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Created November 9, 2018 09:18
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module Task where
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category
import Control.Arrow
-- classification of computation is done by a sanity check on which type of analysis is possible
-- Monad = running the task
-- Applicative = calculate all dependencies upfront
-- Arrow = calculate the amount of operations
-- (Arrow)Choice = give all possible dependencies
-- Static/Dynamic = retrieve all static information upfront
-- Original Task
type Task c k v = forall f. c f => (k -> f v) -> f v
-- Monad Task
testTM :: Task Monad String Integer
testTM = \fetch -> do
c1 <- fetch "C1"
if c1 == 1
then fetch "A1"
else fetch "A2"
runTestTM = testTM
(\cell -> do print ("cell: " ++ cell); readLn)
-- Applicative Task
testTI :: Task Applicative String Integer
testTI = \fetch -> do
a1 <- fetch "A1"
a2 <- fetch "A2"
return $ a1 + a2
depTestTI = getConst $ testTI
(\cell -> Const [cell])
runTestTI = testTI
(\cell -> do print ("cell: " ++ cell); readLn)
-- Generalization 1
type Task1 c i o = forall p. c p => p i o -> p () o
-- Arrow Task1
testA1 :: Task1 Arrow String Integer
testA1 = \fetch -> proc () -> do
c1 <- fetch -< "C1"
ax <- fetch -< "A" ++ show c1
returnA -< ax
tickTestA1 = unConstArr $ testA1
(ConstArr [1 :: Int])
-- Generalization 2
type Task2 c i o = forall p. c p => (i -> p () o) -> p () o
-- Applicative Task2
testI2 :: Task2 Arrow String Integer
testI2 = \fetch -> proc () -> do
a1 <- fetch "A1" -< ()
a2 <- fetch "A2" -< ()
returnA -< (a1 + a2)
depTestI2 = unConstArr $ testI2
(\cell -> ConstArr [cell])
-- Generalization 3
type Task3 c i o = forall p. c p => p () (i -> o) -> p () o
-- Arrow Task3
testA3 :: Task3 Arrow String Integer
testA3 = \fetch -> proc () -> do
c1 <- fetch -< ()
ax <- fetch -< ()
returnA -< ax ("A" ++ show (c1 "C1"))
tickTestA3 = unConstArr $ testA3
(ConstArr [1 :: Int])
-- Combination 1 and 2
type Task12 c si di o = forall p. c p => (si -> p di o) -> p () o
-- Applicative = Arrow Constraint, Only Static Input
testI12 :: Task12 Arrow String () Integer
testI12 = \fetch -> proc () -> do
a1 <- fetch "A1" -< ()
a2 <- fetch "A2" -< ()
returnA -< a1 + a2
depTestI12 = unConstArr $ testI12
(\cell -> ConstArr [cell])
runTestI12 = runKleisli_ $ testI12
(\cell -> Kleisli (\_ -> do print ("cell: " ++ cell); readLn))
-- Arrow = Arrow Constraint, Only Dynamic Input
testA12 :: Task12 Arrow () String Integer
testA12 = \fetch -> proc () -> do
c1 <- fetch () -< "C1"
fetch () -< "A" ++ show c1
tickTestA12 = unConstArr $ testA12
(\_ -> ConstArr [1])
runTestA12 = runKleisli_ $ testA12
(toDynamic (\cell -> Kleisli (\_ -> do print ("cell: " ++ cell); readLn)))
toDynamic :: (si -> Kleisli f () o) -> () -> Kleisli f si o
toDynamic f _ = Kleisli (\si -> runKleisli (f si) ())
-- Mix Static and Dynamic Input
testSD12 :: Task12 Arrow String String Integer
testSD12 = \fetch -> proc () -> do
c1 <- fetch "C" -< "1"
fetch "A" -< show c1
-- calculate all columns, which is static information
depTestSD12 = unConstArr $ testSD12
(\col -> ConstArr [col])
runTestSD12 = runKleisli_ $ testSD12
(\col -> Kleisli (\row -> do print ("cell: " ++ col ++ row); readLn))
-- ArrowChoice
testC12_1 :: Task12 ArrowChoice String () Integer
testC12_1 = \fetch -> proc () -> do
c1 <- fetch "C1" -< ()
if c1 == 1
then fetch "A1" -< ()
else fetch "A2" -< ()
-- overestimation of dependencies
apprDepTestC12_1 = unConstArr $ testC12_1
(\cell -> ConstArr [cell])
testC12_2 :: Task12 ArrowChoice () String Integer
testC12_2 = \fetch -> proc () -> do
c1 <- fetch () -< "C1"
if c1 == 1
then fetch () -< "A" ++ show c1
else fetch () -< "Z" ++ show c1
tickTestC12_2 = unMaxConstArr $ testC12_2
(\_ -> MaxConstArr [1])
runKleisli_ e = runKleisli e ()
-- ConstArr
newtype ConstArr c i o = ConstArr { unConstArr :: c }
instance (Monoid c) => Category (ConstArr c) where
id = ConstArr mempty
(ConstArr a) . (ConstArr b) = ConstArr (a `mappend` b)
instance (Monoid c) => Arrow (ConstArr c) where
arr f = ConstArr mempty
first (ConstArr c) = ConstArr c
instance (Monoid c) => ArrowChoice (ConstArr c) where
left (ConstArr c) = ConstArr c
-- MaxConstArr
newtype MaxConstArr c i o = MaxConstArr { unMaxConstArr :: c }
instance (Monoid c) => Category (MaxConstArr c) where
id = MaxConstArr mempty
(MaxConstArr a) . (MaxConstArr b) = MaxConstArr (a `mappend` b)
instance (Monoid c) => Arrow (MaxConstArr c) where
arr f = MaxConstArr mempty
first (MaxConstArr c) = MaxConstArr c
instance (Ord c, Monoid c) => ArrowChoice (MaxConstArr c) where
(MaxConstArr c1) +++ (MaxConstArr c2) = MaxConstArr (max c1 c2)
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