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Last active October 5, 2017 20:15
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Monad Transformer Talk
| \gMonad Transformers!
Rob Title
| \gA Toy Example
\*First, the object model
case class Cluster(id: String, bucketId: Option[String])
case class Bucket(id: String)
def getClusterById(id: String): Option[Cluster] = {
Some(Cluster("cluster", Some("bucket")))
def getBucketById(id: String): Option[Bucket] = {
def deleteBucket(bucket: Bucket): Unit = {
println(s"Deleting bucket $bucket!")
| \gAttempt 1
def deleteClusterBucket(clusterId: String): Option[Bucket] = {
for {
cluster <- getClusterById(clusterId)
bucketId <- cluster.bucketId
bucket <- getBucketById(bucketId)
_ <- Option(deleteBucket(bucket))
} yield bucket
| \gLet's add an effect
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
def getClusterById(id: String): Future[Option[Cluster]] = {
Future(Some(Cluster("cluster", Some("bucket"))))
def getBucketById(id: String): Future[Option[Bucket]] = {
def deleteBucket(bucket: Bucket): Future[Unit] = {
Future(println(s"Deleting bucket $bucket!"))
| \gAttempt 2
// Uh oh
def deleteClusterBucket(clusterId: String): Option[Bucket] = {
for {
cluster <- getClusterById(clusterId)
bucketId <- cluster.bucketId
bucket <- getBucketById(bucketId)
_ <- Option(deleteBucket(bucket))
} yield bucket
\*\rIt only unwraps 1 level deep
| \g Attempt 2 Revised
// Ugh
def deleteClusterBucket(clusterId: String): Future[Option[Bucket]] = {
for {
clusterOpt <- getClusterById(clusterId)
bucketIdOpt <- Future.successful(clusterOpt.flatMap(_.bucketId))
bucketOpt <- bucketIdOpt match {
case None => Future.successful(None)
case Some(bucketId) => getBucketById(bucketId)
_ <- bucketOpt match {
case None => Future.successful(())
case Some(bucket) => deleteBucket(bucket)
} yield bucketOpt
| \gSolution: Define a Wrapper
case class FutureOption[A](inner: Future[Option[A]])
| \gAnd make it a monad
import cats._, cats.implicits._,
implicit def futureOptionMonad = new Monad[FutureOption] {
def pure[A](a: A): FutureOption[A] =
def flatMap[A, B](fa: FutureOption[A])
(f: A => FutureOption[B]): FutureOption[B] = {
FutureOption {
fa.inner.flatMap {
case Some(a) => f(a).inner
case None => Future.successful(None)
// Ignore
def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)
(f: A => FutureOption[Either[A, B]]): FutureOption[B] = ???
| \gAttempt 3
def deleteClusterBucket(clusterId: String): Future[Option[Bucket]] = {
val futureOption: FutureOption[Bucket] = for {
cluster <- FutureOption(getClusterById(clusterId))
bucketId <- FutureOption(Future.successful(cluster.bucketId))
bucket <- FutureOption(getBucketById(bucketId))
_ <- FutureOption(deleteBucket(bucket).map(Option(_)))
} yield bucket
| \gWe can generalize
case class SomethingOption[F[_], A](inner: F[Option[A]])
implicit def somethingOptionMonad[F[_]: Monad] =
new Monad[SomethingOption[F, ?]] {
def pure[A](a: A): SomethingOption[F, A] =
def flatMap[A, B](fa: SomethingOption[F, A])
(f: A => SomethingOption[F, B]): SomethingOption[F, B] = {
SomethingOption {
fa.inner.flatMap {
case Some(a) => f(a).inner
case None => none[B].pure[F]
// Ignore
def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)
(f: A => SomethingOption[F, Either[A, B]]): SomethingOption[F, B] = ???
