The following commands will produce a small application that allows you to run Vivaldi—or any other Chromium-based browser—in Standalone mode on a Mac. This could be used for testing a specific setup or version, without touching the system wide settings (profile). It can also be used to create a portable (USB install) of Vivaldi that you could store on an external disk, for sharing between computers.
Start Terminal and issue the following:
mkdir -p Standalone\
printf '#!/bin/sh\nopen -a "${0%%/*.app/*}"/ --args --user-data-dir="${0%%/*.app/*}/User Data"\n' > Standalone\\ Mode
chmod +x Standalone\\ Mode
You should now have an application called "Standalone Mode", stored in the folder where Terminal is running—you can check the folder location with pwd
or open the folder in Finder with open .
Make a new, empty folder and place "Standalone Mode" and "Vivaldi" inside—nothing else.
To use, simply double click on "Standalone Mode", rather than running Vivaldi directly. Your settings will be stored in a subfolder called "profile".
For those users who use the Terminal frequently, I have included a shell script that can be used to automate unpacking a Vivaldi .dmg package into an appropriately named directory. This will also set up a "Standalone Mode" launcher application for you.
- Download
either by cloning this git repository or by clicking on the Raw link (below) in your browser. - Make the script executable and move it to a suitable location:
chmod +x
sudo mv /usr/local/bin/vivaldi-standalone
Issue the following (adjust "Vivaldi.1.0.365.3.dmg" to be the name and location of the Vivaldi .dmg you are setting up):
vivaldi-standalone Vivaldi.1.0.365.3.dmg
Once finished, to run Vivaldi, navigate into the newly created directory, and double click on "Standalone Mode"—always use this rather than running Vivaldi directly. Your settings will be stored in a subfolder called "profile".
Autoupdate does not work well when Vivaldi is run in this way (on "Upgrade and Restart", your main prefences/settings would get used). When you receive the upgrade notification, cancel it and go to (or for snapshots) and download the new version, then extract it as before. Your settings from the previous build are in the "profile" folder. Copy or move this to be along side your newly extracted Vivaldi as is needed.