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Created October 7, 2022 01:47
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# sample for lifecycle config
variable "bucket_lifecycle_config" {
type = list(any)
description = "Bucket lifecycle. Set empty list if you want to ignore the lifecycle configuration."
default = []
bucket_lifecycle_config = [{
"id" = "DisposePLIST"
"prefix" = "disposable"
"status" = "Enabled"
"noncurrent_version_expiration" = {
"noncurrent_days" = 1
"newer_noncurrent_versions" = null
"expiration" = {
"expiration_days" = 1
"expired_object_delete_marker" = true
"transition" = []
"noncurrent_version_transition" = []
# resource
resource "aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration" "lifecycle_config" {
bucket =
for_each = {
for index, v in var.bucket_lifecycle_config : => v
rule {
id =
filter {
prefix = each.value.prefix
dynamic "expiration" {
for_each = try(each.value.expiration, -1) != -1 ? tolist([each.value.expiration]) : []
content {
days = expiration.value.expiration_days
expired_object_delete_marker = expiration.value.expired_object_delete_marker
dynamic "transition" {
for_each = each.value.transition
content {
days = transition.value.transition_days
storage_class = transition.value.transition_storage_class
dynamic "noncurrent_version_transition" {
for_each = each.value.noncurrent_version_transition
content {
noncurrent_days = noncurrent_version_transition.value.noncurrent_version_transition_days
storage_class = noncurrent_version_transition.value.noncurrent_version_storage_class
dynamic "noncurrent_version_expiration" {
for_each = try(each.value.noncurrent_version_expiration, -1) != -1 ? tolist([each.value.noncurrent_version_expiration]) : []
content {
noncurrent_days = noncurrent_version_expiration.value.noncurrent_days
newer_noncurrent_versions = noncurrent_version_expiration.value.newer_noncurrent_versions
status = each.value.status
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