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Script which identifies all Mac Jamf Pro inventory records which have the same Apple serial number in common.
# This script identifies all Mac Jamf Pro inventory records which have the same Apple serial number
# as at least one more Mac's inventory record.
# This duplication is usually caused by a Mac having a logic board repair, as the Mac's existing serial number
# will be flashed onto the replacement logic board but the board itself will have a new and unique hardware UUID.
# If the Mac is subsequently un-enrolled and re-enrolled into Jamf Pro, the new hardware UUID will prompt Jamf Pro
# to set up a new inventory record for the Mac.
# Once the duplicate serial numbers are identified, the script takes the following actions:
# 1. Loop through the duplicate serial number list and get all of the associated Jamf Pro computer IDs
# 2. Loop through the Jamf Pro IDs and identify the IDs with the most recent enrollment dates.
# 3. Verify that the individual Jamf Pro IDs are associated with Macs, as opposed to virtual machines running macOS.
# 4. Loop through the list of identified Macs with Jamf Pro IDs and delete all Macs except for the one with
# the most recent enrollment date.
# 5. Create a report in tab-separated value (.tsv) format which contains the following information
# about the deleted Macs
# Jamf Pro ID
# Manufacturer
# Model
# Serial Number
# Hardware UDID
# If you choose to hardcode API information into the script, set one or more of the following values:
# The username for an account on the Jamf Pro server with sufficient API privileges
# The password for the account
# The Jamf Pro URL
# Set the Jamf Pro URL here if you want it hardcoded.
# Set the username here if you want it hardcoded.
# Set the password here if you want it hardcoded.
# If you do not want to hardcode API information into the script, you can also store
# these values in a ~/Library/Preferences/com.github.jamfpro-info.plist file.
# To create the file and set the values, run the following commands and substitute
# your own values where appropriate:
# To store the Jamf Pro URL in the plist file:
# defaults write com.github.jamfpro-info jamfpro_url
# To store the account username in the plist file:
# defaults write com.github.jamfpro-info jamfpro_user account_username_goes_here
# To store the account password in the plist file:
# defaults write com.github.jamfpro-info jamfpro_password account_password_goes_here
# If the com.github.jamfpro-info.plist file is available, the script will read in the
# relevant information from the plist file.
if [[ -r "$jamf_plist" ]]; then
if [[ -z "$jamfpro_url" ]]; then
jamfpro_url=$(defaults read "${jamf_plist%.*}" jamfpro_url)
if [[ -z "$jamfpro_user" ]]; then
jamfpro_user=$(defaults read "${jamf_plist%.*}" jamfpro_user)
if [[ -z "$jamfpro_password" ]]; then
jamfpro_password=$(defaults read "${jamf_plist%.*}" jamfpro_password)
# If the Jamf Pro URL, the account username or the account password aren't available
# otherwise, you will be prompted to enter the requested URL or account credentials.
if [[ -z "$jamfpro_url" ]]; then
read -p "Please enter your Jamf Pro server URL : " jamfpro_url
if [[ -z "$jamfpro_user" ]]; then
read -p "Please enter your Jamf Pro user account : " jamfpro_user
if [[ -z "$jamfpro_password" ]]; then
read -p "Please enter the password for the $jamfpro_user account: " -s jamfpro_password
# Remove the trailing slash from the Jamf Pro URL if needed.
echo "Downloading list of computer information..."
ComputerXML=$(curl -sfu "$jamfpro_user:$jamfpro_password" "${jamfpro_url}/JSSResource/computers/subset/basic" -H "Accept: application/xml" 2>/dev/null)
if [[ -n "$ComputerXML" ]]; then
echo "Checking for duplicates ..."
# get a list of serial number tags
SerialList=$(echo "$ComputerXML" | xmllint --xpath "//computers/computer/serial_number" - 2>/dev/null)
# get a list of sorted serial numbers
SortedSerialList=$(echo "$SerialList" | grep -Eo "<serial_number[^<]*" | sed -n 's/<serial_number\/*>\([^<]*\).*/\1/p' | sort)
# get a list of duplicate serials
Duplicate_Computer_Serials_List=$(echo "$SortedSerialList" | uniq -d)
printf "Found %d serial number(s) with duplicates\n\n" $(echo "$Duplicate_Computer_Serials_List" | grep -Ec "^")
# loop through all duplicates and get the respective computer ids
for aDuplicateSerial in ${Duplicate_Computer_Serials_List}; do
# check the variable to skip blank serial numbers
if [[ -n "$aDuplicateSerial" ]]; then
echo "Processing serial number $aDuplicateSerial"
# get all ids matching the serial
matchingIDs=$(echo "$ComputerXML" | xmllint --xpath "//computers/computer[serial_number='$aDuplicateSerial']/id" - 2>/dev/null | grep -Eo "<id[^<]*" | grep -Eo "[0-9]+")
# loop through all ids and get the one with the newest enrollment date
for anID in ${matchingIDs}; do
ComputerRecord=$(curl -sfu "$jamfpro_user:$jamfpro_password" "${jamfpro_url}/JSSResource/computers/id/$anID" -H "Accept: application/xml" 2>/dev/null)
MachineModel=$(echo "$ComputerRecord" | xmllint --xpath "//computer/hardware/model_identifier/text()" - 2>/dev/null)
if [[ ! "$MachineModel" =~ ^i?Mac.*$ ]]; then
echo "Computer with id $anID seems not to be a Mac ($MachineModel). Will be ignored."
echo "Getting enrollment date of computer with id $anID"
EnrollmentDate=$(echo "$ComputerRecord" | xmllint --xpath "//computer/general/last_enrolled_date_epoch/text()" - 2>/dev/null)
if [[ "$EnrollmentDate" =~ ^[0-9]+$ && $EnrollmentDate -gt $NewestEnrollmentDate ]]; then
echo "Keeping computer record with id $IDtoKeep"
# loop through the ids again and delete all computers
# except the one with the newest enrollment date
for anID in ${matchingIDs}; do
if [[ ! "$anID" = "$IDtoKeep" && ! " ${IgnoredIDs[@]} " =~ "$anID " ]]; then
if [[ ! -f "$report_file" ]]; then
touch "$report_file"
printf "Jamf Pro ID Number\tMake\tModel\tSerial Number\tUDID\n" > "$report_file"
Make=$(echo "$ComputerRecord" | xmllint --xpath '//computer/hardware/make/text()' - 2>/dev/null)
SerialNumber=$(echo "$ComputerRecord" | xmllint --xpath '//computer/general/serial_number/text()' - 2>/dev/null)
UDIDIdentifier=$(echo "$ComputerRecord" | xmllint --xpath '//computer/general/udid/text()' - 2>/dev/null)
curl -sfu "$jamfpro_user:$jamfpro_password" "${jamfpro_url}/JSSResource/computers/id/$anID" -X DELETE
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "Deleted computer record with id $anID"
printf "$anID\t$Make\t$MachineModel\t$SerialNumber\t$UDIDIdentifier\n" >> "$report_file"
echo "ERROR! Failed to delete computer record with id $anID"
if [[ -f "$report_file" ]]; then
echo "Report on deleted Macs available here: $report_file"
exit 0
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