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Created April 10, 2014 16:49
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Postinstall script for Microsoft Lync 14.0.8
# Determine working directory
install_dir=`dirname $0`
# Installing Microsoft Lync
# Specify location of the Microsoft Lync disk image
# Specify a /tmp/microsoftlync.XXXX mountpoint for the disk image
TMPMOUNT=`/usr/bin/mktemp -d /tmp/microsoftlync.XXXX`
# Mount the latest Microsoft Lync disk image to the /tmp/microsoftlync.XXXX mountpoint
hdiutil attach "$TOOLS" -mountpoint "$TMPMOUNT" -nobrowse -noverify -noautoopen
# Install Microsoft Lync
/usr/sbin/installer -dumplog -verbose -pkg "$(/usr/bin/find $TMPMOUNT -maxdepth 1 \( -iname \*\.pkg -o -iname \*\.mpkg \))" -target "$3"
# Fixing permissions
# Microsoft Lync 14.0.8 installs with the file ownership of /Applications/Microsoft
# and /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/MeetingJoinPlugin.plugin set to be owned by UID 502 and GID 20
# This section fixes the permissions on the referenced files so that they're set to the following:
# Owner: system (aka root): read/write/execute permissions
# Group: admin: read/write/execute permissions
# Everyone: read/execute permissions
# Fixing /Applications/Microsoft
/usr/bin/find "$3/Applications/Microsoft" ! -group admin -exec chown root:admin {} \;
/usr/bin/find "$3/Applications/Microsoft" ! -perm 775 -exec chmod 775 {} \;
# Fixing /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/MeetingJoinPlugin.plugin
/usr/bin/find "$3/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/MeetingJoinPlugin.plugin" ! -group admin -exec chown root:admin {} \;
/usr/bin/find "$3/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/MeetingJoinPlugin.plugin" ! -perm 775 -exec chmod 775 {} \;
# Clean-up
# Unmount the Microsoft Lync disk image
/usr/bin/hdiutil detach "$TMPMOUNT"
# Remove the /tmp/microsoftlync.XXXX mountpoint
/bin/rm -rf "$TMPMOUNT"
exit 0
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