema[6]
options = schema[7]
retention = schema[8]
# if name != 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA' and name != 'PUBLIC':
if options == 'TRANSIENT':
ddl = 'CREATE TRANSIENT schema IF NOT EXISTS ' + db + '.' + name + ';'
ddl = 'CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS ' + db + '.' + name + ';'
grants_list = get_grants_on_object(conn, 'SCHEMA', db + '.' + name, verbose, objf, ignoreshare)
info = {'NAME': name, 'SCHEMA': name, 'CREATED': created_on, 'OWNER': role_owner, 'COMMENT': comment,
'OPTIONS': options, 'RETENTION': retention, 'DDL': ddl, 'GRANTS': grants_list}
db_info['02-SCHEMAS'] = info
role_obj = database_objects[db]
if role_owner in role_obj:
role_obj[role_owner] = []
database_objects[db] = role_obj
return database_objects
def get_database_stages(conn, database_objects, verbose, just_schema, objf, ignoreshare):
print('--Step 3. Getting Stages List')
# Loop through all the databases, or a single database and populate the stages.
for db in database_objects.keys():
if just_schema:
sql = 'use database ' + db
sqloutput = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
sql = 'show stages in schema ' + just_schema
sql = 'show stages in database ' + db
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
stages = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for stage in stages:
db_info = {}
role_obj = {}
created_on = stage[0]
name = stage[1]
schema = stage[3]
role_owner = stage[7]
comment = stage[8]
region = stage[9]
type = stage[10]
if type == 'EXTERNAL':
ddl = '--***** External Stage, must get permssions and manually create **** CREATE STAGE ' + db + '.' + schema + '.' + name + ';'
ddl = 'CREATE STAGE ' + db + '.' + schema + '.' + name + ';'
grants_list = get_grants_on_object(conn, 'STAGE', db + '.' + schema + '.' + name, verbose, objf,
info = {'NAME': name, 'CREATED': created_on, 'OWNER': role_owner, 'COMMENT': comment, 'SCHEMA': schema,
'REGION': region, 'DDL': ddl, 'TYPE': type, 'GRANTS': grants_list}
db_info['03-STAGES'] = info
role_obj = database_objects[db]
if role_owner in role_obj:
role_obj[role_owner] = []
database_objects[db] = role_obj
return database_objects
def get_database_sequences(conn, database_objects, verbose, just_schema, objf, ignoreshare):
print('--Step 4. Getting Sequences List')
# Loop through all the databases, or a single database and populate the stages.
for db in database_objects.keys():
if just_schema:
sql = 'use database ' + db
sqloutput = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
sql = 'show sequences in schema ' + just_schema
sql = 'show sequences in database ' + db
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
sequences = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for sequence in sequences:
db_info = {}
role_obj = {}
name = sequence[0]
schema = sequence[2]
created_on = sequence[5]
role_owner = sequence[6]
comment = sequence[7]
sql = "select get_ddl('SEQUENCE', '" + db + '.' + schema + '.' + name + "')"
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
ddl_tup = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
ddl = ddl_tup[0]
grants_list = get_grants_on_object(conn, 'SEQUENCE', db + '.' + schema + '.' + name, verbose, objf,
info = {'NAME': name, 'CREATED': created_on, 'OWNER': role_owner, 'COMMENT': comment, 'SCHEMA': schema,
'DDL': ddl, 'GRANTS': grants_list}
db_info['04-SEQUENCES'] = info
role_obj = database_objects[db]
if role_owner in role_obj:
role_obj[role_owner] = []
database_objects[db] = role_obj
return database_objects
def get_database_fileformats(conn, database_objects, verbose, just_schema, objf, ignoreshare):
print('--Step 5. Getting FileFormats List')
# Loop through all the databases, or a single database and populate the stages.
for db in database_objects.keys():
if just_schema:
sql = 'use database ' + db
sqloutput = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
sql = 'show file formats in schema ' + just_schema
sql = 'show file formats in database ' + db
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
fileformats = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for fileformat in fileformats:
db_info = {}
role_obj = {}
name = fileformat[1]
schema = fileformat[3]
created_on = fileformat[0]
type = fileformat[4]
role_owner = fileformat[5]
comment = fileformat[6]
sql = "select get_ddl('FILE_FORMAT', '" + db + '.' + schema + '.' + name + "')"
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
ddl_tup = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
ddl = ddl_tup[0]
grants_list = get_grants_on_object(conn, 'FILE_FORMAT', db + '.' + schema + '.' + name, verbose, objf,
info = {'NAME': name, 'CREATED': created_on, 'OWNER': role_owner, 'COMMENT': comment, 'SCHEMA': schema,
'DDL': ddl, 'TYPE': type, 'GRANTS': grants_list}
db_info['05-FILE_FORMATS'] = info
role_obj = database_objects[db]
if role_owner in role_obj:
role_obj[role_owner] = []
database_objects[db] = role_obj
return database_objects
def get_database_tables(conn, database_objects, verbose, just_schema, objf, ignoreshare):
print('--Step 6. Getting Table List')
