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Created February 8, 2018 10:19
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trait Eq[A] {
val eq: String
trait Ord[A] {
val ord: String
implicit val eqInt: Eq[Int]
= new Eq[Int] { val eq = "eqInt"}
implicit val ordInt: Ord[Int]
= new Ord[Int] { val ord = "ordInt" }
implicit val eqString: Eq[String]
= new Eq[String] { val eq = "eqString" }
trait Sortable[A] {
def sortMe(l: List[A]): String
trait LowPrio {
implicit def sortEq[A](implicit ev: Eq[A]): Sortable[A]
= new Sortable[A] {
def sortMe(l: List[A]) = "sorted using " + ev.eq
object HighPrio extends LowPrio {
implicit def sortOrd[A](implicit ev: Ord[A]): Sortable[A]
= new Sortable[A] {
def sortMe(l: List[A]) = "sorted using " + ev.ord
import HighPrio._
def sort[A](l: List[A])(implicit ev: Sortable[A]): String
= ev.sortMe(l)
// sorted using ordInt
// sorted using eqString
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