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Last active June 6, 2018 18:00
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<title>Spanish Congress Elections · Hackarto.VL</title>
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<section class="sidebar">
<div class="card">
<div class="card--header">
<h1 class="title">Select provinces</h1>
<div class="card--content">
<div id="provinces"></div>
<div class="card--footer">
<button class="clear-filter js-clear-filter">
<span class="CDB-Button-Text CDB-Text is-semibold CDB-Size-medium">Clear Filter</span>
<div class="card card--results card--hidden">
<div class="card--header">
<h1 class="title">Results for
<span class="js-municipio"></span>
<div class="card--content">
<div class="js-results"></div>
<section class="panel">
<section class="selector">
<button class="selector--year active" data-year="1977"></button>
<button class="selector--year" data-year="1979"></button>
<button class="selector--year" data-year="1982"></button>
<button class="selector--year" data-year="1986"></button>
<button class="selector--year" data-year="1989"></button>
<button class="selector--year" data-year="1993"></button>
<button class="selector--year" data-year="1996"></button>
<button class="selector--year" data-year="2000"></button>
<button class="selector--year" data-year="2004"></button>
<button class="selector--year" data-year="2008"></button>
<button class="selector--year" data-year="2011"></button>
<button class="selector--year" data-year="2015"></button>
<button class="selector--year" data-year="2016"></button>
<button class="animation-button" onclick="toggleAnimation()">
<span class="CDB-Button-Text CDB-Text is-semibold CDB-Size-medium">Play</span>
<div id="map"></div>
<div id="loader">
<div class="CDB-LoaderIcon CDB-LoaderIcon--big">
<svg class="CDB-LoaderIcon-spinner" viewBox="0 0 50 50">
<circle class="CDB-LoaderIcon-path" cx="25" cy="25" r="20" fill="none"></circle>
let currentYear = 0;
let animation;
function getExtent() {
const query = encodeURI(`select st_extent(sub.the_geom) as extent from (${layer.getSource()._query}) as sub`);
return fetch(`${query}`)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => json.rows[0].extent);
function fitMapToBounds() {
getExtent().then(function (bounds) {
const parsed = /BOX\((.+) (.+),(.+) (.+)\)/.exec(bounds)
.splice(1, 4)
.map(e => parseFloat(e));
[parsed[0], parsed[1]], [parsed[2], parsed[3]]
function getSQLSource() {
return new carto.source.SQL(`
${ => `q.ganador_${year}`).join(',')}
"roman-carto".resultados_inline as q
"roman-carto".ign_spanish_adm3_municipalities_displaced_canary as a
q.cod_municipio = a.parsed_code
${ selectedProvinces.length ? `WHERE q.cod_provincia IN (${selectedProvinces.join(',')})` : ''}
function renderProvinces() {
provincesEl.innerHTML = '';
provinces.forEach((provPair) => {
const opt = document.createElement('div');
opt.setAttribute('data-province-value', provPair[1]);
const selected = selectedProvinces.indexOf(provPair[1]) !== -1;
if (selected) opt.className = 'province selected';
opt.innerHTML = `
<i class="toggle" />
opt.addEventListener('click', toggleProvince);
function toggleProvince(e) {
const intProv = parseInt(this.getAttribute('data-province-value'));
const where = selectedProvinces.indexOf(intProv);
if (where != -1) {
selectedProvinces.splice(where, 1);
} else {
layer.update(getSQLSource(), layer.getViz()).then(fitMapToBounds);
function clearProvincesFilter() {
selectedProvinces = [];
layer.update(getSQLSource(), layer.getViz()).then(fitMapToBounds);
.addEventListener('click', function () {
const provincesEl = document.querySelector('#provinces');
const provinces = [["Sevilla", 41], ["Asturias", 33], ["Palencia", 34], ["Huelva", 21], ["Valladolid", 47], ["Álava", 1], ["Lugo", 27], ["Ávila", 5], ["Alicante / Alacant", 3], ["Valencia / València", 46], ["Málaga", 29], ["Badajoz", 6], ["Illes Balears", 7], ["Castellón / Castelló", 12], ["Pontevedra", 36], ["Ceuta", 51], ["Zaragoza", 50], ["Burgos", 9], ["Vizcaya", 48], ["Tarragona", 43], ["Ciudad Real", 13], ["Ourense", 32], ["Almería", 4], ["Las Palmas", 35], ["Santa Cruz de Tenerife", 38], ["Navarra", 31], ["Segovia", 40], ["Girona", 17], ["A Coruña", 15], ["Barcelona", 8], ["Soria", 42], ["Cantabria", 39], ["Guadalajara", 19], ["Melilla", 52], ["Teruel", 44], ["Jaén", 23], ["Granada", 18], ["Albacete", 2], ["Lleida", 25], ["Salamanca", 37], ["La Rioja", 26], ["Zamora", 49], ["Cádiz", 11], ["Cáceres", 10], ["Huesca", 22], ["Murcia", 30], ["Córdoba", 14], ["Toledo", 45], ["Madrid", 28], ["Guipúzcoa", 20], ["León", 24], ["Cuenca", 16]].sort((a, b) => a[1] - b[1]);
let selectedProvinces = [];