# Loop through all the databases, or a single database and populate the stages.
for db in database_objects.keys():
# sql = 'show tables in database ' + db
if just_schema:
sql = 'select created, table_name, table_catalog, table_schema, table_type, comment, clustering_key, row_count, bytes, table_owner, retention_time, auto_clustering_on from ' + db + ".INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_schema = upper('" + just_schema + "') and TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' "
sql = 'select created, table_name, table_catalog, table_schema, table_type, comment, clustering_key, row_count, bytes, table_owner, retention_time, auto_clustering_on from ' + db + ".INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_schema != 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA' and TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' "
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
tables = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for table in tables:
db_info = {}
role_obj = {}
name = table[1]
schema = table[3]
kind = table[4]
comment = table[5]
created_on = table[0]
role_owner = table[9]
retention = table[10]
# Check if the table contains a variant column, if it does make sure its the only column in the table
sql = "select count(*) as total_cols, sum(case when data_type = 'VARIANT' then 1 else 0 end) as total_var_cols from " + db + ".INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_schema = '" + schema + "' and TABLE_NAME = '" + name + "' and table_catalog = '" + db + "'"
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
col_count_tup = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
col_count = col_count_tup[0]
variant_count = col_count_tup[1]
exportable = 'TRUE'
if variant_count > 0:
variant_flag = 'TRUE'
if variant_count > 1:
exportable = 'FALSE'
variant_flag = 'FALSE'
# Now get the DDL for the table
sql = "select get_ddl('TABLE', '" + db + '.' + schema + '."' + name + '"' + "')"
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
ddl_tup = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
ddl = ddl_tup[0]
# ddl = 'USE SCHEMA ' + schema + ';\n '+ ddl
grants_list = get_grants_on_object(conn, 'TABLE', db + '.' + schema + '."' + name + '"', verbose, objf,
info = {'NAME': name, 'CREATED': created_on, 'OWNER': role_owner, 'COMMENT': comment, 'SCHEMA': schema,
'DDL': ddl, 'KIND': kind, 'RETENTION': retention, 'GRANTS': grants_list,
'VARIANT_FLAG': variant_flag, 'EXPORTABLE': exportable}
db_info['06-TABLES'] = info
role_obj = database_objects[db]
if role_owner in role_obj:
role_obj[role_owner] = []
database_objects[db] = role_obj
return database_objects
def get_database_views(conn, database_objects, verbose, just_schema, objf, ignoreshare):
print('--Step 7. Getting View List')
# Loop through all the databases, or a single database and populate the stages.
for db in database_objects.keys():
# sql = 'show views in database ' + db
if just_schema:
sql = 'select created, table_name, is_updatable, table_catalog, table_schema, table_owner, comment, insertable_into, is_secure from ' + db + ".INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS where table_schema = upper('" + just_schema + "') and TABLE_OWNER is not NULL "
sql = 'select created, table_name, is_updatable, table_catalog, table_schema, table_owner, comment, insertable_into, is_secure from ' + db + ".INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS where table_schema != 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA' and TABLE_OWNER is not NULL "
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
views = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for view in views:
db_info = {}
role_obj = {}
name = view[1]
schema = view[4]
role_owner = view[5]
comment = view[6]
created_on = view[0]
secure = view[8]
if schema != 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA' and (secure == 'false' or secure == 'NO'):
sql = "select get_ddl('VIEW', '" + db + '.' + schema + '."' + name + '"' + "')"
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
ddl_tup = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
ddl = ddl_tup[0]
grants_list = get_grants_on_object(conn, 'VIEW', db + '.' + schema + '."' + name + '"', verbose, objf,
info = {'NAME': name, 'CREATED': created_on, 'OWNER': role_owner, 'COMMENT': comment, 'SCHEMA': schema,
'DDL': ddl, 'SECURE': secure, 'GRANTS': grants_list}
db_info['07-VIEWS'] = info
role_obj = database_objects[db]
if role_owner in role_obj:
role_obj[role_owner] = []
database_objects[db] = role_obj
return database_objects
def get_database_udfs(conn, database_objects, verbose, just_schema, objf, ignoreshare):
print('--Step 8. Getting UDF List')
