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Forked from grahampugh/
Created August 18, 2014 15:58
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### by Graham Pugh
### Props to Jeff Kelley, Graham Gilbert and various others for elements of script
### This script looks at the "Allow Administration By" field of the
### `dsconfigad -show` command and checks each of the Active Directory users
### with mobile accounts on the computer to check whether they should have
### local admin rights. It amends each user's membership of the local
### 'admin' group accordingly.
### This ensures that users retain admin rights when away from the bound network,
### but removes any users that are no longer eligible for admin rights once the
### computer sees the network again.
### This script can be run as a LaunchDaemon to run when a user logs in,
### to automatically check whether they have admin rights or not
sleep 15 # wait before executing to give network time to start
log() {
# LOGFILE="/var/log/check_local_admin.log"
echo "${@}" 2>&1
logger -t check_local_admin "${@}"
# Find the computer's hostname.
readonly HOSTNAME=$( scutil --get ComputerName );
echo "### Local Administrator Check:"
echo "Host Name = $HOSTNAME"
# Find out what the existing Allowed Administrator group is
readonly CombinedADGroups=$( dsconfigad -show | grep "Allowed admin groups" | awk '{print $5}' )
# Set some arrays
# If there's more than one Allowed Administrator group,
# we need to split and search through them all
IFS=',' read -ra BIGARR <<< "$CombinedADGroups"
for i in "${BIGARR[@]}"; do
# Create arrays for each variable
IFS='\' read -ra ADARR <<< "$i"
echo ""
echo "AD Domain = ${NetBIOSNameArray[${#NetBIOSNameArray[@]}-1]}"
echo "AD Name = ${ADGroupArray[${#ADGroupArray[@]}-1]}"
echo "AD Admin Group = ${CombinedADGroupArray[${#CombinedADGroupArray[@]}-1]}"
# Let's not do anything until we wait for the network to come alive
# This is set to check once per 10 seconds and die after 5 minutes
# Including stuff to check for a network
. /etc/rc.common
# check for the network 6 times over a minute before abandoning
# loopcount=0
# while [[ "${NETWORKUP}" != "-YES-" && "$loopcount" -lt 6 ]]; do
# log "Network not ready (attempt ${loopcount+1}). Trying again..."
# sleep 10
# CheckForNetwork
# ((loopcount++))
# done
if [ "${NETWORKUP}" != "-YES-" ]; then
log "### Not connected to a network. Leaving local admins alone."
exit 0
# Next, check that we are connected to AD
# You can search for a user to check this, but we can't be generic that way
# id someUserName &>/dev/null
# Let's search for our own computer object instead. If we can't find this,
# then we're not bound to AD, or not connected, and we should stop
# We need to check each domain that we might be joined to
for (( c=0 ; c<=${#NetBIOSNameArray[@]}-1; c++ )); do
dscl "/Active Directory/${NetBIOSNameArray[$c]}/All Domains" \
-read /Computers/${HOSTNAME}$ &>/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
if [ "$domainCheck" -eq 0 ]; then
log "### Not connected or properly bound to AD. Leaving local admins alone."
exit 0
# OK, let's carry one, as we are connected:
# Find all the users on this computer. Ignore system users.
dscl . list /Users | grep -v '^_.*\|daemon\|root\|nobody' | while read localUser
# check if user is in the local admin group
IsLocalAdmin=$( \
dseditgroup -o checkmember -m $localUser admin \
| awk '{print $1}' )
# Grab the information from AD about this user
ADGroups=$( id ${localUser} )
# setLocalAdmin is used to determine whether the user is:
# an AD user in the admin group (Yes)
# an AD user not in the admin group (No)
# not an AD user, i.e. a local user (NotAD)
# loop through the AD groups
for (( c=0 ; c<=${#NetBIOSNameArray[@]}-1; c++ )); do
# Is this a Mobile user (not a local account)?
if [[ "$ADGroups" =~ "${NetBIOSNameArray[$c]}" ]]; then
# Is this mobile user in the correct AD local admin group?
if [[ "$ADGroups" =~ "${ADGroupArray[$c]}" ]]; then
log "### User $localUser is member of AD group ${CombinedADGroupArray[$c]}"
if [[ "$setLocalAdmin" = "NotAD" ]]; then
log "### User $localUser is not an AD user. Nothing to change."
elif [[ "$setLocalAdmin" = "Yes" ]]; then
/usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -a $localUser -t user admin
log "### User $localUser is not a member of any AD groups. Setting as standard user"
/usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -d $localUser -t user admin
echo ""
exit 0
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