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Forked from noahcampbell/squid.bash
Created August 19, 2013 20:41
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# Steps for turning on squid monitoring (until I have an rpm)
cat > /etc/collectd.d/squid << EOF
LoadPlugin exec
<Plugin exec>
Exec deploy "/var/lib/releng/monitoring/squid"
mkdir -p /var/lib/releng/monitoring
cat > /var/lib/releng/monitoring/squid << EOF
while sleep $INTERVAL; do
squidclient -p 80 cache_object://localhost/counters | awk -v interval=${INTERVAL} -v host=${HOSTNAME} -F ' = ' '/client_http..*/ { gsub("\\.", "_", $1); print "PUTVAL", host"/squid/counter-"$1, "interval="interval, "N:"$2 }'
chmod a+x /var/lib/releng/monitoring/squid
/etc/init.d/collectd restart
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