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Last active April 13, 2016 13:39
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Save rubenarslan/3eee1245fc97e20a1de9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
am I going mad or has some package overwritten dplyr's functions again?
#' Function is also in this package:
#' It's easy to attach packages that overwrite functions from other packages. Especially dplyr has a lot of conflicts
#' with base packages, MASS and plyr. Because some of these conflicts do not always lead to error messages, sometimes
#' just incorrect behaviour, this function exists. Don't trust your faulty memory, just check whether dplyr's (or any other
#' package's) functions are 'on top' if you so desire.
#' @param fix defaults to true. Detaches the desired package (without unloading) and loads it again. Won't work for base packages and can't overwrite functions that you defined yourself.
#' @param package the package you want to be on top (loaded last), defaults to dplyr
#' @param iteration for internal use only, if set to 0 the function will call itself to check that it worked, if set to 1, it won't.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' amigoingmad(fix = FALSE, package = 'formr')
amigoingmad = function(fix = TRUE, package = "dplyr", iteration = 0) {
if (iteration > 1) {
stop("Can't fix.")
conf = unique(conflicts())
want_package = paste0("package:", package)
conflicts_desired_package = conf[conf %in% ls(want_package)]
conflict_envs = sapply(conflicts_desired_package, FUN = function(x) {
is_good = conflict_envs == want_package
potentially_bad_confs = conflicts_desired_package[!is_good]
potentially_bad_envs = conflict_envs[!is_good]
have_to_fix = rep(FALSE, length(potentially_bad_confs))
for (i in seq_along(potentially_bad_confs)) {
if (!identical(body(get(potentially_bad_confs[i], pos = want_package)),
body(get(potentially_bad_confs[i])))) {
have_to_fix[i] = TRUE
if (any(have_to_fix)) {
message("The following functions don't have the environment you want.")
print(data.frame(`function` = potentially_bad_confs[have_to_fix],
environment = potentially_bad_envs[have_to_fix]),
row.names = F)
if (fix) {
base::detach(name = want_package, character.only = TRUE)
base::library(package, character.only = TRUE)
message("Tried to fix this, calling myself again to make sure...")
amigoingmad(fix, package, iteration + 1)
message("Sanity restored!")
} else if (iteration == 0) {
message("Everything looks normal. Maybe it's you.")
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