# Loop through all the databases, or a single database and populate the stages.
for db in database_objects.keys():
if just_schema:
sql = 'use database ' + db
sqloutput = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
sql = 'show USER functions in schema ' + just_schema
sql = 'show USER functions in database ' + db
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
udfs = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for udf in udfs:
db_info = {}
role_obj = {}
name = udf[1]
schema = udf[2]
comment = ''
created_on = udf[0]
secure = udf[13]
argument_signature = udf[8]
argument_signature = argument_signature[argument_signature.find('('):argument_signature.find(')') + 1]
sql = 'select function_owner , argument_signature from ' + db + ".INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FUNCTIONS where function_name = '" + name + "' and function_catalog = '" + db + "' and function_schema = '" + schema + "'"
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
owner_tup = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
role_owner = owner_tup[0]
# Old way of doing it, now changed in the metadata 2019-08-15 fix
# #argument_signature = owner_tup[1]
if schema != 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA':
sql = "select get_ddl('FUNCTION', '" + db + '.' + schema + '.' + name + argument_signature + "')"
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
ddl_tup = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
ddl = ddl_tup[0]
# ddl = 'USE SCHEMA ' + schema + ';\n '+ ddl
if ddl[0:9] != 'Statement':
grants_list = get_grants_on_object(conn, 'FUNCTION',
db + '.' + schema + '.' + name + argument_signature, verbose,
objf, ignoreshare)
grants_list = [
'Error getting ' + "select get_ddl('FUNCTION', '" + db + '.' + schema + '.' + name + argument_signature + "')"]
info = {'NAME': name, 'CREATED': created_on, 'OWNER': role_owner, 'COMMENT': comment, 'SCHEMA': schema,
'DDL': ddl, 'SECURE': secure, 'GRANTS': grants_list}
db_info['08-UDFS'] = info
role_obj = database_objects[db]
if role_owner in role_obj:
role_obj[role_owner] = []
database_objects[db] = role_obj
return database_objects
def get_database_procedures(conn, database_objects, verbose, just_schema, objf, ignoreshare):
print('--Step 9. Getting Procedure List')
# Loop through all the databases, or a single database and populate the stages.
for db in database_objects.keys():
if just_schema:
sql = 'use database ' + db
sqloutput = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
sql = 'show procedures in schema ' + just_schema
sql = 'show procedures in database ' + db
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
procs = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for proc in procs:
db_info = {}
role_obj = {}
name = proc[1]
schema = proc[2]
comment = ''
created_on = proc[0]
secure = proc[13]
proc_arguments = proc[8]
# Find the first ) for the closing paren for the Arguments list.
name_argument_signature = proc_arguments[0:proc_arguments.find(')') + 1]
# get the ownership role
sql = 'show grants on PROCEDURE ' + db + '.' + schema + '.' + name_argument_signature
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
results = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
# sql='select * from table(result_scan(last_query_id())) where "privilege"='+"'OWNERSHIP'"
# results = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
role_owner = 'PUBLIC --Please check this is correct'
for result in results:
if result[1] == 'OWNERSHIP':
role_owner = result[5]
sql = "select get_ddl('PROCEDURE', '" + db + '.' + schema + '.' + name_argument_signature + "')"
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
ddl_tup = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
ddl = ddl_tup[0]
grants_list = get_grants_on_object(conn, 'PROCEDURE', db + '.' + schema + '.' + name_argument_signature,
verbose, objf, ignoreshare)
info = {'NAME': name, 'CREATED': created_on, 'OWNER': role_owner, 'COMMENT': comment, 'SCHEMA': schema,
'DDL': ddl, 'SECURE': secure, 'GRANTS': grants_list}
db_info['09-PROCEDURES'] = info
role_obj = database_objects[db]
if role_owner in role_obj:
role_obj[role_owner] = []
database_objects[db] = role_obj
return database_objects
def get_database_pipes(conn, database_objects, verbose, just_schema, objf, ignoreshare):
print('--Step 10. Getting Pipe List')
# Loop through all the databases, or a single database and populate the stages.
for db in database_objects.keys():
if just_schema:
sql = 'use database ' + db
sqloutput = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
sql = 'show pipes in schema ' + just_schema
sql = 'show pipes in database ' + db
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
pipes = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for pipe in pipes:
db_info = {}
role_obj = {}
name = pipe[1]
schema = pipe[3]
role_owner = pipe[5]
comment = pipe[7]
created_on = pipe[0]
# ddl = 'CREATE PIPE ' + db + '.' + schema + '.' + name + ' as ' + pipe[4] + ';'
sql = "select get_ddl('PIPE', '" + db + '.' + schema + '.' + name + "')"
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
ddl_tup = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
ddl = ddl_tup[0]
grants_list = get_grants_on_object(conn, 'PIPE', db + '.' + schema + '.' + name, verbose, objf, ignoreshare)
info = {'NAME': name, 'CREATED': created_on, 'OWNER': role_owner, 'COMMENT': comment, 'SCHEMA': schema,
'DDL': ddl, 'GRANTS': grants_list}
db_info['10-PIPES'] = info
role_obj = database_objects[db]
if role_owner in role_obj:
role_obj[role_owner] = []
database_objects[db] = role_obj
return database_objects
def get_database_streams(conn, database_objects, verbose, just_schema, objf, ignoreshare):
print('--Step 11. Getting Streams List')
