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Created June 29, 2010 00:02
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# file1.rb
class Gene
include DataMapper::Resource
def self.default_repository_name; USER_RPT_REPOSITORY_NAME; end
belongs_to :gene_info, :child_key => [:GeneID], :parent_key => [:GeneID],
:key => true, :repository => repository(:annot_gene)
belongs_to :homologene, :child_key => [:HID], :parent_key => [:HID],
:repository => repository(:annot_gene)
belongs_to :subset_comparison, #:child_key => [:subset_comparison_id],
:parent_key => [:id], :key => true, :repository => repository(:nosology)
property :value, Float
# file2.rb
class GeneInfo
include DataMapper::Resource
def self.default_repository_name; ANNOT_GENE_REPOSITORY_NAME; end
property :tax_id, Integer
# property :GeneID, Integer, :key => true
property :Symbol, String
property :description, String
# def homologene
# Homologene.get(GeneID)
# end
has n, :genes, :child_key => [:GeneID], :parent_key => [:GeneID], :repository => repository(:user_rpt)
belongs_to :homologene, :child_key => [:GeneID], :parent_key => [:GeneID], :key => true
class Homologene
include DataMapper::Resource
def self.default_repository_name; ANNOT_GENE_REPOSITORY_NAME; end
property :HID, Integer
property :tax_id, Integer
property :GeneID, String, :key => true
property :Symbol, String
has n, :gene_infos, :child_key => [:GeneID], :parent_key => [:GeneID]
has n, :genes, :child_key => [:HID], :parent_key => [:HID], :repository => repository(:user_rpt)
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