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Created February 9, 2011 00:28
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Save rtripault/817615 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
getResources tweaked to sort by resources order (to use with the sortable checkbox TV)
* getResources
* A general purpose Resource listing and summarization snippet for MODx 2.0.
* @author Jason Coward
* @copyright Copyright 2010, Jason Coward
* @version 1.2.2-pl - October 18, 2010
* tpl - Name of a chunk serving as a resource template
* [NOTE: if not provided, properties are dumped to output for each resource]
* tplOdd - (Opt) Name of a chunk serving as resource template for resources with an odd idx value
* (see idx property)
* tplFirst - (Opt) Name of a chunk serving as resource template for the first resource (see first
* property)
* tplLast - (Opt) Name of a chunk serving as resource template for the last resource (see last
* property)
* tpl_{n} - (Opt) Name of a chunk serving as resource template for the nth resource
* parents - Comma-delimited list of ids serving as parents
* depth - (Opt) Integer value indicating depth to search for resources from each parent [default=10]
* tvFilters - (Opt) Delimited-list of TemplateVar values to filter resources by. Supports two
* delimiters and two value search formats. THe first delimeter || represents a logical OR and the
* primary grouping mechanism. Within each group you can provide a comma-delimited list of values.
* These values can be either tied to a specific TemplateVar by name, e.g. myTV==value, or just the
* value, indicating you are searching for the value in any TemplateVar tied to the Resource. An
* example would be &tvFilters=`filter2==one,filter1==bar%||filter1==foo`
* [NOTE: filtering by values uses a LIKE query and % is considered a wildcard.]
* [NOTE: this only looks at the raw value set for specific Resource, i. e. there must be a value
* specifically set for the Resource and it is not evaluated.]
* where - (Opt) A JSON expression of criteria to build any additional where clauses from. An example would be
* &where=`{{"alias:LIKE":"foo%", "OR:alias:LIKE":"%bar"},{"OR:pagetitle:=":"foobar", "AND:description:=":"raboof"}}`
* sortby - (Opt) Field to sort by [default=publishedon]
* sortbyTV - (opt) A Template Variable name to sort by (if supplied, this precedes the sortby value) [default=]
* sortbyAlias - (Opt) Query alias for sortby field [default=]
* sortbyEscaped - (Opt) Escapes the field name specified in sortby [default=0]
* sortdir - (Opt) Order which to sort by [default=DESC]
* sortdirTV - (Opt) Order which to sort by a TV [default=DESC]
* limit - (Opt) Limits the number of resources returned [default=5]
* offset - (Opt) An offset of resources returned by the criteria to skip [default=0]
* includeContent - (Opt) Indicates if the content of each resource should be returned in the
* results [default=0]
* includeTVs - (Opt) Indicates if TemplateVar values should be included in the properties available
* to each resource template [default=0]
* processTVs - (Opt) Indicates if TemplateVar values should be rendered as they would on the
* resource being summarized [default=0]
* tvPrefix - (Opt) The prefix for TemplateVar properties [default=tv.]