# Loop through all the databases, or a single database and populate the stages.
for db in database_objects.keys():
if just_schema:
sql = 'use database ' + db
sqloutput = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
sql = 'show streams in schema ' + just_schema
sql = 'show streams in database ' + db
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
streams = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for stream in streams:
db_info = {}
role_obj = {}
name = stream[1]
schema = stream[3]
role_owner = stream[4]
comment = stream[5]
created_on = stream[0]
sql = "select get_ddl('STREAM', '" + db + '.' + schema + '.' + name + "')"
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
ddl_tup = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
ddl = ddl_tup[0]
grants_list = get_grants_on_object(conn, 'STREAM', db + '.' + schema + '.' + name, verbose, objf,
info = {'NAME': name, 'CREATED': created_on, 'OWNER': role_owner, 'COMMENT': comment, 'SCHEMA': schema,
'DDL': ddl, 'GRANTS': grants_list}
db_info['11-STREAMS'] = info
role_obj = database_objects[db]
if role_owner in role_obj:
role_obj[role_owner] = []
database_objects[db] = role_obj
return database_objects
def get_warehouse_list(conn, verbose, objf, ignoreshare):
wh_list = {}
print('--Step 12. Getting Warehouse List')
sql = 'show warehouses'
show_verbose(verbose, sql)
warehouses = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for warehouse in warehouses:
name = warehouse[0]
wh_type = warehouse[2]
size = warehouse[3]
min_cluster_count = warehouse[4]
max_cluster_count = warehouse[5]
auto_suspend = warehouse[11]
auto_resume = warehouse[12]
owner = warehouse[20]
grants_list = get_grants_on_object(conn, 'WAREHOUSE', name, verbose, objf, ignoreshare)
ddl = 'CREATE WAREHOUSE IF NOT EXISTS ' + name + " WITH WAREHOUSE_SIZE = '" + str(size) + "' SCALING_POLICY = '" + wh_type + "' AUTO_SUSPEND = " + str(auto_suspend) + " AUTO_RESUME = " + str(auto_resume)
ddl = ddl + " MIN_CLUSTER_COUNT = " + str(min_cluster_count) + " MAX_CLUSTER_COUNT = " + str(max_cluster_count) + " INITIALLY_SUSPENDED = TRUE;"
#info = {'DDL': ddl, 'GRANTS': grants_list}
if owner not in wh_list:
wh_list[owner] = []
for grants in grants_list:
return wh_list
def print_ddl(database_objects, items, verbose, outputfile, roles, ddl_roles, warehouses_ddl, filemode):
if outputfile:
of = open(outputfile, filemode)
except IOError:
print("Could not open file! " + outputfile)
of = ''
# Using the w for write vs a for append flag to determine if we put the role information in the file.
if roles and filemode == 'w':
for role in ddl_roles.keys():
printer('-------------------------------------', of)
printer('-- Generating: Roles', of)
printer('-------------------------------------', of)
printer(role, of)
for ddl in ddl_roles[role]['DDL']:
printer(ddl, of)
for grant in ddl_roles[role]['GRANTS']:
printer(grant, of)
for gu in ddl_roles[role]['GRANTS_USERS']:
printer(gu, of)
for priv in ddl_roles[role]['PRIVS']:
printer(priv, of)
printer('', of)
printer('-------------------------------------', of)
printer('-- Generating: Warehouses', of)
printer('-------------------------------------', of)
for role in warehouses_ddl.keys():
printer('USE ROLE ' + role + ';', of)
for ddl in warehouses_ddl[role]:
printer(ddl, of)
for db in sorted(database_objects.keys()): # Database Name
# Now loop through the new obj_hash to print out the ddl
for item in sorted(items):
printer('-------------------------------------', of)
printer('-- Generating: ' + str(item), of)
printer('-------------------------------------', of)
if item != '01-DATABASE':
printer('USE DATABASE ' + db + ';', of)
role_obj = database_objects[db]
for role in sorted(role_obj.keys()): # Role Name
first_time_flag = True
obj_list = role_obj[role] # Object list, 1-DATABASE, 2-SCHEMAS, etc.
