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CMSI 386 Fall 2017 Exam 1

CMSI 386 Practice Midterm Answers

Problem 1: Forcing Keyword Arguments

Suppose the boss demanded a function to compute the area of a rectangle. The boss says the function MUST have four parameters, x1, y1, x2, and y2 where (x1, y1) is one of the corner points and (x2, y2) is the other corner point. But since our users can never remember what order the four parameters go in (Is it x1-x2-y1-y2 or x1-y1-x2-y2?), we will make our function REQUIRE that the four arguments in the call be “named.” Note that I said required. The function is not supposed to work if the arguments are not named. In fact, it should be an error to make a call without “naming” the arguments.

a) Write the function in JavaScript:

// This is the simplest full credit answer. For "error" it is okay to
// just return NaN unless all four values are present. This is an exam;
// I am not picky. If you read the problem as requiring an error be thrown
// then you must check that each of the four values are !== undefined.
// You CANNOT just say if (x1 && x2 && y1 && y2) because that rejects 0.
function area({x1, y1, x2, y2}) {
  return Math.abs(x2 - x1) * Math.abs(y2 - y1);

b) Write the function in Python:

# One way to force the arguments to be named is accept kwargs only. If a
# named argument is missing we just get a KeyError. Good enough for an
# exam! No need to do our own error checking. For homework you'd have to
# do a bit better, though.
def area(**kwargs):
    return abs(kwargs['x2']-kwargs['x1']) * abs(kwargs['y2']-kwargs['y1'])
# There is a better way. We did not cover it in class. But here it is. Anything
# after the * placeholder is a required keyword parameter, just what we want.
def area(*, x1, y1, x2, y2):
    return abs(x2-x1) * abs(y2-y1)

c) Explain the most salient difference between the implementations in a single sentence.

JavaScript uses destructuring and Python uses kwargs

Problem 2: Array of Functions

We want to make an array called workers, indexed from 0..10000 (inclusive), where each slot contains a function behaving as follows: workers[i](x) = x - i.

a) Define this array in JavaScript:

const workers = [];
for (let i = 0; i <= 10000; i += 1) {
  workers.push(x => x - i);

b) Define this list in Python:

workers = []
for i in range(10001):
    def f(i):
        return lambda x: x - i

c) Explain the most salient difference between the implementations in a single sentence.

JavaScript's let (as well as forEach) will use a different i each time, but Python's list comprehension or for-loop would have only a single i, necessating that we pass in the current i into an inner function with its own i.

Problem 3: Generators, From Scratch

We have studied generators in JavaScript and Python. To make an arithmetic sequence generator in JavaScript, we would write:

function* arithmeticSequenceGenerator(start, delta) {
 let value = start;
 while (true) {
   yield value;
   value += delta;

while in Python we have:

def arithmetic_sequence_generator(start, delta):
   value = start;
   while True:
       yield value
       value += delta

a) We can write generators from first principles using closures. Show me you know how to do this. Write arithmeticSequenceGenerator in JavaScript, without using a generator function:

function arithmeticSequenceGenerator(start, delta) {
  let nextValue = start;
  let value;
  return { next: () => {
    [value, nextValue] = [nextValue, nextValue + delta];
    return value;

b) Write arithmetic_sequence_generator in Python as a regular, non-generator, function:

# This problem was too tricky and deep for this exam perhaps, but it's pretty cool!
def arithmetic_sequence_generator(start, delta):
    next_value = start
    class C:
        def __next__(self):
            nonlocal next_value
            value = next_value
            next_value += delta
            return value
    return C()

c) One of the freshmen suggested closures were overkill and said to just make a class whose constructor took in the starting value and the delta, and whose next method did the work. Why is this worse than the closure approach? (Answer super briefly, under ten words if possible.)

There would be no way to hide the generate state!

Problem 4: Rests and Spreads (Unpacking and packing)

We want a function that takes an arbitrary number of arguments and returns their average (also known as the mean).

a) Write the function in JavaScript:

function mean(...numbers) {
  let sum = 0;
  for (let x of numbers) {
    sum += x;
  return sum / numbers.length;
// Here's another way
function mean(...numbers) {
  return numbers.reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0) / numbers.length;

b) Write the function in Python:

def mean(*numbers):
    return sum(numbers) / len(numbers)

c) To call the function in JavaScript, one would write something like mean(4.5, 2, 11, -7). But what if we had a JavaScript array? How could we use the function we wrote to compute the mean of the elements in an array?


d) Now show the same function invocaton in Python (that is, to take the average of elements in a Python list):


Problem 5: Mapping and Filtering, or Not?

