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Created July 14, 2010 11:17
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(ns clojure-playground.core
(:require [clojure.contrib.math :as math]))
(defmacro not== [& body]
`(not (== ~@body)))
(defn parent [i] (math/floor (/ (- i 1) 2)))
(defn left-child [i] (+ (* 2 i) 1))
(defn right-child [i] (+ (* 2 i) 2))
(defn swap [v i j] (let [val-i (v i) val-j (v j)]
(assoc v i val-j j val-i)))
(defn get-largest [v i left right]
(let [heap-last-index (dec (count v))
largest (if (and (<= left heap-last-index) (> (v left) (v i))) left i)]
(if (and (<= right heap-last-index)
(> (v right) (v largest)))
right largest)))
(defn max-heapify [v i]
"Ensure that the max-heap invariant holds at i."
(let [left (left-child i)
right (right-child i)
largest (get-largest v i left right)]
(if (not== largest i)
(max-heapify (swap v i largest) largest)
(defn heap-sort [v]
"Loop over all nodes that are not leaves and up, ensuring that the max-heap
invariant holds at this position."
(loop [v v i (parent (dec (count v)))]
(if (== i -1)
(recur (max-heapify v i) (dec i)))))
(defn main-heap-sort []
(let [rands (vec (take 4 (repeatedly rand)))
_ (println rands)
sorted (heap-sort rands)]
(println sorted)))
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