for obj in obj_list:
for key in sorted(obj.keys(), reverse=True):
if key == item:
schema = obj[key]['SCHEMA']
list = obj[key]['DDL']
list_grants = obj[key]['GRANTS']
if first_time_flag:
printer('USE ROLE ' + role + ';', of)
first_time_flag = False
if schema != '' and str(item) != '02-SCHEMAS':
printer('USE SCHEMA ' + schema + ';', of)
printer(list, of)
printer('', of)
for list_grant in list_grants:
# printer('--GRANTS', of)
printer(list_grant, of)
printer('', of)
if of != '':
if not of.closed:
def printer(text, fh):
if fh != '':
if not fh.closed:
fh.write(text + "\n")
def extract_ddl(database_objects, item, verbose, outputfile, roles, ddl_roles):
if outputfile:
match ='([\w.-]+)\.([\w.-]+)', outputfile)
if match:
outputfile = + '_extract.sql'
outputfile2 = + '_load.sql'
outputfile2 = outputfile + '_load.sql'
outputfile = outputfile + '_extract.sql'
of = open(outputfile, 'w')
except IOError:
print("Could not open file! " + outputfile)
of2 = open(outputfile2, 'w')
except IOError:
print("Could not open file! " + outputfile2)
print('--Extract DDL file name -> ' + outputfile)
print('--Load DDL file name -> ' + outputfile2)
of = ''
of2 = ''
for db in sorted(database_objects.keys()): # Database Name
# Now loop through the new obj_hash to print out the ddl
printer('-------------------------------------', of)
printer('-- Generating Extract: ' + str(item), of)
printer('-------------------------------------', of)
printer('-------------------------------------', of2)
printer('-- Generating LOAD: ' + str(item), of2)
printer('-------------------------------------', of2)
if item != '01-DATABASE':
printer('USE DATABASE ' + db + ';', of)
printer('USE DATABASE ' + db + ';', of2)
role_obj = database_objects[db]
for role in sorted(role_obj.keys()): # Role Name
first_time_flag = True
obj_list = role_obj[role] # Object list, 1-DATABASE, 2-SCHEMAS, etc.
for obj in obj_list:
for key in sorted(obj.keys(), reverse=True):
if key == item:
schema = obj[key]['SCHEMA']
# Check to see if the table is exportable, and if it is, if it contains a variant column use the Paquet format.
if obj[key]['EXPORTABLE'] == 'TRUE':
if obj[key]['VARIANT_FLAG'] == 'TRUE':
list = "copy into @UTIL_DB_MIGRATION.PUBLIC.EXTRACT_STAGE/" + db + "/" + schema + "/" + \
obj[key]['NAME'] + '/' + obj[key]['NAME'] + ' from ' + db + "." + schema + "." + \
'NAME'] + " file_format=(format_name='UTIL_DB_MIGRATION.PUBLIC.PARQUET_FMT' compression='AUTO');"
list2 = "copy into " + db + "." + schema + "." + obj[key][
'NAME'] + " from @UTIL_DB_MIGRATION.PUBLIC.EXTRACT_STAGE/" + db + "/" + schema + "/" + \
obj[key]['NAME'] + '/' + obj[key][
'NAME'] + " file_format=(format_name='UTIL_DB_MIGRATION.PUBLIC.PARQUET_FMT');"
list = "copy into @UTIL_DB_MIGRATION.PUBLIC.EXTRACT_STAGE/" + db + "/" + schema + "/" + \
obj[key]['NAME'] + '/' + obj[key]['NAME'] + ' from ' + db + "." + schema + "." + \
'NAME'] + " file_format=(format_name='UTIL_DB_MIGRATION.PUBLIC.CSV_FMT' compression='AUTO');"
list2 = "copy into " + db + "." + schema + "." + obj[key][
'NAME'] + " from @UTIL_DB_MIGRATION.PUBLIC.EXTRACT_STAGE/" + db + "/" + schema + "/" + \
obj[key]['NAME'] + '/' + obj[key][
'NAME'] + " file_format=(format_name='UTIL_DB_MIGRATION.PUBLIC.CSV_FMT');"
list = "-------- Object will have to be manually exported because it contains mixed columns or multiple varaiant columns: " + \
list2 = "-------- Object will have to be manually exported because it contains mixed columns or multiple varaiant columns: " + \
if first_time_flag:
printer('USE ROLE ' + role + ';', of)
printer('USE ROLE ' + role + ';', of2)
first_time_flag = False
if schema != '':
printer('USE SCHEMA ' + schema + ';', of)
printer('USE SCHEMA ' + schema + ';', of2)
printer(list, of)
printer('', of)
printer(list2, of2)
printer('', of2)
if of2 != '':
if not of2.closed:
if of != '':
if not of.closed:
def get_roles(conn, verbose):
roles_all = {}
ddl_roles = {}
print('--Step 12. Getting Roles List')
if verbose:
sql = "select current_version(), current_client(), current_account(), current_user(), current_role()"
res = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
print("Snowflake version: {0}, client: {1}, account: {2}, user: {3}, role: {4}".format(res[0], res[1], res[2],
res[3], res[4]))
# get all roles
sql = "show roles"
roles = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
print("-- Role count: " + str(len(roles)))
for row in roles:
if verbose:
print("created: {0}, name: {1}, comment: {2}".format(row[0], row[1], row[9]))
# remember each role and its comment
role = row[1]
owner = row[8]
comment = row[9]