* idx - (Opt) You can define the starting idx of the resources, which is an property that is
* incremented as each resource is rendered [default=1]
* first - (Opt) Define the idx which represents the first resource (see tplFirst) [default=1]
* last - (Opt) Define the idx which represents the last resource (see tplLast) [default=# of
* resources being summarized + first - 1]
* outputSeparator - (Opt) An optional string to separate each tpl instance [default="\n"]
if (!function_exists('cmp'))
function cmp($a, $b)
if ($pos_a == $pos_b)
return 0;
return ($pos_a < $pos_b)?-1:1;
$output = array();
$outputSeparator = isset($outputSeparator) ? $outputSeparator : "\n";
/* set default properties */
$tpl = !empty($tpl) ? $tpl : '';
$includeContent = !empty($includeContent) ? true : false;
$includeTVs = !empty($includeTVs) ? true : false;
$processTVs = !empty($processTVs) ? true : false;
$tvPrefix = isset($tvPrefix) ? $tvPrefix : 'tv.';
$depth = isset($depth) ? (integer) $depth : 10;
$parents = (!empty($parents) || $parents === '0') ? explode(',', $parents) : '';
// if no parents set but resources, leave parents empty
$parents = (is_array($parents)) ? $parents : ($resources!='' ? '' : array($modx->resource->get('id')));
$children = array();
foreach ($parents as $parent) {
$pchildren = $modx->getChildIds($parent, $depth);
if (!empty($pchildren)) $children = array_merge($children, $pchildren);
if (!empty($children)) $parents = array_merge($parents, $children);
$tvFilters = !empty($tvFilters) ? explode('||', $tvFilters) : array();
$where = !empty($where) ? $modx->fromJSON($where) : array();
$showUnpublished = !empty($showUnpublished) ? true : false;
$showDeleted = !empty($showDeleted) ? true : false;
$sortby = isset($sortby) ? $sortby : 'publishedon';
$sortbyTV = isset($sortbyTV) ? $sortbyTV : '';
$sortbyAlias = isset($sortbyAlias) ? $sortbyAlias : 'modResource';
$sortbyEscaped = !empty($sortbyEscaped) ? true : false;
if ($sortbyEscaped) $sortby = "`{$sortby}`";
if (!empty($sortbyAlias)) $sortby = "`{$sortbyAlias}`.{$sortby}";
$sortdir = isset($sortdir) ? $sortdir : 'DESC';
$sortdirTV = isset($sortdirTV) ? $sortdirTV : 'DESC';
$limit = isset($limit) ? (integer) $limit : 5;
$offset = isset($offset) ? (integer) $offset : 0;
$totalVar = !empty($totalVar) ? $totalVar : 'total';
/* build query */
$contextResourceTbl = $modx->getTableName('modContextResource');
// echo "parents: ".$parents." | sortby: ".$sortby."| resources: ".$resources."<br>";
/* multiple context support */
if (!empty($context)) {
$context = explode(',',$context);
$contexts = array();
foreach ($context as $ctx) {
$contexts[] = $modx->quote($ctx);
$context = implode(',',$contexts);
} else {
$context = $modx->quote($modx->context->get('key'));
// Build query outside newQuery depending on if parents are set
if(!empty($parents)) $query[] = "`modResource`.`parent` IN (" . implode(',', $parents) . ")";
$query[] = "(`modResource`.`context_key` IN ({$context}) OR EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM {$contextResourceTbl} `ctx` WHERE `ctx`.`resource` = `modResource`.`id` AND `ctx`.`context_key` IN ({$context})))";
$criteria = $modx->newQuery('modResource', $query);
if (empty($showDeleted)) {
$criteria->andCondition(array('deleted' => '0'));
if (empty($showUnpublished)) {
$criteria->andCondition(array('published' => '1'));
if (empty($showHidden)) {
$criteria->andCondition(array('hidemenu' => '0'));
if (!empty($hideContainers)) {
$criteria->andCondition(array('isfolder' => '0'));
/* include/exclude resources, via &resources=`123,-456` prop */
if (!empty($resources)) {
$resources = explode(',',$resources);
// don`t know why, but resources is empty after this function, so save them in new variable
$globalresources = $resources;
$include = array();
$exclude = array();
foreach ($resources as $resource) {
$resource = (int)$resource;
if ($resource == 0) continue;
if ($resource < 0) {
$exclude[] = abs($resource);
} else {
$include[] = $resource;
if (!empty($include) && !empty($parents)) {
$criteria->orCondition(array('' => $include),null,10);
if (!empty($include) && empty($parents)) {
$criteria->andCondition(array('' => $include),null,10);
if (!empty($exclude)) {
