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Created March 27, 2012 14:57
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Multi-player games in HTML5 : Client Side Ball Class
var Ball = Class.extend({
init : function( attachTo ) {
//Create meshes
//Store the speed value
this.speed = 100;
//Attach if requested to
if(attachTo) {
this.attachToPlayer( attachTo );
setupBall : function() {
//For switching colors!
this.blueMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color: 0x3333FF});
this.redMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color: 0xFF0000});
//Create a cylinder mesh
this.ball = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.CylinderGeometry( 4, 4, 1, 16, 2, false ), this.blueMaterial );
//Face the camera (set in radians)
this.ball.rotation.x = 1.57079;
//Adjust just off the plane
this.ball.position.z = 15;
//enable shadows
this.ball.castShadow = true;
//add to the scene
game.scene.add( this.ball );
//Attach the ball to a player block for launching
attachToPlayer : function ( player ) {
//Flag this for the player
player.hasBall = true;
//Set the position to the right spot
this.ball.position.x = player.block.position.x;
this.ball.position.y = player.block.position.y - 12;
//Store the player so we can update this
this.attachedTo = player;
release : function() {
//Choose a random direction, and start moving
var xdir = Math.ceil( Math.random() * 2 ) == 2 ? -1 : 1;
var ydir = this.attachedTo.connection ? 1 : -1;
var xspeed = 1 + (Math.random() * 2);
//Set the direction
this.dir = { x : xdir * xspeed , y : ydir };
//Flag this back
this.attachedTo.hasBall = false;
//Let go of the player we were on
this.attachedTo = null;
update : function( deltatime ) {
if(this.attachedTo) {
//Keep in line with player
this.ball.position.x = this.attachedTo.block.position.x - 12;
this.ball.position.y = this.attachedTo.block.position.y - 12;
} else {
//Update the ball physics
this.ball.position.x += this.speed * this.dir.x * deltatime ;
this.ball.position.y += this.speed * this.dir.y * deltatime ;
//Bounce off the right edge
if(this.ball.position.x > game.bounds.w) {
this.dir.x *= -1;
//Bounce off the left edge
if(this.ball.position.x < game.bounds.x) {
this.dir.x *= -1;
//Check for collision against my own paddle.
if(this.ball.position.y > game.bounds.y && !this.playerResetTimer) {
var paddleleft = (game.player.block.position.x - 29);
var paddleright = (game.player.block.position.x + 29);
if( this.ball.position.x > paddleleft && this.ball.position.x < paddleright) {
//Fetch where we hit
var hitposition = ( this.ball.position.x - paddleleft ) / 58;
//Scale to -1, 1
hitposition = -1 + (hitposition * 2);
//Return the ball
this.dir.y = -1;
//Adjust speed of ball based on hit position
if(hitposition < 0 && hitposition < -0.6) { this.dir.x *= 2; } else
if(hitposition > 0 && hitposition > 0.6) { this.dir.x *= 2; } else
{ this.dir.x *= 0.5; }
} else {
if(!this.playerResetTimer) {
this.playerResetTimer = setTimeout(
if( && game.ingame && game.opponent) {
this.attachTo( game.opponent );
this.ball.material = this.redMaterial;
} else {
this.attachToPlayer( game.player );
this.ball.material = this.blueMaterial;
this.playerResetTimer = null;
}.bind(this), 600 );
} //set up a reset time
} //other wise
} //ball past player
//These come after the check for player collision because they are a fail safe,
//To keep the ball inside the area at all times.
//Bounce off the bottom
if(this.ball.position.y < game.bounds.h ) {
this.dir.y = 1;
//Bounce off the top
if(this.ball.position.y > game.bounds.y && !this.playerResetTimer) {
this.dir.y = -1;
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