# Add the use role to the DDL so the role is created with the same access.
if len(owner) != 0:
use_role = 'use role ' + owner + ';'
ddl = 'CREATE ROLE IF NOT EXISTS ' + role + ';'
use_role = 'use role ACCOUNTADMIN;'
ddl = 'CREATE ROLE IF NOT EXISTS' + role + ';'
# Comment out the DDL statement for the built in roles
ddl = '--' + ddl
# role_obj = {'name':role, 'comment':comment, 'OWNER':owner, 'USE_ROLE':use_role, 'DDL':ddl, 'GRANTS':[]}
role_obj = {'name': role, 'comment': comment, 'OWNER': owner}
roles_all[role] = role_obj
# Build the DDL_ROLES dict to handle the looping through the roles for permissions.
if use_role in ddl_roles:
ddl_roles[use_role] = {'DDL': [], 'GRANTS': [], 'GRANTS_USERS': [], 'PRIVS': []}
return (roles_all, ddl_roles)
def get_grants_to_role(conn, verbose, roles_all, ddl_roles, objf):
print('--Step 13. Getting Grants on Role List')
for role in roles_all.keys():
sql = 'show grants to role "{0}"'.format(role)
# sql = 'show grants on role "{0}"'.format(role)
if verbose:
privs = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
for row in privs:
privilege = row[1]
granted_on = row[2]
object_name = row[3]
granted_to = row[4]
grantee = row[5]
grant_option = row[6]
granted_by = row[7]
if len(granted_by) == 0:
granted_by = 'ACCOUNTADMIN'
use_role = 'use role ' + granted_by + ';'
if granted_on == 'ACCOUNT':
object_name = ''
if grant_option == 'true':
grant = 'grant ' + privilege + ' on ' + granted_on + ' ' + object_name + ' to ' + granted_to + ' ' + grantee + ' with grant option;'
printer(grantee + '|' + granted_to + '|' + privilege + '|' + granted_on + '|' + object_name, objf)
grant = grant = 'grant ' + privilege + ' on ' + granted_on + ' ' + object_name + ' to ' + granted_to + ' ' + grantee + ';'
printer(grantee + '|' + granted_to + '|' + privilege + '|' + granted_on + '|' + object_name, objf)
# Build the DDL_ROLES dict to handle the looping through the roles for permissions.
# if privilege not in ('USAGE', 'OWNERSHIP'):
# if privilege in ('WAREHOUSE', 'ACCOUNT'):
# 2020-06-04 fix applied.
if granted_on in ('WAREHOUSE', 'ACCOUNT'):
if use_role in ddl_roles:
ddl_roles[use_role] = {'DDL': [], 'GRANTS': [], 'GRANTS_USERS': [], 'PRIVS': []}
return (roles_all, ddl_roles)
def get_grants_of_role(conn, verbose, roles_all, ddl_roles, off):
print('--Step 14. Getting Grants of Role List')
print('--Role Hierarchy')
roles_tree = {}
for role in roles_all.keys():
sql = 'show grants of role "{0}"'.format(role)
if verbose:
grants = run_sql(conn, sql, True)
parent_count = 0
for row in grants:
if verbose:
print("created: {0}, role: {1}, granted_to: {2}, grantee: {3}, granted by: {4}".format(row[0], row[1],
row[2], row[3],
# role = row[1] #already populated based on the role key.
granted_to = row[2]
grantee = row[3]
granted_by = row[4]
if granted_by == '':
granted_by = 'ACCOUNTADMIN'
if granted_to == 'ROLE':
parent_count += 1
if verbose:
print("\trole {0} parent: {1}".format(role, grantee))
parent = roles_all[grantee] # Ex. AccountAdmin parent
child = roles_all[role] # Ex. Sysadmin child
children = parent.get('children') # check to see if children is in the list.
if children != None:
children.append(child) # Ex. Adds new item to the list children.
children = [child] # Ex. Defines a list of children and adds sysadmin
parent['children'] = children # Ex. dict parent['children']= list of children
# Build the DDL_ROLES dict to handle the looping through the roles for permissions.
use_role = 'use role ' + granted_by + ';'
grant = 'grant role ' + role + ' to role ' + grantee + ';'
printer(role + '|' + grantee + '|' + 'ROLE', off)
if use_role in ddl_roles:
ddl_roles[use_role] = {'DDL': [], 'GRANTS': [], 'GRANTS_USERS': [], 'PRIVS': []}
if verbose:
print("\t", role, children)
if granted_to == 'USER':
if verbose:
print("\trole {0} granted to: {1}".format(role, grantee))
parent = roles_all[role]
users = parent.get('users')
if users != None:
users = [grantee]
parent['users'] = users # Ex. dict parent['users']= list of users
# Build the DDL_ROLES dict to handle the looping through the roles for permissions.
use_role = 'use role ' + granted_by + ';'
grant = 'grant role ' + role + ' to user "' + grantee + '";'
printer(grantee + '|' + role + '|' + 'USER', off)
if use_role in ddl_roles:
ddl_roles[use_role] = {'DDL': [], 'GRANTS': [], 'GRANTS_USERS': [], 'PRIVS': []}
if verbose:
print("\t", grantee, users)
if parent_count == 0:
# this role has no parents, add to root of tree
if verbose:
print("role '" + role + "' has no parents")
roles_tree[role] = roles_all[role]
