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Jatinder Singh rubymerchant

  • HotelTonight
  • San Francisco
View GitHub Profile
SELECT count(*) FROM activepropertylist;
# Get count of EAN hotels by country
SELECT country, count(*) FROM activepropertylist GROUP BY country;
# Get total hotels by city
SELECT count(*) FROM activepropertylist WHERE city="New York" AND stateprovince="NY"
SELECT * from pointsofinterestcoordinateslist;
#!/usr/bin/env bash
mysql -e "DROP DATABASE $2;"
mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE $2;"
for i in $(mysql -Ns $1 -e "show tables");do
echo "$1.$i -> $2.$i"
mysql -e "rename TABLE $1.$i to $2.$i"
mysql -e "DROP DATABASE $1"
Multi-AZ deployment
- Standby instance in another availability zone than the primary DB instance
- Use synchronous replication.
- Maintenance, backups etc. happens on standby instance to reduce any IO overhead.
- Can’t access standby instance for reads etc.
Read Replicas
Good call on not using default scopes. Github had an email incidence where Arel scopes and where didn't work well together -
Also, your advice on avoiding read replicas (caching/latency) for billing is spot on. Twilio recently had a billing incident due to something similar. -
n case of conflict, git rebase will stop at the first problematic commit and leave conflict markers in the tree. You can use git diff to locate the markers (<<<<<<) and make edits to resolve the conflict. For each file you edit, you need to tell Git that the conflict has been resolved, typically this would be done with
git add <filename>
After resolving the conflict manually and updating the index with the desired resolution, you can continue the rebasing process with
git rebase --continue
Alternatively, you can undo the git rebase with
git rebase --abort
rubymerchant / gist:5165281
Created March 14, 2013 21:07
Twitter People You May Know ?
I could think of following ways this was possible:
1. Perhaps you imported your email address book in the past which Twitter cached. and now that your friend joined, they sent you an email (or may be your friend imported their address book)
This was the main motivation behind Facebook acquisition of Octazen I believe.
2. Some signals indicating that you may know each other - your friend visiting your profile often. near by location. 3.
script "install wkhtmltoimage" do
interpreter "bash"
code "curl | bunzip2 - | tar xvf -; mv wkhtmltoimage-amd64 wkhtmltoimage"
action :run
execute "add-sphinx-version-to-emerge-list" do
command %Q{
emerge --sync
echo "=app-misc/sphinx-0.9.9" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords/ec2
not_if "cat /etc/portage/package.keywords/ec2 | grep app-misc/sphinx-0.9.9"
package "app-misc/sphinx" do
version "0.9.9"
working_directory '/data/<%= @app %>/current/'
worker_processes <%= @unicorn_worker_count %>
listen '/var/run/engineyard/unicorn_<%= @app %>.sock', :backlog => <%= @unicorn_worker_count * 1024 %>
timeout 60
pid "/var/run/engineyard/unicorn_<%= @app %>.pid"
# Based on
UNICORN_CONF="/data/<%= @app %>/shared/config/unicorn_custom.rb"
# GC Tuning
# Set the malloc to 60mb
# Rails in general takes 250k slots by default.