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Created August 9, 2020 21:46
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const icalgen = require('ical-generator');
const fs = require('fs').promises;
const path = require('path');
const deepEqual = require('deep-equal');
const input = '/home/rubys/svn/';
const output = '/home/rubys/svn/';
// Configure babel
presets: [
['@babel/preset-env', { targets: { node: true } }]
let { parse, reduce, serialize } = require('./src/calendar.js');
(async () => {
let calendars = new Set();
// iterate over all of the files in the tracks directory
for (let track of await fs.readdir(input, 'utf8')) {
// ignore a few files
if (!track.endsWith('.html') || track === 'template.html' || track === 'index.html') continue;
// read the file
let page = await fs.readFile(`${input}/${track}`, 'utf8');
// extract the category from the title, falling back to the file name stem.
let category = page.match(/<title>ApacheCon @Home - (.*?)( Track)?<\/title>/)?.[1];
if (!category || category === 'PROJECT') category = track.split('.')[0];
// split page into sessions
let sessions = []
let splits = [<strong><a\s+href="https:\/\/];
if (splits.length) {
let start = splits.shift().index;
for (let split of splits) {
sessions.push(page.slice(start, split.index));
start = split.index;
sessions.push(page.slice(start, page.lastIndexOf('</section>')));
let prefix = track.split('.')[0];
for (let session of sessions) {
// scrape HTML for data
let headers = [...session.matchAll(/<strong>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/strong>/gs)];
let summary = headers[1][1];
let id = session.match(/<a name="(\w\d+)">/)?.[1];
let start = session.match(/\?iso=([-\dT:]+)/)?.[1];
let htmlDescription = session.slice(headers[2]?.index || session.length).trim();
// invalid dates cause the session to be skipped
if (!start || start.length !== 19) {
console.error(`Bad start time: ${prefix} ${id || summary}`);
start += 'Z';
// generate ids when one can't be found
if (!id) {
let date = new Date(start);
id = 'UMTWRFS'[date.getDay()] + date.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0') + date.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0');
console.error(`Bad anchor: ${prefix}-${id}`);
// if necessary, back up to last <br> for start of html
if (htmlDescription === '') {
let lastBr = [...session.matchAll(/<br\s*\/?>/g)].pop();
htmlDescription = session.slice(lastBr.index + lastBr[0].length).trim();
console.error(`Missing <strong> entry: ${prefix}-${id}`);
// set end 40 minutes after beginning
let end = new Date(new Date(start).getTime() + 40 * 60 * 1000).toISOString().replace('.000Z', 'Z');
let uid = `acah2020-${prefix}-${id}`;
let fileName = `${output}/${prefix}-${id}.ics`;
let event = { categories: [{ name: category }], uid, start, end, summary, htmlDescription };
// if there was a previous version of this entry, copy the stamp
// and sequence to the new entry. If the updated new entry
// matches the previous entry, abort further processing of this
// entry, otherwise increment the sequence number.
try {
let ics = await fs.readFile(fileName, 'utf8');
let previous = reduce(parse(ics)).events[0];
let { sequence, stamp } = previous;
event = { sequence, stamp, ...event };
if (deepEqual(previous, event)) {
} else {
} catch (error) {
if (error.code !== 'ENOENT') throw error;
// write out the new or changed entry
let ics = serialize({ calendar: {}, events: [event] });
await fs.writeFile(fileName, ics, 'utf8');
// remove any calendars that are no longer in the input
for (let file of await fs.readdir(output, 'utf8')) {
if (file.endsWith('.ics') && !calendars.delete(file)) {
await fs.unlink(`${output}/${file}`);
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