# Add the public role to the roles_tree hierarchy in case it has no direct privs.
if 'PUBLIC' not in roles_tree.keys():
roles_tree['PUBLIC'] = roles_all['PUBLIC']
return (roles_all, roles_tree, ddl_roles)
def print_roles(all_roles, roles_tree, level, showusers, comments, db_obj, off):
for key in sorted(roles_tree.keys()):
role_obj = all_roles[key]
print_role(role_obj, level, showusers, comments, db_obj, off)
def print_role(role_obj, level, showusers, comments, db_obj, off):
indent = ' ' * level
name = role_obj['name']
role = role_obj['name']
# added below two lines to build out the grants_of_role.csv file.
if level == 0:
printer(role + '|' + '|' + 'ROLE', off)
# mark system roles with square brackets so they stand out
name = "[" + name + "]"
str = indent + name
comm = role_obj['comment']
if comments and len(comm) > 0:
str += "\t(" + comm + ")"
# ---------------------------------------------------
# Print out the Database objects for this role
# ---------------------------------------------------
for db in db_obj.keys():
if role in db_obj[db]:
for itemtype in db_obj[db][role]: # 1-Database, 2-SCHEMAS, 3-TABLES
for k, v in itemtype.items():
if k in ('01-DATABASE', '02-SCHEMAS'):
print(indent + ' Granted Access to: ' + k + ' \t\tObject: ' + v['NAME'])
print(indent + ' Granted Access to: ' + k + ' \t\tObject: ' + db + '.' + v['SCHEMA'] + '.' + v[
# Now loop through any individual object grants
for grant in v['GRANTS']:
print(indent + ' Granted Individual Access to: ' + k + ' \t\tObject: ' + grant)
# print users that have been granted this role
if showusers:
str = indent + " " + "granted to user: "
users = role_obj.get('users')
if users != None:
for obj in users:
print(str + obj)
# recurse into our "children" (roles granted to the current "parent" role)
children = role_obj.get('children')
if children != None:
n = level + 1
for obj in children:
print_role(obj, n, showusers, comments, db_obj, off)
def main():
##### MAIN #####
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Show in a Snowflake account.',
epilog='Example: cust-account warehouse user')
parser.add_argument('account', action='store',
help='Snowflake account to explore')
parser.add_argument('warehouse', action='store',
help='Snowflake warehouse to use for queries')
parser.add_argument('user', action='store',
help="Snowflake user's login name")
parser.add_argument('-execrole', '--execrole', action='store',
help='If the program is to be run as a different role than the users default role.')
parser.add_argument('-db', '--database', action='store',
help='show ddl for a specific database')
parser.add_argument('-schema', '--schema', action='store',
help='show ddl for a specific schema in either a database if -db is used or all databases.')
parser.add_argument('-sqlfile', '--sqlfile', action='store',
help='Create an output file script containing the create role ddl and grants, to be used with -ddl switch')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--roles', action='store_true',
help='Print out the role hierarchy, and all objects and roles associated with that hierarchy')
parser.add_argument('-ro', '--rolesonly', action='store_true',
help='Print out just the role hierarchy, and all objects and roles associated with that hierarchy')
parser.add_argument('-u', '--users', action='store_true',
help='show user grants (if any) for each role')
parser.add_argument('-ignoreshare', '--ignoreshare', action='store_true',
help='Ignores grants to shares if this option is used.')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--comments', action='store_true',
help='show comments (if any) for each role')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='verbose')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mfa', action='store',
help='optional MFA identifier, either Duo passcode or Yubikey <touch>')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose:
print("account=" + str(args.account)) # account to login to
print("warehouse=" + str(args.warehouse)) # warehouse to use for queries
print("user=" + str(args.user)) # user to login as
print("role=" + str(args.execrole)) # user to login as
print("database=" + str(args.database)) # show specific database
print("schema=" + str(args.schema)) # show specific schema
print("sqlfile=" + str(args.sqlfile)) # show sqlfile to output
print("roles=" + str(args.roles)) # show roles hierarchy and values
print("verbose=" + str(args.verbose)) # show debugging output
print("mfa=" + str(args.mfa)) # show mfa output
pwd = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password for '{0}': ".format(args.user))
# Dict of db_objects
# db_objects[dbname]={role_name, {object_type ie DB, table, view: ddl } }
# db_def
# db_def[role owner]= list of objects
# Define the connection to Snowflake
conn = snowflake.connector.connect(
if args.verbose:
print("conn=" + str(conn))
print(' ')
items = ['01-DATABASE', '02-SCHEMAS', '03-STAGES', '04-SEQUENCES', '05-FILE_FORMATS', '06-TABLES', '07-VIEWS',
'08-UDFS', '09-PROCEDURES', '10-PIPES', '11-STREAMS']
