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Created August 22, 2020 15:25
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  • Save ruanlinos/eb9432349100978a797066be51012d57 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ruanlinos/eb9432349100978a797066be51012d57 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
, - Map leader, nearly all my custom mappings starts with pressing the comma key
,q - Sidebar filetree viewer (NERDTree)
,w - Sidebar classes, functions, variables list (TagBar)
\ - Toggle both NERDTree and TagBar
,ee - Change colorscheme (with fzf fuzzy finder)
,ea - Change Airline theme
,e1 - Color mode: Dracula (Dark)
,e2 - Color mode: Seoul256 (Between Dark & Light)
,e3 - Color mode: Forgotten (Light)
,e4 - Color mode: Zazen (Black & White)
,r - Refresh/source ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
,t - Trim all trailing whitespaces
,a - Auto align variables (vim-easy-align), eg. do ,a= while your cursor is on a bunch of variables to align their equal signs
,s - New terminal in horizontal split
,vs - New terminal in vertical split
,d - Automatically generate Python docstrings while cursor is hovering above a function or class
,f - Fuzzy find a file (fzf)
,g - Toggle Goyo mode (Goyo), super clean and minimalistic viewing mode
,h - Toggle rainbow parentheses highlighting
,j - Set filetype to "journal" which makes the syntax highlighting beautiful when working on regular text files and markdown
,k - Toggle coloring of hex colors
,l - Toggle Limelight mode (Limelight), highlight the lines near cursor only
,c<Space> - Toggle comment for current line (Nerd Commenter)
<Alt-r> - Toggle RGB color picker
<Tab> - Next buffer
<Shift-Tab> - Previous buffer
i - Insert Mode
Shift + a - Insert Mode - Append
o - Insert Mode - New Line After
Shift + Up/Down - Scrolling
:wq - Write and Quit
:e [file] - Edit Another File
gg - Goto First Line
G - Goto Last Line
u - Undo
Ctrl + r - Redo
. - Repeat Previous Command
/[word] - Search
n - Search - Next
Shift + n - Search - Previous
/[word], [edit], n, . - Search, modify, next search, repeat for next
:%s/old/new/g - Replace All
:[startline],[endline]s/old/new/g - Replace Between Lines
:%s/^/[word]/g - Append Word to Start of Every Line
:%s/$/[word]/g - Append Word to End of Every Line
Ctrl + w and v - Splitting Window Vertically
Ctrl + w and Shift + s - Splitting Window Horizontally
v - Visual Select
Shift + v - Visual Select - Line
Ctrl + v - Visual Select - Block
Shift + v and [number]> - Tab a Line Multiple Times
d - Delete/Cut
dd - Delete Current Line
d[number]d - Delete Multiple Lines
y - Yank/Copy
p - Paste
gg=G - Fix All Indentations
vi" - Select everything within double quotes
va" - Select everything within and including double quotes
vi"d - Delete everything within double quotes
vi"s - Delete everything within double quotes then go into insert mode
:sp filename Open filename in horizontal split
:vsp filename Open filename in vertical split
Ctrl-w h Ctrl-w ← Shift focus to split on left of current
Ctrl-w l Ctrl-w → Shift focus to split on right of current
Ctrl-w j Ctrl-w ↓ Shift focus to split below the current
Ctrl-w k Ctrl-w ↑ Shift focus to split above the current
Ctrl-w n+ Increase size of current split by n lines
Ctrl-w n- Decrease size of current split by n lines
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