$criteria->andCondition(array(' NOT IN ('.implode(',',$exclude).')'));
if (!empty($tvFilters)) {
$tmplVarTbl = $modx->getTableName('modTemplateVar');
$tmplVarResourceTbl = $modx->getTableName('modTemplateVarResource');
$conditions = array();
foreach ($tvFilters as $fGroup => $tvFilter) {
$filterGroup = count($tvFilters) > 1 ? $fGroup + 1 : 0;
$filters = explode(',', $tvFilter);
foreach ($filters as $filter) {
$f = explode('==', $filter);
if (count($f) == 2) {
$tvName = $modx->quote($f[0]);
$tvValue = $modx->quote($f[1]);
$conditions[$filterGroup][] = "EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {$tmplVarResourceTbl} `tvr` JOIN {$tmplVarTbl} `tv` ON `tvr`.`value` LIKE {$tvValue} AND `tv`.`name` = {$tvName} AND `tv`.`id` = `tvr`.`tmplvarid` WHERE `tvr`.`contentid` = `modResource`.`id`)";
} elseif (count($f) == 1) {
$tvValue = $modx->quote($f[0]);
$conditions[$filterGroup][] = "EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {$tmplVarResourceTbl} `tvr` JOIN {$tmplVarTbl} `tv` ON `tvr`.`value` LIKE {$tvValue} AND `tv`.`id` = `tvr`.`tmplvarid` WHERE `tvr`.`contentid` = `modResource`.`id`)";
if (!empty($conditions)) {
foreach ($conditions as $cGroup => $c) {
if ($cGroup > 0) {
$criteria->orCondition($c, null, $cGroup);
} else {
if (!empty($where)) {
$total = $modx->getCount('modResource', $criteria);
$modx->setPlaceholder($totalVar, $total);
$columns = $includeContent ? $modx->getSelectColumns('modResource', 'modResource') : $modx->getSelectColumns('modResource', 'modResource', '', array('content'), true);
if (!empty($sortbyTV)) {
$criteria->leftJoin('modTemplateVar', 'tvDefault', array(
"" => $sortbyTV
$criteria->leftJoin('modTemplateVarResource', 'tvSort', array(
"`tvSort`.`contentid` = `modResource`.`id`",
"`tvSort`.`tmplvarid` = `tvDefault`.`id`"
$criteria->select("IFNULL(`tvSort`.`value`, `tvDefault`.`default_text`) AS `sortTV`");
$criteria->sortby("`sortTV`", $sortdirTV);
// only sort if necessary
if ($sortby != '`modResource`.resources') $criteria->sortby($sortby, $sortdir);
if (!empty($limit)) $criteria->limit($limit, $offset);
if (!empty($debug)) {
$modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, $criteria->toSQL());
$collection = $modx->getCollection('modResource', $criteria);
$idx = !empty($idx) ? intval($idx) : 1;
$first = empty($first) && $first !== '0' ? 1 : intval($first);
$last = empty($last) ? (count($collection) + $idx - 1) : intval($last);
// new resources sort is called here. Couldn`t find a proper way to pass the resources in the function, so used $GLOBALS
if(is_array($globalresources) && $sortby=='`modResource`.resources')
$GLOBALS['resources'] = $globalresources;
/* include parseTpl */
include_once $modx->getOption('getresources.core_path',null,$modx->getOption('core_path').'components/getresources/').'include.parsetpl.php';
foreach ($collection as $resourceId => $resource) {
$tvs = array();
if (!empty($includeTVs)) {
$templateVars =& $resource->getMany('TemplateVars');
foreach ($templateVars as $tvId => $templateVar) {
$tvs[$tvPrefix . $templateVar->get('name')] = !empty($processTVs) ? $templateVar->renderOutput($resource->get('id')) : $templateVar->get('value');
$odd = ($idx & 1);
$properties = array_merge(
'idx' => $idx
,'first' => $first
,'last' => $last
$resourceTpl = '';
$tplidx = 'tpl_' . $idx;
if (!empty($$tplidx)) $resourceTpl = parseTpl($$tplidx, $properties);
switch ($idx) {
case $first:
if (!empty($tplFirst)) $resourceTpl = parseTpl($tplFirst, $properties);
case $last:
if (!empty($tplLast)) $resourceTpl = parseTpl($tplLast, $properties);
if ($odd && empty($resourceTpl) && !empty($tplOdd)) $resourceTpl = parseTpl($tplOdd, $properties);
if (!empty($tpl) && empty($resourceTpl)) $resourceTpl = parseTpl($tpl, $properties);
if (empty($resourceTpl)) {
$chunk = $modx->newObject('modChunk');
$output[]= $chunk->process(array(), '<pre>' . print_r($properties, true) .'</pre>');
} else {
$output[]= $resourceTpl;
/* output */
$output = implode($outputSeparator, $output);
$toPlaceholder = $modx->getOption('toPlaceholder',$scriptProperties,false);
if (!empty($toPlaceholder)) {
return '';
return $output;
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