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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13

JRuby SSL Hit List

Lookout looking at currently:

  • #1331 - 'bad_record_mac' when uploading things through SSL under particular conditions
  • Might be related to #1080 - Bundling gems constantly fails

Of interest/at large

  • #1737 - JRuby does not support all SSL/TLS versions supported by Java (aka #1874)
  • #1738 - JRuby does not support SSL ciphers offered by newer Java releases (7 and 8)
  • No reproduction case, but Lookout has seen performance issues with encrypting, decrypting and signing of AES-256 payloads which do not yet have a issue and repro case
  • #2195 - OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket + IO::select hangs sometimes
  • #2194 - OpenSSL ciphers with Mozilla's "Modern" set are... limited
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Related to #2195, but I can't find it, is that nonblocking IO on SSLSocket is a general recipe for having a bad time under JRuby.

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I think we could probably crunch through #1737 and #1738 in a few hours together, and this would solve a bunch good things.

Solving #1331 is less critical for me these days now that I tell bundler to retry like 30 times, but it would be lovely to fix.

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In truth, my best hope is to abandon the OpenSSL API in Ruby, but I doubt that will ever happen. The krypt project seems abandoned. :(

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