# Define the output files for the roles, three files will be created.
if args.sqlfile:
match ='([\w.-]+)\.([\w.-]+)', args.sqlfile)
if match:
objectfile = + '_grants_on_object.csv'
ofrolefile = + '_grants_of_role.csv'
objectfile = args.sqlfile + '_grants_on_object.csv'
ofrolefile = args.sqlfile + '_grants_of_role.csv'
objectfile = 'db_grants_on_object.csv'
ofrolefile = 'db_grants_of_role.csv'
objf = open(objectfile, 'w')
except IOError:
print("Could not open file! " + objectfile)
off = open(ofrolefile, 'w')
except IOError:
print("Could not open file! " + ofrolefile)
print('--Role Object file name -> ' + objectfile)
print('--Grants of Role file name -> ' + ofrolefile)
# Put the header in each file to make it easier to read
printer('CHILD|PARENT|TYPE', off)
# If execrole supplied via command line, then switch to that role
if args.execrole:
sql = 'use role ' + args.execrole
sqloutput = run_sql(conn, sql, False)
# # Get Databases
db_objects = get_database_list(conn, args.database, args.verbose, objf, args.ignoreshare)
# Get the schemas for each database
#db_objects = get_database_schemas(conn, db_objects, args.verbose, args.schema, objf, args.ignoreshare)
# Get the Stages for each database
#db_objects = get_database_stages(conn, db_objects, args.verbose, args.schema, objf, args.ignoreshare)
# Get the sequences for each database
#db_objects = get_database_sequences(conn, db_objects, args.verbose, args.schema, objf, args.ignoreshare)
# Get the file formats for each database
#db_objects = get_database_fileformats(conn, db_objects, args.verbose, args.schema, objf, args.ignoreshare)
# Get the tables for each database
#db_objects = get_database_tables(conn, db_objects, args.verbose, args.schema, objf, args.ignoreshare)
# Get the views for each database
#db_objects = get_database_views(conn, db_objects, args.verbose, args.schema, objf, args.ignoreshare)
# Get the UDF for each database
#db_objects = get_database_udfs(conn, db_objects, args.verbose, args.schema, objf, args.ignoreshare)
# Get the Procedures for each database
#db_objects = get_database_procedures(conn, db_objects, args.verbose, args.schema, objf, args.ignoreshare)
# Get the Pipes for each database
#db_objects = get_database_pipes(conn, db_objects, args.verbose, args.schema, objf, args.ignoreshare)
# Get the Streams for each database
#db_objects = get_database_streams(conn, db_objects, args.verbose, args.schema, objf, args.ignoreshare)
# Get the Warehouses
warehouses_ddl = get_warehouse_list(conn, args.verbose, objf, args.ignoreshare)
# Get Roles
# Roles object contains all the roles, with nested children array and users.
# Role_tree object just countains the level 0 roles, or the highest level that have no parents.
if args.roles or args.rolesonly:
roles, roles_ddl = get_roles(conn, args.verbose)
roles, roles_ddl = get_grants_to_role(conn, args.verbose, roles, roles_ddl, objf)
roles, role_tree, roles_ddl = get_grants_of_role(conn, args.verbose, roles, roles_ddl, off)
print_roles(roles, role_tree, 0, args.users, args.comments, db_objects, off)
# Testing the Dict values for the roles
# with open('roles_example.json', 'w') as fp:
# json.dump(roles, fp)
# with open('roles_tree_example.json', 'w') as fp:
# json.dump(role_tree, fp)
# with open('roles_ddl_example.json', 'w') as fp:
# json.dump(roles_ddl, fp)
roles_ddl = {}
# sys.exit(0)
if not args.rolesonly:
# Modified to print the DDL data with VIEWS, UDF, and PROCEDURES at the end of the file
# as some of these elements may span multiple databases.
items2 = ['07-VIEWS', '08-UDFS', '09-PROCEDURES']
print_ddl(db_objects, items, args.verbose, args.sqlfile, args.roles, roles_ddl, warehouses_ddl, 'w')
print_ddl(db_objects, items2, args.verbose, args.sqlfile, args.roles, roles_ddl, warehouses_ddl, 'a')
if args.sqlfile:
extract_ddl(db_objects, items[5], args.verbose, args.sqlfile, args.roles, roles_ddl)
# 2020-06-04 Fix to pring out the roles informatin to sqlfile if -ro option
if args.rolesonly:
# If Roles Only option is used, do not output any of the ddl, other then the roles information.
items2 = []
print_ddl(db_objects, items2, args.verbose, args.sqlfile, args.rolesonly, roles_ddl, warehouses_ddl, 'w')
print('\nTo load the roles information into snowflake execute the following:')
print('snowsql -a ' + args.account + ' -u ' + args.user + ' -f snowflake_roles_db_setup.sql \n')
# Close the role files
if objf != '':
if not objf.closed:
if off != '':
if not off.closed:
if __name__ == "__main__":
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