\*\rThis is just cats' OptionT!
| \gAttempt 4 (final)
def deleteClusterBucket(clusterId: String): Future[Option[Bucket]] = {
val trans: OptionT[Future, Bucket] = for {
cluster <- OptionT[Future, Cluster] (getClusterById(clusterId))
bucketId <- OptionT.fromOption[Future] (cluster.bucketId)
bucket <- OptionT[Future, Bucket] (getBucketById(bucketId))
_ <- OptionT.liftF[Future, Unit](deleteBucket(bucket))
} yield bucket
| \gCan we generalize more?
implicit def impossibleMonad[F[_]: Monad, G[_]: Monad] =
new Monad[Lambda[a => F[G[a]]]] {
// This is easy
def pure[A](a: A): F[G[A]] =
* This can't be done (you're welcome to try).
* No matter what you'll end up with something like F[G[F[G[B]]],
* which can't be flattened into F[G[B]].
def flatMap[A, B](fga: F[G[A]])(f: A => F[G[B]]): F[G[B]] = {
// Ignore
def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)
(f: A => F[G[Either[A,B]]]): F[G[B]] = ???
\*\rMonads don't compose!
| \gOther monad combinations
Transformer Underlying
OptionT[M[_], A] M[Option[A]
EitherT[M[_], E, A] M[Either[E, A]]
ReaderT[M[_], A, B] A => M[B]
StateT[M[_], S, A] S => M[(S, A)]
WriterT[M[_], A, B] M[(A, B)]
| \g A practical example (Leonardo)
\r\b1. Define a monad stack
type HttpResult[A] = EitherT[IO, LeoException, A]
\r\b2. Define utilties for lifting into that type
object HttpResult {
def pure[A](a: A): HttpResult[A] =
def fromFuture[A](f: Future[A]): HttpResult[A] =
.leftMap(t => InternalError(t.getMessage, t))
def fromEither[A](either: Either[LeoException, A]): HttpResult[A] =
def fromOption[A](aOpt: Option[A], error: LeoException): HttpResult[A] =
def raiseError[A](e: LeoException): HttpResult[A] =
| \g Practical example (Leonardo)
\r\b3. Build sub-programs
def createCluster(request: ClusterRequest): HttpResult[Cluster] = {
for {
clusterOpt <- dbRef.inTransaction { _.clusterQuery.getByName(request.clusterName) }
_ <- if (clusterOpt.isEmpty) HttpResult.pure(())
else HttpResult.raiseError(ClusterAlreadyExistsException(request.clusterName))
_ <- validateJupyterExtensionUri(request.jupyterExtension)
_ <- HttpResult.fromFuture(gdDAO.updateFirewallRule(request.googleProject))
bucketName <- HttpResult.pure(generateUniqueBucketName(clusterRequest.clusterName))
_ <- initializeBucket(bucketName, request)
cluster <- HttpResult.fromFuture(gdDAO.createCluster(clusterRequest))
} yield cluster
| \g Practical example (Leonardo)
\r\b4. Finally, commit the http response
def marshalHttpResult[A](httpResult: HttpResult[A])
: IO[ToResponseMarshallable] = {
httpResult.fold (
{ leoEx => leoEx.statusCode -> leoEx.toErrorReport },
{ a => StatusCodes.OK -> a }
// in your route:
complete {
val httpResult: HttpResult[Cluster] =
| \g Problems with monad transformers
\*Larger stacks become unwieldy
import cats.effect._
trait Repository {
def getClusterById(id: String): IO[Option[Cluster]] = {
IO(Some(Cluster("cluster", Some("bucket"))))
def getBucketById(id: String): IO[Option[Bucket]] = {
def deleteBucket(bucket: Bucket): IO[Unit] = {
IO(println(s"Deleting bucket $bucket!"))