Suppose we were given two lists, one of given names, and one of surnames. We want a function to produce a list of full names, in the form "SURNAME, Givenname" (that's right, you need to uppercase the surname and capitalize the given name, and separate them with a comma and single space), where the difference in lengths between the two names is less than four. For example, if the surname list was ['Xu', 'Narkhirunkanok', 'gomez'] and the given name list was ['kIMberly', 'LIA'] then your function should produce ['XU, Lia', 'GOMEZ, Kimberly', 'GOMEZ, Lia']. All other name combinations have a length differential that is too high.

a) Write the function in JavaScript using the proper higher-order functions for this task:

// Well here it is without higher order functions first:
function sortOfBalancedNames(names, surnames) {
  const fullNames = [];
  for (let last of surnames) {
    for (let first of names) {
      if (Math.abs(last.length - first.length) < 4) {
        fullNames.push(`${last.toUpperCase()}, ${first[0].toUpperCase()}${first.slice(1).toLowerCase()}`);
  return fullNames;
// At this point I'd be like this is good enough. I don't have time to use map and filter.
// There is a data-flowy approach with HOFs everywhere. Not sure if it's popular
// tho. I did NOT expect you to come up with this during the exam. However, you
// should try to understand it. I doubt that this is efficient. I don't even
// think it is that pretty. Meh.
function sortOfBalancedNames(names, surnames) {
  return => => [last, first])).
    reduce((a, b) => [...a, ...b], []).
    filter(([last, first]) => Math.abs(last.length - first.length) < 4).
    map(([last, first]) => `${last.toUpperCase()}, ${first[0].toUpperCase()}${first.slice(1).toLowerCase()}`)

b) Write the function in Python using a list comprehension:

def sort_of_balanced_names(names, surnames):
    return [last.upper() + ', ' + first.capitalize()
            for last in surnames
            for first in names
            if abs(len(last) - len(first)) < 4]

Problem 6: Currying

Okay here's something weird. We're going to write a function called poly such that

  • poly(3) returns a representation of the polynomial 3
  • poly(3)(5) returns a representation of the polynomial 5x + 3
  • poly(3)(5)(-2) returns a representation of the polynomial -2x^2 + 5x + 3
  • poly(3)(5)(-2)(0)(6) returns a representation of the polynomial 6x^4 -2x^2 + 5x + 3

Note that if a polynomial is ever applied to a number, the polynomial is "extended" to the next degree with a new coefficient. This is weird enough but now we are also going to give the function an attribute (in Python) or method (in Java) called at to evaluate the polynomial at a given value. So, for example:

  • poly(3)(5).at(2) returns 5(2) + 3 = 13
  • poly(3)(5)(-2).at(10) returns -2(10)^2 + 5(10) + 3 = -200 + 50 + 3 = -147

a) Implement poly in JavaScript. (Hint: you will need a function definition and an assignment statement for the method).

function poly(c) {
  const coefficients = [];
  function inner(c) {coefficients.push(c); return inner;}
  const result = inner(c); = x =>, i) => c*x**i).reduce((x, y) => x + y, 0);
  return result;

b) Implement poly in Python. (Hint: you will need a function definition and an assignment statement for the attribute).

def poly(c):
  coefficients = []
  def inner(c):
      return inner
  result = inner(c) = lambda x: sum(c*x**i for (i,c) in enumerate(coefficients))
  return result

c) What design aspects of Python and JavaScript (that say, do not exist in Java) allowed this to work?

The fact that functions can have arbitrary properties/attributes!

Problem 7: Implicit Context

Here is a JavaScript function:

function filterBetween(...myList) {
    return myList.filter((x) => this.min < x && x <= this.max);

The expression{min: 2, max: 8}, 9, 8, 3, -1) properly returns [8, 3].

a) Rewrite the expression to use apply instead of call:

filterBetween.apply({min: 2, max: 8}, [9, 8, 3, -1])

b) Rewrite the expression to use bind instead of call:

filterBetween.bind({min: 2, max: 8})(9, 8, 3, -1)

c) One of the freshmen tried const hello = {min: 2, max: 8, tween: filterBetween}; hello.tween(9, 8, 3, -1). Does that work? Why or why not?

Yes, hello is the receiver of the method call and it has min and max properties, as desired.

d) If we had written filterBetween = (...myList) => myList.filter((x) => this.min < x && x <= this.max), what would happen when evaluating{min: 2, max: 8}, 9, 8, 3, -1)? Why, specifically?

You get the list filtered between the values of the global variables min and max. Arrow functions don't have their own this! So the value of this from the outer context is used.

Problem 8: Class Extensions (Not Inheritance)

So let's say we have access to a JavaScript class that someone else wrote. It's a class for a box that is either (1) empty, or (2) contains a value. The original author used undefined to represent an empty box. We're stuck with that. Anyway, the class is already complete and it looks like this:

class Box {
  constructor(value) { this.value = value; }
  isEmpty() { return this.value === undefined; }
  getOrElse(backup) { return this.value === undefined ? backup : this.value; }

Then we decide we want to add a method to update the value in a box. We can do this in JavaScript! We have prototypes! We just have to do this:

Box.prototype.set = function (value) { this.value = value; }

Now assuming a similar Python class was already written, like so:

class Box:
  def __init__(self, value=None): self.value = value
  def is_empty(self): return self.value is None
  def get_or_else(self, backup): return backup if self.value is None else self.value

Show how to add the new set method to the existing Box class:

def set_a_value(self, value):
    self.value = value

Box.set = set_a_value
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