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Rubia Dias rubiadias

  • Curitiba - Brasil
View GitHub Profile
ijy / Compass px to em
Created December 7, 2011 08:18
A Compass function to convert pixel font-sizes to em's
@function em($target, $context: $base-font-size) {
@if $target == 0 { @return 0 }
@return $target / $context + 0em;
$base-font-size: 15px;
h1 {
font-size: em(21px, 15px); // Outputs 1.4em
olivierlacan /
Created August 2, 2012 15:06
My git log custom output aliases
git config --global alias.hist "log --pretty=format:'%h %ad | %s%d [%an]' --graph --date=short"
git config --global "log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --all"
git config --global alias.mylog "log --pretty=format:'%h %s [%an]' --graph"

To check that they've been added correctly, first run git config --list. You should see something like this in the midst of all your other configuration:

alias.hist=log --pretty=format:"%h %ad | %s%d [%an]" --graph --date=short
agnoster /
Last active April 6, 2024 22:35
My ZSH Theme


A ZSH theme optimized for people who use:

  • Solarized
  • Git
  • Unicode-compatible fonts and terminals (I use iTerm2 + Menlo)

For Mac users, I highly recommend iTerm 2 + Solarized Dark

rubiadias / _mixins
Created February 7, 2013 18:59 — forked from letanure/_mixins
@mixin size($height: auto, $width: auto, $display: block )
display: $display
height: $height
width: $width
@mixin square($size: auto, $display: block )
+size($size, $size, $display)
@mixin absLT($left: 0, $top: 0 )
left: $left
** Opacity
.opacity(@opacity: 0.5) {
-moz-opacity: @opacity;
-khtml-opacity: @opacity;
-webkit-opacity: @opacity;
opacity: @opacity;
@opperc: @opacity * 100;
-ms-filter: ~"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=@{opperc})";
export default function share(social, text, url, image) {
if (social !== "fb" && social !== "twitter" && social !== "pinterest") {
console.log("Share not found");
return false;
var share_url = url || window.location.href;
var sharer = ''
const windowWidth = 626;
const windowHeight = 436;
$ sass -t expanded test01.scss
test01.scss:10 DEBUG: list of 3 values:
test01.scss:14 DEBUG: - (string) a
test01.scss:14 DEBUG: - (color) #bada55
test01.scss:14 DEBUG: - (number) 42
test01.scss:10 DEBUG: list of 2 values:
test01.scss:14 DEBUG: - (bool) false
test01.scss:14 DEBUG: - (string) yummy
test01.scss:14 DEBUG: (number) 14px
test01.scss:14 DEBUG: (string) gloubiboulga
aaronwaldon / 1)
Last active May 13, 2021 09:26
How to set up Gulp for Compass compilation and minification, JavaScript minification, livereloading, and use with ExpressionEngine.

How to set up Gulp with an ExpressionEngine project

I freaking love working with technologies like Grunt and Gulp, and wanted to share how to get my current EE front-end workflow set up. With a few tweaks, this can also be used with virtually any other sites (I've used it with Laravel, static sites, Craft, etc).

Install Node.js

  • If Node is not yet installed on the machine, it will need to be installed

Install Gulp (if needed)

JTLR / ie.scss
Created February 13, 2014 22:26
Sass mixin for rem sizing with IE8 and below fallback using HTML IE conditional stylesheets
$stylesheet: 'ie';
@import 'rem-function';
.element {
margin: rem(20);
KittyGiraudel / SassMeister-input.scss
Created March 19, 2014 09:02
Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.3.4)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.18)
// ----
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Introduction
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Here is hacky and experimental solution for cross-scopes extends