object MyRepository extends Repository
type Stack[A] =
ReaderT[OptionT[IO, ?], Repository, A]
| \g Lifting is hard
type Stack[A] = ReaderT[OptionT[IO, ?], Repository, A]
def deleteClusterBucket(clusterId: String): Stack[Bucket] = {
for {
cluster <- ReaderT[OptionT[IO, ?], Repository, Cluster](
(r: Repository) => OptionT(r.getClusterById(clusterId)))
bucketId <- ReaderT[OptionT[IO, ?], Repository, String](
(_: Repository) => OptionT.fromOption(cluster.bucketId))
bucket <- ReaderT[OptionT[IO, ?], Repository, Bucket](
(r: Repository) => OptionT(r.getBucketById(bucketId)))
_ <- ReaderT[OptionT[IO, ?], Repository, Unit](
(r: Repository) => OptionT.liftF(r.deleteBucket(bucket)))
} yield bucket
| \g Improvements
\* mtl = monad transformer library
import cats.mtl._
type Stack[A] = OptionT[IO, A]
def deleteClusterBucket(clusterId: String)
(implicit r: ApplicativeAsk[Stack, Repository]): Stack[Bucket] =
for {
r <- r.ask
cluster <- OptionT(r.getClusterById(clusterId))
bucketId <- OptionT.fromOption[IO](cluster.bucketId)
bucket <- OptionT(r.getBucketById(bucketId))
_ <- OptionT.liftF[IO, Unit](r.deleteBucket(bucket))
} yield bucket
// I'm confused about how to provide the ApplicativeAsk instance
| \g Eff
\* eff = extensible effects
\* "eff is a monad for abstracting over a free coproduct of effects"
// Eff seems to support Futures but not IO, so we're going back to futures
trait Repository {
def getClusterById(id: String): Future[Option[Cluster]] = {
Future(Some(Cluster("cluster", Some("bucket"))))
def getBucketById(id: String): Future[Option[Bucket]] = {
def deleteBucket(bucket: Bucket): Future[Unit] = {
Future(println(s"Deleting bucket $bucket!"))
object MyRepository extends Repository
| \g Eff (continued)
import org.atnos.eff._
import org.atnos.eff.all._
import org.atnos.eff.future._
import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._
type ReaderRepo[A] = Reader[Repository, A]
type Stack = Fx.fx3[ReaderRepo, TimedFuture, Option]
type _readerRepo[R] = ReaderRepo |= R
def deleteClusterBucket[R :_readerRepo :_future :_option]
(clusterId: String): Eff[R, Bucket] = {
for {
repo <- ask[R, Repository]
clusterOpt <- fromFuture(repo.getClusterById(clusterId))
cluster <- fromOption(clusterOpt)
bucketId <- fromOption(cluster.bucketId)
bucketOpt <- fromFuture(repo.getBucketById(bucketId))
bucket <- fromOption(bucketOpt)
_ <- fromFuture(repo.deleteBucket(bucket))
} yield bucket
// WTF doesn't this compile
| \g Emm
\* "emm composes monads"
\* requires Traverse
implicit def notSoImpossibleMonad[F[_]: Monad, G[_]: Monad: Traverse] =
new Monad[Lambda[a => F[G[a]]]] {
def flatMap[A, B](fga: F[G[A]])(f: A => F[G[B]]): F[G[B]] = {
// F[G[F[G[B]]]] via map/flatMap
// F[F[G[G[B]]]] via traverse
// F[G[B]] via flatten
\*\r Not a lawful monad! Don't use this for real work.
| \g Emm usage
import emm._
import emm.compat.cats._
type E = Reader |: IO |: Option |: Base
// note quite correct
def deleteClusterBucket(clusterId: String): Emm[E, Bucket] = {
for {
r <- getRepo.liftM[E]
cluster <- r.getClusterById(clusterId).liftM[E]
bucketId <- cluster.bucketId.liftM[E]
bucket <- r.getBucketById(bucketId).liftM[E]
_ <- r.deleteBucket(bucket).liftM[E]
} yield bucket
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rtitle commented Oct 5, 2017

To actually run this presentation:

  1. Clone
  2. Copy this REPLesent.txt to the repo root directory (it needs to be named REPLesent.txt)
  3. Start a REPL, I used the following hacky init script:
    rtitle@REPLesent[master]$ cat 
    CATS_JARS=`find ~/.ivy2 -name *cats*.jar | grep 2.12 | grep -v sources | grep -v 1.0.0-MF | xargs echo | tr ' ' ':'`
    scala -Xplugin:$KIND_PROJECTOR_JAR -Dscala.color -language:_ -nowarn -i REPLesent.scala
  4. Once in the REPL, type:
    val replesent = REPLesent(80, 25, intp=$intp); import replesent._
  5. Then type n to advance slides, p to go back, and !! to compile the current slide.

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