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Last active March 6, 2016 06:47
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from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold
from pandas import read_csv
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
class DataClean:
"""Cleans data by inputting list of regex to search and substitute
Need to add stopword elimination support"""
def __init__(self,clean_list,html_clean = False,split_words=False):
self.clean_list = clean_list
self.html_clean = html_clean
self.split_words = split_words
self.stopwords_eng = stopwords.words("english") + [u"film",u"movie"]
def fit(self,X,y=None):
return self
def transform(self,X):
X = X.flatten()
X = map(self.clean_sentence,X)
return np.array(X)
def clean_sentence(self,sentence):
if self.html_clean:
sentence = BeautifulSoup(sentence).get_text() # removing html markup
sentence = sentence.lower() # everything to lowercase
# sentence = ''.join(x for x in sentence if x.isalnum() or x==" ")
for ch_rep in self.clean_list:
sentence = re.sub(ch_rep[0],ch_rep[1],sentence)
sentence = ' '.join(filter(lambda x:x not in self.stopwords_eng,sentence.split()))
sentence = ' '.join(filter(lambda x:len(x) > 1,sentence.split()))
sentence = sentence.strip(" ") # Remove possible extra spaces
if self.split_words:
sentence = sentence.split()
return sentence
def __repr__(self):
return "DataClean"
def load_data(tag="cornell"):
if tag == "cornell":
data_path = "/home/ritz/Desktop/project/dataset/cornell_train.tsv"
train_dframe = read_csv(data_path,sep = "\t")
ids = train_dframe["PhraseId"].values
X = train_dframe["Phrase"].values
y = train_dframe["Sentiment"].values
return ids,X,y
elif tag == "stanford":
data_path = "/home/ritz/Desktop/project/dataset/stanford_labeledTrainData.tsv"
train_dframe = read_csv(data_path,sep = "\t")
ids = train_dframe["id"].values
y = train_dframe["sentiment"].values
X = train_dframe["review"].values
return ids,X,y
elif tag == "unsupervised":
data_path = "../dataset/data_stanford_binary_sentiment_unlabelled.tsv"
train_dframe = read_csv(data_path,sep = "\t",error_bad_lines=False)
ids = train_dframe["id"].values
X = train_dframe["review"].values
return ids,X
def cross_validate(data,pipeline,metric_apply,n_folds = 4):
(X,y) = data
skf = StratifiedKFold(y,n_folds=n_folds)
metric = []
num_labels = len(list(set(y)))
conf_matrix = np.zeros((num_labels,num_labels))
for train_idx,val_idx in skf:[train_idx],y[train_idx])
ypred = pipeline.predict(X[val_idx])
conf_matrix += confusion_matrix(y[val_idx],ypred)
print "{} : {} +/- {}".format(metric_apply.func_name,
print "Confusion Matrix"
print conf_matr
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