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Created April 2, 2019 14:58
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module Main where
import Control.Monad
data P i o a
= Input (i -> P i o a)
| Output o (P i o a)
| Return a
instance Functor (P i o) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (P i o) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (P i o) where
return = Return
(Input h) >>= f = Input (\i -> (h i) >>= f)
(Output o r) >>= f = Output o (r >>= f)
(Return a) >>= f = f a
{-# INLINE[1] mergeP #-}
mergeP :: P i m a -> P m o a -> P i o a
mergeP p q = merge_PL q p where
merge_PL :: P m o a -> P i m a -> P i o a
merge_PL (Input h) p = merge_PR p h
merge_PL (Output o r) p = Output o (merge_PL r p)
merge_PL (Return a) p = Return a
merge_PR :: P i m a -> (m -> P m o a) -> P i o a
merge_PR (Input f) h = Input (\v -> merge_PR (f v) h)
merge_PR (Output o r) h = merge_PL (h o) r
merge_PR (Return a) h = Return a
{-# INLINE[1] yieldP #-}
yieldP :: o -> P i o ()
yieldP o = Output o (Return ())
{-# INLINE[1] forP #-}
forP :: P i m a -> (m -> P i o ()) -> P i o a
forP p0 f = go p0 where
go (Input h) = Input (\x -> go (h x))
go (Output o r) = f o >> go r
go (Return a) = Return a
{-# INLINE[1] mapP #-}
mapP :: (i -> o) -> P i o a
mapP f =
Input $ \i ->
Output (f i) $
mapP f
upfromP :: Int -> P i Int a
upfromP n = do
yieldP n
upfromP (n + 1)
testP :: P i Int ()
testP = upfromP 0 `mergeP` mapP (+1) `mergeP` mapP (+1)
"r1" forall p f .
p `mergeP` mapP f = forP p (\y -> yieldP (f y))
; "r2" forall x f .
forP (yieldP x) f = f x
; "r3" forall p f g .
forP (forP p f) g = forP p (\x -> forP (f x) g)
newtype ContPipe i o a = MakePipe { runPipe :: (a -> ResultCP i o) -> ResultCP i o }
type ResultCP i o = InCont i -> OutCont o -> IO ()
newtype InCont i = MakeInCont { resume_I :: OutCont i -> IO () }
newtype OutCont o = MakeOutCont { resume_O :: o -> InCont o -> IO () }
instance Functor (ContPipe i o) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (ContPipe i o) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad (ContPipe i o) where
return a = MakePipe (\k -> k a)
p >>= f = MakePipe (\k -> runPipe p (\x -> runPipe (f x) k))
return_CP :: a -> ContPipe i o a
return_CP a = MakePipe (\k k_i k_o -> k a k_i k_o)
input_CP :: ContPipe i o i
input_CP = MakePipe (\k k_i k_o -> resume_I k_i (MakeOutCont (\i k'_i -> k i k'_i k_o)))
{-# INLINE[1] yield_CP #-}
yield_CP :: o -> ContPipe i o ()
yield_CP o = MakePipe (\k k_i k_o -> resume_O k_o o (MakeInCont (\k'_o -> k () k_i k'_o)))
{-# INLINE[1] merge_CP #-}
merge_CP :: ContPipe i m a -> ContPipe m o a -> ContPipe i o a
merge_CP p q = MakePipe (\k k_i k_o ->
runPipe q err (MakeInCont (\k'_o -> runPipe p err k_i k'_o)) k_o)
where err = error "terminated"
{-# INLINE[1] map_CP #-}
map_CP :: (i -> o) -> ContPipe i o a
map_CP f = do
i <- input_CP
yield_CP (f i)
map_CP f
{-# INLINE[1] for_CP #-}
for_CP :: ContPipe i m a -> (m -> ContPipe m o ()) -> ContPipe i o a
for_CP p0 f = p0 `merge_CP` go where
go = do
a <- input_CP
f a
upfrom_CP :: Int -> ContPipe i Int a
upfrom_CP n = do
yield_CP n
upfrom_CP (n + 1)
test_CP :: ContPipe i Int ()
test_CP = upfrom_CP 0 `merge_CP` map_CP (+1) `merge_CP` map_CP (+1)
"rCP1" forall p f .
p `merge_CP` map_CP f = for_CP p (\y -> yield_CP (f y))
; "rCP2" forall x f .
for_CP (yield_CP x) f = f x
; "rCP3" forall p f g .
for_CP (for_CP p f) g = for_CP p (\x -> for_CP (f x) g)
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