function fetchData(year, code) {
const sqlQuery = `select meta_${year} from "roman-carto".results_big WHERE cod_municipio = ${code}`;
const urlToFetch = `${encodeURI(sqlQuery)}`;
return fetch(urlToFetch)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => parseQueryRows(json.rows[0]));
function parseQueryRows(queryRow) {
return Object.keys(queryRow)
.map(function (key) {
const rawData = queryRow[key].replace(/'/g, '"');
const data = JSON.parse(rawData);
const parties = data[0];
const votes = data[1];
const zippedArray =, index) => [party, votes[index]]);
return zippedArray;
const s = carto.expressions;
const years = [1977, 1979, 1982, 1986, 1989, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2011, 2015, 2016];
const parties = {
'PP': '#03a1e2',
'PSOE': '#e02c1d',
'PODEMOS': '#6b205e',
'CS': '#ff6919',
'IU': '#e51636',
'EH BILDU': '#bbcb35',
'ERC-CATSI': '#ffaf32',
'ECP': '#a7235e',
'PNV': '#21843f',
'UCD': '#E04D07',
'PCE': '#BE1622',
'AP': '#03a1e2',
'FDI': '#A961A7',
'PDPC': '#F6BA1B',
'AP-PDP': '#03a1e2',
'CDS': '#61A457',
'AP-PDP-PL': '#03a1e2',
'CG': '#0064DC',
'HB': '#fabada',
'CIU': '#F6BA1B',
'AIC': '#0F47AF',
'CC': '#FFEE02',
'PSA-PA': '#00BC00',
'NA-BAI': '#DC022C'
const colors = [...Object.values(parties), '#000'].map(color => s.hex(color));
const ramps = => s.ramp(s.buckets(s.prop(`ganador_${year}`), Object.keys(parties)), colors));
const variables = {};
variables.cod_municipio = s.prop('cod_municipio');
variables.nombre_municipio = s.prop('nombre_municipio');
years.forEach((year, index) => {
variables[`year_${year}`] = ramps[index]
const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: {
version: 8,
sources: {},
layers: []
center: [-4.38, 39.6],
zoom: 5,
dragRotate: false,
touchZoomRotate: false,
// Define user
user: 'roman-carto',
apiKey: 'default_public'
// Define layer
const source = getSQLSource();
const viz = new carto.Viz({
color: s.var('year_1977'),
strokeWidth: 0.3,
strokeColor: s.rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
const layer = new carto.Layer('layer', source, viz);
layer.on('loaded', hideLoader);
function hideLoader() {
document.getElementById('loader').style.opacity = '0';
function showLoader() {
document.getElementById('loader').style.opacity = '1';
// -- Year selector listener
const $selector = document.querySelector('.selector');
$selector.addEventListener('click', event => {
const element =;
if (element.className === 'selector--year') {
selectYear(element.dataset.year, true);
// -- Define interactivity
const interactivity = new carto.Interactivity(layer);
const resultsCard = document.querySelector('.card--results');
const mapboxGLCanvas = document.querySelector('.mapboxgl-canvas');
let selectedMunicipio, codSelectedMunicipio;
interactivity.on('featureEnter', featureEvent => { = 'pointer';
interactivity.on('featureLeave', featureEvent => { = 'default';
interactivity.on('featureClick', event => {
if (event.features.length > 0) {
const feature = event.features[0];
showResultsPopup(feature.variables.nombre_municipio.value, feature.variables.cod_municipio.value);
function showResultsPopup(nombreMunicipio, codMunicipio) {
const activeYear = $selector.querySelector('.active').getAttribute('data-year');
selectedMunicipio = nombreMunicipio;
codSelectedMunicipio = codMunicipio;
fetchData(activeYear, codMunicipio)
.then(results => results.filter(e => e[1] > 0).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]))
.then(results => generateResultsTemplate(results))
.then(template => {
document.querySelector('.js-municipio').innerHTML = `${nombreMunicipio} in ${$selector.querySelector('.active').getAttribute('data-year')}`;
document.querySelector('.js-results').innerHTML = template; = 'block';
function generateResultsTemplate(results) {
if (results.length === 0) {
return `<h5>No data for this polygon</h5>`;
return `
<ul class="results">
${ => {
const partyColor = parties[result[0]];
return `
<li class="party">
<div class="party--color" ${partyColor ? 'style="background-color: ' + partyColor + '"' : ''}></div>
<span class="party--name">${result[0]}</span>
<span class="party--votes">${result[1]}</span>
function selectYear(year, stopsAnimation) {
if (stopsAnimation) {
currentYear = years.indexOf(year);
function toggleAnimation() {
animation ? stop() : animate();
function animate() {
animation = setInterval(() => {
let nextYear = currentYear + 1;
if (nextYear === years.length) {
nextYear = 0;
}, 3000);
document.querySelector('.animation-button span').innerHTML = 'Pause';
function stop() {
animation = undefined;
document.querySelector('.animation-button span').innerHTML = 'Play';
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