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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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QNAP ProFTPD Testing - User Home Directories
---=== CONFIGURATION ===---
[/etc/config] # cat /etc/config/uLinux.conf
Model = TS-412
Internal Model = TS-419
Server comment =
Version = 4.1.1
Build Number = 20141003
... etc
ServerName = ProFTPD
Enable = True
Port = 21
MaxInstances = 30
User = guest
Group = guest
DefaultRoot = ~
MaxAnonymous = 30
AllowAnonymous = False
Unicode = 0
CharsetRemote = 999
Passive Enabled = 1
Bandwidth Enabled = 0
Max connection per account = 10
EnableUserWanIp = FALSE
WanIp =
[/etc/config] # cat /etc/config/proftpd.conf
ServerName "ProFTPD"
ServerType standalone
DefaultServer on
RootLogin on
Port 21
MaxInstances 30
User guest
Group guest
DefaultRoot ~
Umask 000
ShowSymlinks off
AllowOverwrite on
TimesGMT off
UseReverseDNS off
WtmpLog off
AllowStoreRestart on
TransferLog NONE
UseReverseDNS off
IdentLookups off
DisplayLogin /etc/config/welcome.msg
... etc
[/etc/config] # more /etc/passwd
httpdusr:x:99:0:Apache httpd user:/tmp:/bin/sh
TimeMachine:x:100:65534:TM Backup User:/share/homes/TimeMachine:/bin/sh
mypress:x:500:100:Linux User,,,:/share/Web/kevin:/bin/sh
---=== TESTING ===---
Both mypress and admin user logins.
PROFTPD Debug output (-d 1)
- mod_tls/2.2.2: compiled using OpenSSL version 'OpenSSL 1.0.1h 5 Jun 2014' headers, but linked to OpenSSL version 'OpenSSL 1.0.1i 6 Aug 2014' library
- NAS buf=guest name=guest
QNAS - mod_tls/2.2.2: passphrase locked into memory
QNAS - mod_lang/0.9: unable to scan the localised files in '/usr/local/share/locale': No such file or directory
QNAS - QNAP SIGHUP signals installed
QNAS - QNAP SIGUSR* signals installed
QNAS - notice: 'ProFTPD' ( already bound to 'ProFTPD'
QNAS - bindings.c:173: notice: unable to create ipbind 'QNAS': Address already in use
QNAS - ProFTPD 1.3.2e (maint) (built Wed Sep 24 16:48:37 CST 2014) standalone mode STARTUP
QNAS - Qgenetate_fifo_name(/share/.proftpd.fifo/confr-15814)
QNAS - Qgenetate_fifo_name(/share/.proftpd.fifo/confw-15814)
QNAS - Qgenetate_fifo_name(/share/.proftpd.fifo/rpcr-15814)
QNAS - Qgenetate_fifo_name(/share/.proftpd.fifo/rpcw-15814)
QNAS ([]) - FTP session opened.
QNAS ([]) - [mypress]
QNAS ([]) - [mypressure]
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf=mypress name=mypress
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf= name=
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf= name=
QNAS ([]) - notice: unable to use '~/' [resolved to '']: No such file or directory
QNAS ([]) - New pw_dir [~/]
QNAS ([]) - NAS user=mypress
QNAS ([]) - NAS chkpwd and permission success !!
QNAS ([]) - Create USER mypress 's Home
QNAS ([]) - Get_Private_Profile_String (security: USER, workgroup: WORKGROUP)
QNAS ([]) - user: mypress, type: 0
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf=mypress name=mypress
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf=mypress name=mypress
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf=mypress name=mypress
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf=mypress name=mypress
QNAS ([]) - Preparing to chroot to directory '/share/MD0_DATA/Web/kevin'
QNAS ([]) - shm_add_user(mypress, ret 0
QNAS ([]) - fsio_chroot_path=(nil)
QNAS ([]) - Call chroot(/share/MD0_DATA/Web/kevin)
QNAS ([]) - Environment successfully chroot()ed
QNAS ([]) - SendConnToLogEngine(mypress,, CONN_ACTION_LOGIN_SUCC) return 0
QNAS ([]) - mod_cap/1.0: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
QNAS ([]) - NVR::auth_post_pass::(0, 1)
QNAS ([]) - USER mypress: Login successful.
QNAS ([]) - []
QNAS ([]) - []
QNAS ([]) - []
QNAS ([]) - []
QNAS ([]) - FTP session closed.
QNAS - Qgenetate_fifo_name(/share/.proftpd.fifo/confr-15832)
QNAS - Qgenetate_fifo_name(/share/.proftpd.fifo/confw-15832)
QNAS - Qgenetate_fifo_name(/share/.proftpd.fifo/rpcr-15832)
QNAS - Qgenetate_fifo_name(/share/.proftpd.fifo/rpcw-15832)
QNAS ([]) - FTP session opened.
QNAS ([]) - [admin]
QNAS ([]) - [chr1st1el1ves]
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf=admin name=admin
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf= name=
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf= name=
QNAS ([]) - notice: unable to use '~/' [resolved to '']: No such file or directory
QNAS ([]) - New pw_dir [~/]
QNAS ([]) - NAS user=admin
QNAS ([]) - NAS chkpwd and permission success !!
QNAS ([]) - Create USER admin 's Home
QNAS ([]) - ROOT FTP login successful.
QNAS ([]) - Get_Private_Profile_String (security: USER, workgroup: WORKGROUP)
QNAS ([]) - user: admin, type: 0
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf=admin name=admin
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf=admin name=admin
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf=admin name=admin
QNAS ([]) - NAS buf=admin name=admin
QNAS ([]) - Preparing to chroot to directory '/share/MD0_DATA/homes/admin'
QNAS ([]) - shm_add_user(admin, ret 0
QNAS ([]) - fsio_chroot_path=(nil)
QNAS ([]) - Call chroot(/share/MD0_DATA/homes/admin)
QNAS ([]) - Environment successfully chroot()ed
QNAS ([]) - SendConnToLogEngine(admin,, CONN_ACTION_LOGIN_SUCC) return 0
QNAS ([]) - mod_cap/1.0: capabilities '= cap_net_bind_service+ep'
QNAS ([]) - NVR::auth_post_pass::(0, 1)
QNAS ([]) - USER admin: Login successful.
QNAS ([]) - []
QNAS ([]) - []
QNAS ([]) - []
QNAS ([]) - []
QNAS ([]) - FTP session closed.
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