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Last active May 18, 2017 17:20
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Shroud player data sanitation
input {
# stdin { }
# udp {
# port => 5959
# codec => json
# }
syslog {
severity_labels => ["DEBUG", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO"]
host => ""
port => 5514
filter {
# drop all NON Location & Eceonomy events.
if ([message] !~ /(LocationEvent|EconomyEvent)/) {
drop { }
# get KV pairs
kv {
field_split => ","
trim_key => " "
# if player is dev, ignore
if [Dev] =~ /(True|true)/ {
drop { }
# remove specific events
if [LocationEvent] =~ /(MonsterKilledByMonster|PositionUpdate)/ {
drop { }
# remove artifacts and quest items
if [LocationEvent] =~ /(ItemGained_Loot)/ and "Artifacts" in [Archetype] {
drop { }
if [LocationEvent] =~ /(ItemGained_Loot)/ and "PlotRelated" in [Archetype] {
drop { }
# match SYSLOG time format
grok {
match => { "timestamp" => "%{WORD:month} %{WORD:day} %{WORD:hour}:%{WORD:minute}" }
# round to the nearest desired interval
ruby {
code => "event.set('minute', '%02d' % (((event.get('minute').to_i / 15).to_i)*15).to_s)"
mutate {
replace => { "timestamp" => "%{month} %{day} %{hour}:%{minute}:00" }
match => [ "timestamp" , "MMM dd HH:mm:ss" ]
target => "@timestamp"
# if player is marked Anon, sanitize name
if [PlayerAnon] =~ /True/ and [Victim] and [Victim] in [PlayerName] {
mutate { replace => { "Victim" => "Anonymous" } }
# if target is marked Anon, sanitize name
if [KillerAnon] =~ /True/ and [Killer] {
mutate { replace => { "Killer" => "Anonymous" } }
# finally remove the player name and sanitize data fields
if [PlayerAnon] =~ /True/ {
mutate { replace => { "PlayerName" => "Anonymous" } }
# if vendor event, remove player name
if [VendorEvent] {
mutate { replace => { "PlayerName" => "Anonymous" } }
# remove sensitive and unwanted data
remove_field => [
"auth", "ident", "message", "IP", "host",
"@version", "PlayerAnon", "KillerAnon",
"UserName", "host", "facility", "logsource",
"program", "priority", "facility_label", "severity"
whitelist_names => [
# generic
"LocationEvent", "PlayerName", "SceneName",
"xpos", "ypos", "zpos",
"timestamp", "@timestamp",
# kills
"Killer", "Victim",
# vendor
"Archetype", "EconomyGoldDelta",
"Fee", "ItemId", "Price", "PricePerUnit",
"Quantity", "VendorId", "VendorEvent",
# economy event
"EconomyEvent", "GoldValue"
# temporary
#,"month", "day", "hour", "minute"
output {
# stdout { codec => rubydebug }
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
password => <INPUT_PASSWORD>
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