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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Python Noob Generator
# Python Noob Generator by rubenwardy
# License: WTFPL
# See IRC bot using this:
# Example:
### a random team mate shot your mum also dat enemy scouted a
### random gun and a random gun covered a random gun but also your
### mum nuked dat arsehole also a random thingy ran it like a arsehole blew up a kid
# Todo:
# * Adjectives - crappy, fishy, rubbish, stupid
# * a/an
cons = [
"oh yeah",
"i don't know but",
"but also",
"and then",
"but then",
"but maybe",
"also that",
"but uh",
"yeah like",
"but you dont understand it was like",
nouns = [
"team mate",
verbs = [
"blew up",
prefixes = [
"a random",
result = ""
import random
def getrand(array):
return array[ round( random.random() * len(array) - 0.5 ) ]
def getnoun():
noun = getrand(nouns)
if (noun == "it"):
elif (noun == "mum"):
noun = "your mum"
noun = getrand(prefixes) + " " + noun
return noun
def gensentence():
noun1 = getnoun()
noun2 = getnoun()
verb = getrand(verbs)
return noun1 + " " + verb + " " + noun2
def dooptions():
global result
print("'exit' - exit program")
print("'save' - save to text file")
print("blank - new section")
res = input("> ")
if res == "exit":
return False
elif res == "save":
file = input("File name (remember .txt on the end): ")
f = open(file,"w")
f.write("\n") # linux file endings
con = getrand(cons)
if con != "":
con = " " + con
result += con
result += " " + gensentence()
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":
result = gensentence()
print("Enter the number of sentences you want to create initially.")
print("You can still add sentences after this.\n")
doamount = int(input("> "))
for x in range(doamount):
result += " " + getrand(cons)
result += " " + gensentence()
print("\n" + result)
while (dooptions()):
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