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# This script is used for creating SSL certificate public keys for use with Jamf Pro
# dummy profiles. The SSL certificate public keys created by this script by default
# have the following characteristics:
# * Self-signed
# * RSA 4096-bit key
# * Good for ten years (3652 days)
public_certificate_directory=$(mktemp -d)
private_key_directory=$(mktemp -d)
# Generate a self-signed SSL certificate's public key and associated private key, where
# the script's default settings are to use a 4096-bit RSA key and a lifespan of 3652
# days. The private keys and public keys are stored in separate directories to help avoid
# confusion about which is which for script users who are new to using certificates.
# The private keys created by this script are completely disposable. For this purpose,
# we only want the public keys created by this script because we want a certificate payload
# for Jamf Pro dummy profiles which is functionally useless.
echo "Creating self-signed certificate with $certificate_bit bit RSA key and a lifespan of $certificate_lifespan days."
/usr/bin/openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:"$certificate_bit" -sha256 -days "$certificate_lifespan" -nodes -keyout "$private_key_directory/$certificate_name.key" -out "$public_certificate_directory/$certificate_name.cer" -subj "/CN=$certificate_name"
# If the self-signed SSL certificate's public key and private key are successfully
# created, script displays a message listing public key certificate name with a
# .cer file extension and the certificate public key's location on the filesystem.
if [[ -f "$public_certificate_directory/$certificate_name.cer" ]] && [[ -f "$private_key_directory/$certificate_name.key" ]]; then
echo "Self-signed certificate successfully generated."
echo "Self-signed certificate public key name: $certificate_name.cer"
echo "Self-signed certificate public key location: $public_certificate_directory/$certificate_name.cer"
echo "ERROR: Self-signed certificate creation failed."
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