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Created March 30, 2024 17:20
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conv3 maze teste.
// Importing necessary libraries and modules
let _ = require('lodash') // lodash for utility functions
let tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node') // TensorFlow.js for machine learning
let colors = require('colors') // colors for terminal output
// Importing functions from Algernon library
const algernon = require('algernon-js');
let {
} = require("algernon-js")
// Defining an asynchronous function to generate maze datasets
async function generateMazeDataset(samples) {
const [rows, cols] = [32, 32]; // Define the size of the maze
let xs = []; // Array to store maze data
let ys = []; // Array to store solution data
// Generate samples of maze and their solutions
for (let i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
// Generate the maze using Algernon's growing tree algorithm
const rawMaze = algernon.generateGrowingTreeGrid(rows, cols);
// Solve the maze using A* algorithm
const solution = algernon.solveAStarGrid(rawMaze, [0, 0], [30, 30]);
// Serialize the maze and solution to binary format
const serializedMaze = _.flatten( => => s ? 1 : 0)))
const serializedMaze2 = serializedMaze.slice() => {
serializedMaze2[(s[0] * 32) + s[1]] = 2
// Mark the solution path in the maze with '2'
// Add the maze and the marked solution to the datasets
// Return the generated datasets
return { xs, ys };
// Function to run the training process
async function run() {
// Generate training and testing datasets
let data = await generateMazeDataset(5000)
let dataTest = await generateMazeDataset(100)
// Split datasets into input (xs) and output (ys)
let xsTrain = data.xs;
let ysTrain = data.ys;
let xsTest = dataTest.xs;
let ysTest = dataTest.ys;
// Define the neural network architecture
let input = tf.layers.input({
shape: [1024] // Input shape
let x = input
// Reshape the input for convolutional layers
x = tf.layers.reshape({ targetShape: [8, 8, 4, 4] }).apply(x)
// Convolutional layers
x = tf.layers.conv3d({ filters: 64, kernelSize: 8, padding: 'same', activation: "tanh" }).apply(x)
x = tf.layers.conv3d({ filters: 64, kernelSize: 5, padding: 'same', activation: "tanh" }).apply(x)
x = tf.layers.conv3d({ filters: 256, kernelSize: 3, padding: 'same', activation: "tanh" }).apply(x)
// Reshape back to flat for dense layers
x = tf.layers.reshape({ targetShape: [1024, 64] }).apply(x)
// Dense layer
let x1 = tf.layers.dense({
units: 20,
activation: "softmax" // Output activation function
// Create the model
let model = tf.model({
inputs: [input],
outputs: [x1]
// Compile the model with optimizer and loss function
loss: 'sparseCategoricalCrossentropy',
metrics: ['acc'], // Evaluation metrics
optimizer: tf.train.adam(.001) // Optimizer
// Define a data generator function
function makeIterator() {
let n = 0
let idx = (new Array(ysTrain.length).fill(0).map((a, i) => i))
const iterator = {
next: x => tf.tidy(() => {
let result;
let px = []
let py = []
for (let k = 0; k < 128; k++) {
let u = idx[(n + k) % xsTrain.length]
let xs = xsTrain[u]
let ys = ysTrain[u]
// Convert data to tensors
let tx1 = tf.tensor(px).cast('float32')
let ty1 = tf.tensor(py).cast('float32').expandDims(-1)
// Prepare result
result = {
value: {
xs: tx1, // Input data tensor
ys: ty1 // Output data tensor
done: false
return result;
return iterator;
// Create a TensorFlow.js dataset using the data generator
const ds =;
// Train the model using the dataset
model.fitDataset(ds, {
batchesPerEpoch: Math.round(xsTrain.length / 32), // Number of batches per epoch
epochs: 100, // Number of epochs
verbose: 1, // Verbosity mode
callbacks: {
onEpochEnd() {
// Print sample predictions at the end of each epoch
for (let x = 0; x < 5; x++) {
let k = _.random(0, xsTest.length - 1)
let res = model.predict(tf.tensor(xsTest)).argMax(-1).arraySync()
console.log('sample', x)
console.log('input \n:', _.chunk( => (s.join('')))[k].split(''), 32).map(s => => s == 2 ? colors.bgBlue(' ') : s == 1 ? colors.bgRed(' ') : ' ').join('')).join('\n'))
console.log('target\n:', _.chunk( => (s.join('')))[k].split(''), 32).map(s => => s == 2 ? colors.bgBlue(' ') : s == 1 ? colors.bgRed(' ') : ' ').join('')).join('\n'))
console.log('predict:\n', _.chunk( => (s.join('')))[k].split(''), 32).map(s => => s == 2 ? colors.bgBlue(' ') : s == 1 ? colors.bgRed(' ') : ' ').join('')).join('\n'))
// Execute the training process
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