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Created March 23, 2016 19:13
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
import sys
class BeautifyBash:
def __init__(self):
self.tab_str = ' '
self.tab_size = 2
def read_file(self, fp):
with open(fp) as f:
def write_file(self, fp, data):
with open(fp, 'w') as f:
def beautify_string(self, data, path=''):
tab = 0
case_stack = []
in_here_doc = False
defer_ext_quote = False
in_ext_quote = False
ext_quote_string = ''
here_string = ''
output = []
line = 1
for record in re.split('\n', data):
record = record.rstrip()
stripped_record = record.strip()
# collapse multiple quotes between ' ... '
test_record = re.sub(r'\'.*?\'', '', stripped_record)
# collapse multiple quotes between " ... "
test_record = re.sub(r'".*?"', '', test_record)
# collapse multiple quotes between ` ... `
test_record = re.sub(r'`.*?`', '', test_record)
# collapse multiple quotes between \` ... ' (weird case)
test_record = re.sub(r'\\`.*?\'', '', test_record)
# strip out any escaped single characters
test_record = re.sub(r'\\.', '', test_record)
# remove '#' comments
test_record = re.sub(r'(\A|\s)(#.*)', '', test_record, 1)
if (not in_here_doc):
if ('<<-?', test_record)):
here_string = re.sub('.*<<-?\s*[\'|"]?([_|\w]+)[\'|"]?.*', '\\1', stripped_record, 1)
in_here_doc = (len(here_string) > 0)
if (in_here_doc): # pass on with no changes
# now test for here-doc termination string
if (, test_record) and not'<<', test_record)):
in_here_doc = False
else: # not in here doc
if (in_ext_quote):
if (, test_record)):
# provide line after quotes
test_record = re.sub('.*%s(.*)' % ext_quote_string, '\\1', test_record, 1)
in_ext_quote = False
else: # not in ext quote
if ('(\A|\s)(\'|")', test_record)):
# apply only after this line has been processed
defer_ext_quote = True
ext_quote_string = re.sub('.*([\'"]).*', '\\1', test_record, 1)
# provide line before quote
test_record = re.sub('(.*)%s.*' % ext_quote_string, '\\1', test_record, 1)
if (in_ext_quote):
# pass on unchanged
else: # not in ext quote
inc = len(re.findall('(\s|\A|;)(case|then|do)(;|\Z|\s)', test_record))
inc += len(re.findall('(\{|\(|\[)', test_record))
outc = len(re.findall('(\s|\A|;)(esac|fi|done|elif)(;|\)|\||\Z|\s)', test_record))
outc += len(re.findall('(\}|\)|\])', test_record))
if ('\besac\b', test_record)):
if (len(case_stack) == 0):
'File %s: error: "esac" before "case" in line %d.\n' % (path, line)
outc += case_stack.pop()
# sepcial handling for bad syntax within case ... esac
if (len(case_stack) > 0):
if ('\A[^(]*\)', test_record)):
# avoid overcount
outc -= 2
case_stack[-1] += 1
if (';;', test_record)):
outc += 1
case_stack[-1] -= 1
# an ad-hoc solution for the "else" keyword
else_case = (0, -1)['^(else)', test_record) != None]
net = inc - outc
tab += min(net, 0)
extab = tab + else_case
extab = max(0, extab)
output.append((self.tab_str * self.tab_size * extab) + stripped_record)
tab += max(net, 0)
if (defer_ext_quote):
in_ext_quote = True
defer_ext_quote = False
if ('\bcase\b', test_record)):
line += 1
error = (tab != 0)
if (error):
sys.stderr.write('File %s: error: indent/outdent mismatch: %d.\n' % (path, tab))
return '\n'.join(output), error
def beautify_file(self, path):
error = False
if (path == '-'):
data =
result, error = self.beautify_string(data, '(stdin)')
else: # named file
data = self.read_file(path)
result, error = self.beautify_string(data, path)
if (data != result):
# make a backup copy
self.write_file(path + '~', data)
self.write_file(path, result)
return error
def main(self):
error = False
if (len(sys.argv) < 1):
sys.stderr.write('usage: shell script filenames or \"-\" for stdin.\n')
for path in sys.argv:
error |= self.beautify_file(path)
sys.exit((0, 1)[error])
# if not called as a module
if (__name__ == '__main__'):
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